Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Assine a petição para enviar um e-mail ao Deputado Rodrigo Maia

O MEC insiste em manter a ideologia de gênero na BNCC, ignorando e atropelando a vontade da maioria dos brasileiros.
Se não fizermos nada, a BNCC será homologada em novembro e todas as escolas do país (públicas e privadas) serão obrigadas a ensinar ideologia de gênero e outras aberrações.
O que podemos fazer? Leia com atenção, por favor!
Em 2016 o deputado Rogério Marinho (PSDB/RN) elaborou do Projeto de Lei PL 4486/2016, que altera o Plano Nacional de Educação (Lei nº 13.005/2014), exigindo que a Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC, não possa ser aprovada mediante simples homologação do Ministério da Educação, mas tenha que ser votada e aprovada primeiro pelo Congresso Nacional. Neste caso, os deputados e senadores poderiam emendar a Base, antes de aprová-la, retirando todas as referências à Ideologia de Gênero.
O PL 4486/2016, entretanto, está com a tramitação parada na Comissão de Educação da Câmara.
Para poder apressar a tramitação do PL 4486/2016 o deputado Diego Garcia (PHS/PR), em conjunto com outros mais de 400 deputados, protocolou há quatro dias o Requerimento REQ 7331/2017, que requer regime de urgência na apreciação do Projeto de Lei nº 4486, de 2016. Se o requerimento for aprovado, o PL 4486/2016 seguirá diretamente para votação no Plenário da Câmara onde provavelmente seria aprovado. Mas para isso o Requerimento REQ 7331/2017 deve primeiro ele próprio ser pautado para votação no Plenário da Câmara.

Somente o presidente da Câmara, Deputado Rodrigo Maia, tem poder para decidir incluir o Requerimento na pauta desta semana.
Portanto, solicitamos ao presidente da Câmara Deputado Rodrigo Maia que inclua para esta semana na pauta de votação do plenário o RQ 7331/2017 para apreciação do Projeto de Lei nº 4486, de 2016.

Assine a petição para enviar um e-mail em seu nome ao Deputado Rodrigo Maia:

Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe de CitizenGO

Are you interested in finding out more about our PR and social media campaigns?  We have recently published a case study that we are quite proud of and we wanted to share it with you. There are some excerpts highlighted here in this post,  and you can download the whole slideshow as well at the bottom.

Sleeping Lion is an Boston/LA-based indie electronic duo that began working with Molly, now the PR director at Cyber PR in November of 2015.
Under Molly’s supervision, these hard working artists honed their branding, sound and story to create a campaign that has resulted in over 75 blog placements, 500K Soundcloud plays and over 2 million Spotify streams.
Their EP Patient Creature saw the release of singles “Rug” which premiered on Indie Shuffle, and “Generous” which premiered on The Line of Best Fit. The press picked up on the fact that the EP was written, recorded and produced completely through countless summer Skype calls while Nate Flaks was living in Boston and Noah Longworth McGuire was living in Rome.
Molly targeted media outlets who had covered artists Sleeping Lion was influenced by, (Lido, Jack Garratt, The Japanese House and The 1975), which resulted in multiple placements and inclusion on Spotify playlists, as well as invitations to open for notable acts on tour. Sleeping Lion followed up Patient Creature with their peppy indie-pop single “Handful.”  An incredibly collaborative pair by nature, and excellent networkers, Sleeping Lion soon linked up with duo Opia.
They released a remix of Opia’s hit “YDU” which premiered on EARMILK.
In the summer of 2017, they released their long-anticipated return to the chilled out sounds that made them with the single, “Stop It.” Premiered on HillyDilly via Majestic Casual Records, “Stop It” was branded as “a rippling kaleidoscope of a breakup in real time.” Molly collaborated with the band, label and management with the single getting over 40 placements.
Due to a combination of networking, press hits, and outreach from Molly’s SoundCloud playlist database,  Sleeping Lion is featured on multiple Spotify and SoundCloud playlists.
Thanks to a combination of social media coaching, targeted ads, follow/unfollows and press buzz, Sleeping Lion’s following on social networks has quadrupled, and their overall streams continue to climb.


We are delighted to have a continuing relationship with Sleeping Lion and we love supporting them as they continue to grow.

If you would like to contact us about how we can do PR for you click here:

Want to work with us?

Emerging Technology Series 
featuring Raman Chitkara 
Global Technology Industry Leader, PwC US

PwC is combining drone technology with artificial intelligence, in a trusted data environment, to help clients with security-sensitive and complex infrastructure projects, achieve a 67 percent reduction in both time and costs. 
PwC combines drones and artificial intelligence to help clients with complex infrastructure projects
PwC combines drones and artificial intelligence to help clients with complex infrastructure projects
Join us on October 24th, at Intercontinental Miami
100 Chopin Plaza - Miami, FL 33131
from noon to 2pm
Members: $70.00
Future Members & Friends: $90.00
Register Today!

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