Tuesday, October 17, 2017


On July, 24th, we launched a campaign to showcase our valuable members, and how the BACCF has effectively supported businesses each step of the way.
Showcase your story today!
The deadline to receive your successful story is 11/01/2017.

Members who submit their stories will be automatically entered for a drawing of three gift cards of $100 each from Texas de Brazil. The drawing will take place at the Board Meeting following the campaign closing date 11/01/2017). The BACCF Communications Committee will review all applications and select four (4) case studies to publish in 2018. 
Please click here to learn more.

Organizing for Action

This is what happens when a man who sues the EPA for reducing pollution ... gets put in charge of protecting us from pollution.

Just a few days ago, Scott Pruitt and the White House made the ultimate payout to their climate-denier friends: They announced a repeal of President Obama's Clean Power Plan.

It's a move that has everything to do with politics -- and nothing to do with common sense. Here's what the Clean Power Plan does:

Stops an estimated 3,500 premature deaths per year, from causes related to air quality. Prevents more than 90,000 asthma attacks annually, many suffered by kids. Provides billions of dollars in health benefits, every single year.

And it was called "the strongest action ever taken by an American president to tackle climate change."

These aren't red or blue state benefits. The Clean Power Plan helps all of us -- our air, our health, and our economy. Write your local papers and defend it, right now.

Repealing it moves our country backwards in the fight against climate change. It ignores the evidence that's right in front of our faces -- off-the-charts storms like Harvey, Maria, and Irma, and record wildfires in the West devastating homes and lives.

You've helped us fight climate change in the past -- by signing up to stay involved, or sending in a comment, or supporting the cause.

I'm asking you to do it again, today.

Go old-school. Take 20 minutes and write a letter to your local paper. Tell them where you stand on the Clean Power Plan. Our "letter to the editor" tool will give you everything you need:

Write a letter

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Sucesso total! + de 550 inscritos!
Patrocinadores e parceiros

PwC combines drones and artificial intelligence to help clients with complex infrastructure projects
PwC combines drones and artificial intelligence to help clients with complex infrastructure projects
While technological innovation and disruption is a constant theme, every few decades we witness changes brought by a technology disruption that sets the stage for massive new opportunities while upending market leaders. In the 1980s, the disruption came in the form of the PC, which transformed the computing industry. For $2,500-roughly 1% of the cost of a mainframe-companies could now put computing power directly in the hands of their employees. Over the next decade, costs continued to plummet, processing power soared, and the Internet emerged, laying the groundwork for another disruption, in the 2000s: 
the WiFi-enabled smartphone. 

Join us on October 24th, at Intercontinental Miami
100 Chopin Plaza - Miami, FL 33131
from noon to 2pm
Members: $70.00
Future Members & Friends: $90.00


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