Saturday, November 25, 2017

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We are so grateful to everyone who has worked on and supported this campaign! This was truly a team effort and we all crossed the finish line together!

Thank you to the 641 backers who funded this campaign and for making it the 34th highest funded "Narrative Film" on Kickstarter!

Thank you to everyone who visited our website or social media pages and liked and shared our posts. Thank you to all who visited our Kickstarter page, watched our video, read about our campaign and pledged and shared! Thank you for all the likes, comments, suggestions, support and well wishes. Thank you to those who came out to the live comedy shows. So many of you contributed in so many ways and we are so thankful to all of you!

Thanks to all the comics who perfomed on the comedy shows and to those who made videos and pledged and shared our campaign on social media.

Thank you to our Kickstarter camapign team working on getting the word out in every which way we could through social media content and interviews.

Thank you to everyone who interviewed and wrote about us and our campaign.

Thank you to our new creative team for the film. We appreciate you believing in us, our script and the vision of our project. We look forward to working with you on the next step of bringing "I am Maurice" to the screen!

Please keep in touch with us everyone and follow us on social media and sign up for our mailing list

We have also set up a GoFundMe page for anyone who may have missed the Kickstarter and would still like to help with the funding of "I am Maurice."
If you would still like to donate, go to:

We would love to raise as much as we can for the following reasons:

1) During production of a film, there are always unforseen costs that we may need extra funds to cover. If something causes delays or disruptions during filming, these extra funds will cover extras days of shooting.

2) There are scenes that take place in Haiti and we would really like to shoot it in Haiti rather than find a location that doubles as Haiti. These extra funds will help us do that.

3) We want to make the best possible film we can and with the extra funds, we can find and pay for the best actors, the best locations, and the best crew!

4) Film Festivals. Once the film is complete we plan on submitting it to several film festivals like Sundance, Tribeca, and SXSW, so we can find a distributor to release "I am Maurice." There are fees involved with submitting and these extra funds would cover those fees.

5) Marketing. When the film is complete, we will need to get the word out about the film and how people can see it.

Thank you again everyone for your love and support! We could not have done this without you! We can't wait to make this film and bring it to you on the big screen!!
Thank you!
Wil Sylvince

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Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher
The House just passed a disastrous tax bill -- and the Senate's version is even worse. Get in touch with a key senator now.

Organizing for Action


Nearly 57 billion, with a B.

That's the cumulative tax cut the richest one percent of Americans will see in 2019 if this tax plan becomes law.

That is enough money to:
  • Cover health insurance premiums for almost 10 million adults.
  • Award more than 9.5 million low-income students Pell grants.
  • Add 539,700 infrastructure jobs to the economy.
This scam of a tax plan clearly shows Mitch McConnell's priorities. Instead of investing in the middle class, he's giving billionaires and corporations an irresponsible, unnecessary $57 billion dollar tax cut. All while actually raising taxes for millions of middle-class families. This is unconscionable.

We can stop it, but Congress needs to hear from you right now. Use OFA's call tool and get in touch with a key senator in just two clicks:




Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action



Organizing for Action

When we announced our partnership with the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) a month ago, we knew we had a huge opportunity to make progress towards a more fair democracy.

What we didn't know was just how quickly our volunteers and supporters would throw themselves into this mission.

Now is the time to get to work -- to help end gerrymandering, and build a better, more fair democracy. Join us today.

Over the past month, we've seen tens of thousands of Americans sign on to get involved. Two weeks ago, we made huge electoral progress in Virginia and New Jersey. And last night, OFA supporters from across the country joined Attorney General Holder on a kickoff call to discuss our strategy.

Here's what the former Attorney General wrote in Crooked Media yesterday:

"Gerrymandering is quite simply an attack on our democracy. It undercuts the tenet of one person, one vote ... together, we [must] engage in dialogue to start educating, organizing, and mobilizing to bend our democracy toward fairness."

Making fairer maps across the country won't be easy. The process is different in every state. We're starting at a big disadvantage, and time isn't on our side -- today's candidates, ballot initiatives, and legal decisions are setting the stage for the crucial redistricting process in 2021.

But if we start organizing now, we can make a huge difference. We need all hands on deck. It's a fight we can -- and must -- win.

Join the team here:

I'm in

Jennifer Warner
National Organizing Director
Organizing for Action



Save the Dates
Sunday April 29th - Wednesday May 2, 2018
Join Us in New York City for SME's 6th Annual
Current Trends in Mining Finance Conference:
Connecting Mining, Finance and
Engineering Executives
Submit your abstracts now
We are collecting abstracts for SME's 6th CTMF event that is intended for executives and mining industry specialists, bankers, financial analysts, investors, portfolio managers, and engineers. The CTMF conference, dinner, workshops, and receptions will bring experts together to discuss trends and a range of topics, solutions, risks and where opportunities are.

The focus of the CTMF Conference is the outlook, trends and non-technical and technical issues that affect capital raising in the global mining industry and how management and investors can employ best practices and technology to anticipate, track, manage and reduce risks associated with mining projects. 

2018 CTMF Conference panel topics will include:
  • Global capital markets review and key trends in mining
  • Bankers’ view of capital markets and mine financing
  • Metals market trends: What’s hot? What’s not? Why?
  • Coal, energy and power generation trends in North America
  • Managing uncertainty, price risk and investment capital in mining
  • Keynote speakers from leading mining and technology companies
  • What are trends and issues in mining M&A? Restructurings?
  • Are private equity, royalty, streaming deals being done?
  • Successful use of technology and innovation in mining

  • Why some mining projects succeed and why some fail
  • How and which mining companies are raising capital 
  • Mineral and mining valuation and cost trends
  • Best practices to estimate mineral resources
  • International regulations, securities,legal and tax issues
  • Methods of engaging stakeholders, local communities
  • How to manage project execution and avoid delays
  • China, its One Belt One Road Initiative, etc.
  • How to prosper in this market - and more

The format of the CTMF event encourages networking and discussion with key experts about the current trends and issues that affect mining and project finance, investment, raising capital, and project management, smart use of data and technology to manage project costs and risks. 

Submit abstracts to speak and or interest to be a sponsor to:
Tim Alch, CTMF Conference Co Chair to

Our goal is make the 2018 CTMF program as rich in content as the 2017 event. The link here is to a 4 page Flyer about the 2017 Conference. This year the audience included more than 220 officers from 18 countries, with 35 mining companies attending. In total at 2017 CTMF events were about 280 key industry people attending the workshops, conference, receptions and dinner. There were 21 panels or round table discussions in 2017.

We are expecting there will be more panels in 2018. We will be updating the CTMF website with the agenda, registration, hotels etc. that are described at Why Attend including about these 4 workshops: 

  • Improving strategic capital management with Integrated Valuation and Risk Modelling methods; 
  • Latest techniques available impacting the reliability of mineral resource estimates for exploration and development of mining project: What a banker, finance expert and analyst should know; 
  • Efficient, effective due diligence for modern mining investments;
  • Measuring and mitigating financial risk in mining - Applying today's tools from past examples

We welcome your inputs, suggestions - Send us your abstracts
We thank 2017 sponsors 
Join us! Registration will open soon

For more info visit our earlier release at and website for updates
Join us at the CTMF Conference

Join us at the New York Section of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) 6th Annual Current Trends in Mining Finance Conference. The New York Section of SME dates back to 1871 when a handful of mining engineers in New York City founded the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (AIME). SME itself is an international society of AIME of more than 14,000 professionals in the minerals industry across nearly 100 countries. SME is a member society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. To join visit

NY SME's next section meeting will be 4-6:30 on Mon Dec 18th. Join Us! at Connolly's
14 East 47th Street to hear Jeff Christian present CPM's Group's Precious Metals Outlook

CTMF Registration will open soon - Sponsors are welcome

Visit NY SME's earlier release at
New York Section of SME | New York City | April 29th to May 2, 2018
Workshop Exchange

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