A little over a year ago, at my farewell address in Chicago, I asked you to believe. Not in a candidate, or a politician, or a party -- in yourself. In your own ability to make a difference in your community and your country. For eight years in the White House -- and long before that -- I'd seen it happen time and time again: ordinary people who got involved, stayed involved, and pushed for a better future for this country we love. That's how change happens. And this November, we have a chance to make that change happen in local and federal elections across the country. We cannot squander it. Commit to vote in November 2018. Say you'll fulfill your duty as a citizen, and that you'll keep pushing for progress. That faith I placed all those years ago in the power of ordinary Americans to bring about change -- that faith has been rewarded in ways I couldn't possibly have imagined. In the past year, I saw people like Kim, an OFA volunteer in Virginia, bravely share her story during the health care fight -- of how, before Obamacare, her 13-month-old son Isaac was on the verge of being kicked off insurance as he went through surgery after surgery. She spoke up, and helped save health care for Isaac and millions of Americans. I saw folks in South Carolina identify a problem with their town's outdated, dangerous school buses -- then roll up their sleeves, do some organizing, and get the statehouse to fund new buses for Charleston's kids. And I saw a new generation of young leaders grab clipboards, collect signatures, and decide to run for office themselves. Throughout 2017, I saw Americans all over the country step up, have the tough conversations, and speak out about the issues affecting us all. We have to keep it up in 2018 -- because every ballot measure, every election, every conversation on an issue we care about -- it all matters. There are no do-overs. So right now, I'm asking you to make a commitment: Seize the power you have. Speak up. Make this democracy work. Do not succumb to cynicism. And say you'll vote in 2018 -- there's too much at stake this year to sit this out.
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