Wednesday, June 13, 2018

East Pack
·          12-14 Jun ,2018.  
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New YorkUSA

Image result for east pack 2018 jacobs center"Innovative and efficient techniques for product packaging"
EastPack connects one with more than 9,000 engineers and executives, as well as hundreds of leading suppliers, across the advanced design and packaging material manufacturing spectrum. What adds more to this event is that one can find the packaging solutions, innovations, and inspiration one need to solve the toughest challenges, while staying on top of the latest advancements across the industry. This event gives an opportunity to get hands-on with top products and the latest technologies in the packaging sector.

More information:

Marketing Data Management—What B2Bs Need to Know

As B2B marketers and sellers aim to execute more persona-targeted and account-based programs this inevitably requires them to rely on a host of technologies and data sources to better understand their buyers.

Integrating all that data and managing it, however, poses significant challenges.

Join us on June 21 for another eMarketer Live webinar, featuring eMarketer analyst Jillian Ryan. Register here for "Marketing Data Management—What B2Bs Need to Know." This live-video webinar will provide:
  • The key types of data B2B companies are identifying
  • How B2B firms source and collect their data
  • Best practices for keeping data up to date and hygienic
  • The current state of capabilities for data integration
Please reserve your seat today. This eMarketer Live webinar will take place on Thursday, June 21 at 1:00 PM ET. We hope you can attend, but if you sign up and can't make it, we'll send you a link to view the deck and recording the day after the webinar.
Register Now
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To view other upcoming eMarketer Live and Tech-Talk Tuesday webinars, click here.

©2018 eMarketer, 11 Times Square, New York, NY 10036

A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?
Alexandre Piquet - Piquet Law Firm & Membro do Conselho da BACCF 
Carlos Mariaca - Center Group & Membro do Conselho da BACCF
Palestrante - BB Americas
Graciliana Yi - FedEx Express
Inscreva-se hoje - Vagas limitadas
Telefone: +1.305.579.9030
19 de junho - 8h30 - 12h30
Midtown Athletic Club 
21 de junho - 8h30 - 12h30
Aloft Miami Doral

Tópicos a serem abordados no Road Show 2018
Florida: A porta para o mercado global
  • A importância do Brasil para a Flórida
  • Os principais produtos importados/exportados
  • Oportunidades para brasileiros
Soluções Financeiras
  • Abertura de conta nos EUA
  • Regulamentos e normas
  • Financiamento
  • Empréstimos comerciais
Recursos para os exportadores
  • As vantagens dos diferentes modos de transporte
  • A simplicidade do processo de importação nos EUA
  • A agilidade da logística nos EUA
Novas fronteiras e expansão de seus negócios
  • Diferenças Culturais
  • Modelos de Negócios
  • Plano de Vendas
  • Desenhando seu projeto de entrada nos EUA
Aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários
  • O processo de vistos de Trabalho, Estudo, Esportista, Investimento e Green Card
  • Abertura de empresas nos EUA: Diferenças entre LLCs, Corporações e Offshores
  • Tributação da Pessoa Jurídica Americana
  • Planejamento Sucessório
  • Renda Global

NACE Automechanika
 08-10 Aug 2018 
Welcome to the ATL

That’s right – Moving from our 1st two editions in Chicago, NACE Automechanika is setting up shop in Atlanta for the 2018 edition. Why Atlanta? As always, we are listening to our exhibitors and attendees, staying true to our mission and remaining focused on ways to better serve the industry. Georgia is home to more than 3,500 international firms including KIA Motors and Porsche Cars North America and holds the top ranking in the country for the lowest cost of doing business.

With hundreds of exhibiting companies and thousands of attendees, NACE Automechanika Atlanta is set to lead the industry in a showcase of the latest technology covering the entire spectrum of the automotive aftermarket. Join us August 8 – 10 for the largest U.S. trade show dedicated to high-end technical and management-related training for automotive collision and service repair shops.
Show hours:
Wednesday, August 8     10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday, August 9        10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday, August 10           10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
More information;

Você sabe o que é um Joint Venture?
Uma estratégia de Joint Venture empresarial pode estar relacionada a um novo projeto ou outra atividade comercial, por exemplo. Assim, operações de Joint Venture são executadas para diversos fins, como: logísticos, industriais, tecnológicos, comerciais, entre outros. Na maioria dos casos a estratégia é adotada para acelerar a expansão dos negócios, pois ao unirem seus recursos as empresas têm acesso a habilidades escassas podendo, inclusive, penetrarem em novos mercados.
Pensando assim, a  COSTA CONSULTING CO ( otimiza parcerias com empresas em todo  Brasil para oferecer  um novo conceito sobre as artes plásticas com intuito de fomento a cultura brasileira.
As empresas envolvidas avaliaram que a probabilidade de sucesso com a criação de novos negócios trabalhando em conjunto.
Conheça nosso acervo!
Hesperides entre o céu e a terra
Artista; Damascena
Técnica : Acrílica sobre tela
Dimensões : 1,13(A) x 1,70(L) m/cm
Ano: 2016
Valor de venda: R$ 40.000,00
" Repouso in natura "
Artista: Marcos Damascena
Técnica : Óleo s/ linho
Dimensões : 90 (A) x 120 (L) cm
Ano : 2016
Valor da obra: R$ 25..000,00
Artista: Fernando Naviskas
Título: Prague
Técnica: Acrílica sobre tela
Ano: 2015
Dimensões: 80 (A) x 100 (L)
Valor de venda: R$ 8.500,00
Rêves Urbains
Artista: Fatima Marques
Técnica: Oleo s/ tela
Dimensões : 70(A) x 100(L) cm 
Ano:  2015
Valor de Venda: R$ 12.000,00
Artista; Renata Lauer
Dimensões: 48,5 (A) x 40,5 (L) cm
Técnica: Óleo s/ linho
Ano: 2015
Valor de Venda: R$ 10.000,00
O vazio se faz presente
Artista: Vanda Ramirez
Dimensões: 120 (A) x 120 (L) cm
Ano: 2014
Técnica: Óleo s/ tela
Valor de Venda: R$ 10.000,00
Artista; Andrea Barata
Dimensões: 100 (A) x 80 (L) cm
Técnica: Mixed Art
Ano: 2017
Valor de Venda: R$ 6.000,00
Artista: Valques Pimenta
Técnica: Acrilico sobre tela.
Dimensão: 79 (L) x 110 (A) cm
Ano: 2017
Valor de venda: R$ 6.500,00
Artista : Carolina Saidenberg
Dimensões: 80 (A) x 80 (L) cm
Técnica: Mista de Óleo c/ douração
Ano: 2015
Valor de Venda: R$ 6.000,00
Sem titulo
Artista ; Rodolfo Chiaverini Neto
Técnica : Acrílica sobre eucatex
Dimensões : 65(A) x 92(L) cm
Ano: 2017
Valor de venda: R$ 3.000,00

Por do sol pantaneiro
Dimensões: 40 (A) x 70 (L) cm
Técnica: Mista de Óleo
Ano: 2017
Valor de Venda:  R$ 2.200,00
World – Art Show é o novo espaço de artes de São Paulo - SP. Pretendemos ser um referencial de oportunidade de apoio aos artistas brasileiros, promovendo encontro de pessoas, cultura e artes. Somos inspirados pela mesma força que move o universo artístico: a idéia de que é possível trilhar seu próprio caminho. Faça parte do universo da arte.
+55 61 98176-6121
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World Art Show - Hotel Pusada   Perdizes
1408D Avenida Pompeia , Perizes
Sao Paulo - SP
CEP: 05022-001

Organizing for Action

A few weeks ago, we launched Organizing for '18 with a simple message: "Get involved this year. The stakes are too high to sit this one out."

Thousands of people signed up, and hundreds of them took it a step further -- applying to be Team '18 Leaders.

From now until November, these volunteer organizers will be getting to work in their communities, mobilizing, training, and plugging people in to key races around the country.

This is big, Sula.

Organizing for '18 is a massive, nationwide effort to combine the enthusiasm and appetite for change that's spreading across the country with OFA's grassroots volunteer network, online tools, and advanced trainings on organizing best-practices.

Visit the Organizing for '18 homepage to see a full list of target states and learn how you can get involved right away.

Here's a quick look at a few pivotal places where OFA's organizers will be working this year:

Illinois' 6th district: Illinois' representative in the 6th district, Peter Roskam, has been in lock-step with Donald Trump since election day -- voting for his agenda 94% of the time. His votes are out of touch with his constituents, and they deserve better. It's time to vote him out.

Georgia: For the first time in a long time, voters in Georgia have the chance to elect a progressive governor when they step into the booth this November. Conservative gerrymandering has given Republicans a significant advantage in the state legislature here, but this year we can change that dynamic.

Texas' 7th district: Instead of standing up for the people who sent him to Washington, Rep. John Culberson has consistently put party over country. This November, OFA supporters are organizing to elect someone who will reject cynical partisan politics and stand up for Texans on the issues that matter most.

That's a sampling, Sula, but visit the website for a full breakdown. You can signup to get involved there, and we'll be in touch soon:

Learn more

Dana Mayber
Federal Campaigns Director
Organizing for Action


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Open Call for Artists in 8 Galleries in Mexico

RADAR is an open call for 8 solo shows in 8 galleries in Mexico. All artists can apply with no restrictions on age, thinking, technique or any other factor. Each of the 8 galleries in jury will choose one artist to realise a solo show. The exhibition is meant to be the start of a long
lasting collaboration.
Copyright © 2018 Radar, Ufficio stampa per l'arte contemporanea, All rights reserved.
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Radar, Ufficio stampa per l'arte contemporanea

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