Friday, July 5, 2019

All On The Line
"The Courts Won't End Gerrymandering. Eric Holder Has a Plan to Fix It Without Them." Seeing that headline in Mother Jones this week made me smile.

It's been a tough few weeks...the SCOTUS decision refusing to block partisan gerrymandering was a disappointing loss for fairness in our democracy. But the Mother Jones headline emphasizes what we already know: the fight to end gerrymandering isn't going to be easy, which is why we're building a grassroots army to fight back.

AG Holder recently traveled to Wisconsin, one of the most severely gerrymandered states in the country, to meet with community organizers and advocates for fair maps. In 2018, Democrats won every single statewide office in Wisconsin, including defeating Scott Walker. Democrats also won 54% of the vote for the state legislature, but only took home 36% of the seats. While AG Holder was in Wisconsin, he was joined by Mother Jones' Ari Berman who recently reported on the important work local community organizers are tackling to fight for fair elections in the Badger State.

Mother Jones Video Preview

Here's the lay of the land outlined in the video: In 2010, Republicans took control of nearly every key swing state -- and soon after drew heavily gerrymandered maps to preserve their party's political power. With the 2020 Census and 2021 redistricting around the corner, we have to commit to supporting candidates who will fight for a fair and accurate census and fair maps.

The consequences are real. The next decade of democracy is on the line -- and it all hinges on whether we can build a movement to pressure lawmakers to draw, pass, and sign fair maps.

Looking for your own plan to end gerrymandering? Here are three things YOU can do right now:
When a minority party gets to write the rules so that they have majority power, the principles of a fair and just democracy are on the line. AG Holder said it best: "Let's make this a battle of ideas, as opposed to a battle of who is best at drawing the lines."

Donate today to help us fight for fair maps across the country.

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  • All On The Line

    Team --

    In my farewell address in Chicago over two years ago, I said something I still firmly believe today: Being a citizen is the most important job in our democracy.

    It's a title that we all proudly share. Not just when there's an election or when our own narrow interests are at stake -- but every single day, over a full lifetime. I've always believed it's on every one of us to safeguard the principles and rights enshrined in our Constitution, and to continually try to improve this country of ours. That's what citizenship demands of us.

    And that's why I'm reaching out today, citizen to citizen, to ask you to chip in and take a stand against one of the most critical issues our democracy faces: Gerrymandering.

    All On The Line's Citizen Commitment means, together, we'll stand up against those who manipulate maps in a way that makes elections unfair and unrepresentative. It means we'll support candidates and elected officials who want districts that are fair and representative -- and we'll fight for them. It means we'll hold politicians accountable to ensure we have a fair redistricting process in 2021.

    I'm asking you to sign the Citizen Commitment -- but first, I wanted to tell you why I believe so deeply in this cause and the people who are fighting for it every day.

    If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

    Express Donate: $15
    Express Donate: $35
    Express Donate: $50
    Express Donate: $100
    Express Donate: $250
    Or donate another amount

    If you're tired of politicians ignoring the will of voters; of extreme legislation designed to benefit narrow special interests; of stalled progress on common-sense solutions to so many of the issues we care about... this is one way to do something about it. This is a moment for you to exercise your power as a citizen.

    Sign the commitment and stand with the thousands of other Americans committed to fair maps. I'm proud to be there right beside you.

    Barack Obama


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