You've been chosen for our December focus group. As we wrap up 2019, we want to now your priorities in the fight for fair maps.
As President Obama said, we know gerrymandering is standing in the way of making progress on the issues we care about. We have a plan to end map manipulation and the grassroots power to fix it. But we need your help: we're asking key supporters for input on their priority issues.
Click this personalized link to begin your focus group survey →
Politicians in state legislatures are using the power they've gained thanks to manipulated maps to cater to special interests instead of voters -- putting everything from Medicaid to reproductive health care to gun violence prevention on the line. We'll be using these survey results to inform our 2020 programming.
Tell us what's on the line for you by taking this survey and we'll make sure you're getting updates and action alerts on the issues you care about most.
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
You are receiving this email because you have been a valued supporter of All On The Line. We believe you'll also be a critical member of the NDRC community but can receive fewer emails from us by clicking here or unsubscribing below.
When we launched the National Democratic Redistricting Committee with the support of President Obama in 2017, it was because American voices were being silenced by a problem that had flown under the radar for far too long: Republican gerrymandering that manipulates voting districts and creates an unfair political playing field.
President Obama and I are making this fight one of our top priorities because our democracy and the civil rights of every American are under siege. We are taking on this structural reform because it's vital to the long-term health of our democracy and can be the key that unlocks progress on so many issues we all care about.
I deeply appreciate your support of All On The Line. Today I'm asking you to join the NDRC and double down on your fight against gerrymandering.
We need your help to fully execute our multi-pronged strategy, which includes directly supporting candidates who will fight for fair maps in office, reacting to legal decisions, passing redistricting ballot initiatives, and building a nationwide grassroots movement. Will you add your name to join the NDRC today?
Since we launched in 2017, the NDRC has made an enormous impact in the battle against gerrymandering. Between 2017 and 2019, we helped win governor's races in ten states, flip eight state legislative chambers from red to blue, and break Republican supermajorities in four more. Five states have adopted reforms to make the redistricting process more fair.
We've adjusted our strategy after key judicial rulings, including Supreme Court rulings in Gill v. Whitford and Rucho v. Common Cause. And we've gotten every major Democratic presidential candidate to sign our Fair Districts Pledge.
But with one year left until 2021 redistricting, we're entering a critical phase of our work. What happens this year will determine whether all Americans have access to fair elections, or whether we get stuck with manipulated maps for another decade. And Republicans aren't sitting idly by while we fight for fairness -- Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Scott Walker, and other GOP heavyweights are doing everything they can to lock in gerrymandered majorities for the next decade.
So we need you with us, Sula. The work we're doing right now is crucial to the future of our democracy and every issue we care about.
Will you add your name to join the NDRC in our fight for fair maps and fair elections?
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
I'm the States Press Secretary at AOTL. I know Katy reached out to you earlier this week about ways to get involved in the movement for fair maps. She also wrote an op-ed in the Ohio Capital Journal on gerrymandering's impact on our everyday lives.
This line perfectly illustrates what we're up against: "We are less safe because the legislature refuses to take action on a common-sense gun reform bill with popular support. And voters are unable to vote them out of office because of the way district lines were manipulated."
This is exactly what Katy was talking about when she told you that she's watched voters lose their influence over elected officials because of the rigged maps they drew in 2011.
Can we count on you to make a donation to our Grassroots Advocacy Fund? We can hold elected officials accountable, but only if we have the support and resources made possible by grassroots donations.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.
When AG Holder shared Katy's op-ed on Twitter, he said that gerrymandering allows legislators to simply ignore the will of the people without any political consequence. It's time to change that.
Hey there!
As the Ohio AOTL State Director, I believe deeply in the democratic process and the power of our vote. But in the last 10 years, I've watched voters' influence over our elected officials lessen because of the rigged maps they drew in 2011.
President Obama understands this. He said that our grassroots efforts are crucial to ending gerrymandering and securing a path for progress in the next decade. That's why I -- and the other AOTL State Directors -- are reaching out. We know you need to have the lay-of-the-land in key target states so that you also understand the importance and urgency when we share opportunities to get involved!
Here are three ways you can join this fight right now:
Successfully building the All On The Line movement will mean a shift towards progress in state and national politics for the next decade. You are essential to that success.
No matter what issue brought you to the political table -- fighting for access to affordable healthcare, working to prevent gun violence, addressing climate change, or reforming the criminal justice system -- it's all on the line during this redistricting process.
President Obama believes that investing in this movement at the state level is our best chance at achieving fair maps. You can answer his call by supporting our State Plan Strategy Fund.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.
Our system is broken -- here in Ohio and in states across the country. But we can fix it and put the power back into the people's hands by fighting for fair maps.
Thanks for being part of this movement!
-- Katy
Katy Shanahan
AOTL Ohio State Director
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
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