Saturday, February 1, 2020


sex., 31 de jan. 12:05 (há 22 horas)
para Sula
All On The Line
Sula -- When President Obama reached out, he told you that we have the chance to restore democracy and put power back into the hands of people -- and that the All On The Line community is in a unique position to make a difference.

Our greatest strength is our collective ability to hold politicians accountable to an accurate census in 2020 and fair maps in 2021.

President Obama asked for your help. Will you make a one-time donation to help fuel the work on the ground?

-- AOTL Team

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Barack Obama
Date: Wed, Jan 22, 2020
Subject: This issue will impact the next decade

Friend -- I wanted to reach out at the beginning of the year to give you a look at the road ahead.

It's 2020, and that means it's a census year -- this process will determine so much for our country's future, including the next decade's electoral maps.

Historically, minority and underprivileged communities have been undercounted in the census. If this happens again, it could help politicians repeat the kind of gerrymandering we saw in 2011 -- gerrymandering that leads to politicians who don't always feel as responsive to the concerns of their constituents as they could be. So, it's up to us to make sure that every single American is counted in the census.

That's why I'm asking you to fight for fair maps and a fair census -- because this issue will impact the next decade of progress and beyond. Will you chip in to this fight?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
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Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

At this moment in our country, the All On The Line community is in a unique position to make a difference. We have the chance to restore democracy and put power back into the hands of people. Change is always within our reach -- but it's going to take the involvement of people like you holding politicians accountable to ensure an accurate census in 2020 and fair maps in 2021.

In Virginia, we've seen how fixing gerrymandering leads to progress. Last year, after a lawsuit forced the Commonwealth's racially gerrymandered districts to be redrawn, voters finally had the chance to elect politicians who represented their voices and listened to their concerns. And now, after years of inaction, the newly elected legislature is debating common-sense measures that could prevent gun violence.

We have the opportunity to create this kind of change all across the country. But to do it, we need your help.


Thank you for being engaged in this fight,
Barack Obama

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. 


 Democrat Eliz Markowitz lost her race for the Texas state House yesterday. This was always going to be one of our toughest pickup opportunities -- her opponent was a major self-funder. And we still have a very real path to winning nine seats this year and stopping the GOP from manipulating the maps in Texas again.

Still, this should be a wake-up call. I know we’ve had a lot of successes together, but our 2020 targets are going to be tough. We’re talking about states like Texas, Georgia, and Ohio, where Republicans have a lock on power… and on redistricting, if we don’t win at the ballot box this year.

Our end-of-month deadline is this Friday, and we need to raise $90,000 to avoid falling behind. Will you give now?

A.G. Holder said it best after last year’s Supreme Court decision that federal courts cannot put limits on partisan gerrymandering:
We're now going to have to go state by state to protect people's voting rights. -- Eric H. Holder, Jr.
That’s our plan, Sula. But we can’t afford to lose special elections like yesterday’s!

Will you help us get back on track? Pitch in to help us win in Republican-controlled states in 2020.
If you' ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Express donate $5 >>
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Or, donate a different amount >>

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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