Friday, March 13, 2020

All On The Line

One year ago today, the House passed the For the People Act. This bill would expand Americans' access to the ballot box and reduce the influence of big money in politics -- essentially putting power back into the hands of voters. But Mitch McConnell has blocked the bill from advancing any further.

Passing this bill would be game-changing for so many reasons, including helping our effort to protect district maps across the country from being manipulated. The bill calls for each state to establish an independent redistricting commission -- it would be a huge victory for fair maps before redistricting begins next year.

But the Senate still refuses to pass the bill because folks like McConnell believe it would threaten his party's power up and down the ballot.

If you believe power should be in the hands of the people and not politicians, sign our petition to show your support for this democracy bill. 

Marginalized communities continue to experience the negative impacts of gerrymandering while special interests reap the benefits. So it's no surprise conservatives like Mitch McConnell won't act on this bill -- those special interests are funding his campaigns and calling the shots.

It's been a full year since the house passed the For the People Act and unless we break through the conservative obstruction, the Senate will continue to block it. Add your name to support the For the People Act.

Thank you for helping to fight for fair maps,
-- All On The Line

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


President Obama: With maps that deliver on the promise of equal representation, our political leaders will be forced to actually prioritize the will and well-being of the American people on the most pressing issues of our time. Donate for fair maps >>>

Sula -- As if you needed more proof: Gerrymandering is terrible for progressive policy change.
➔ Two-thirds of Americans say that the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to address climate change. But GOP politicians in safe districts won’t even acknowledge the basic science!

➔ Despite voter support for expanding Medicaid, Republicans in gerrymandered states like North Carolina, Georgia, and Wisconsin have refused -- putting their constituents’ health and lives at risk.

➔ Even though 97 percent of voters support universal background checks, 95 percent of Republican House members voted against the Bipartisan Background Checks Act in 2019.
The only way we can fix this broken system and pass the policies Americans want and need is by ending gerrymandering. Will you chip in to support our work?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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-- Team NDRC

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing rigged maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
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All On The Line
Will you take a stand on fair maps?
Add your name to prevent manipulated maps »

With redistricting slated to begin in 2021, the threat of gerrymandering is looming -- and we'll feel the impacts in every election for the next decade. It's time to take a stand before our district maps -- and elections! -- are rigged by special interests and partisanship again.

One solution to achieve the change we seek is through nonpartisan, independent redistricting commissions. When done thoughtfully, these bodies can strip politicians of their ability to manipulate the process and set the stage for fair redistricting.

Demand independent nonpartisan redistricting commissions to help prevent rigged district maps!

Several states have implemented independent commissions -- a huge step toward fair maps. But we have a long fight ahead of us.

We must protect commissions where they exist, strengthen reform that is under consideration, and build public support where reform has yet to blossom.

Add your name to this petition if you want to end gerrymandering. We need to show a groundswell of support nationwide.

Thanks for your support,
-- All On The Line

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

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All On The Line
State Senate Approves [Arizona] Redistricting Rules
Over Democratic Objections
The Associated Press, February 25

We can never take our eyes off of map manipulators, Sula. As we learned these past few weeks in Arizona -- even when fair map advocates achieve redistricting reform, there will always be power-hungry politicians looking to claw back control of the process.

But we're fighting back. Arizona has one of the strongest independent redistricting commissions in the country. That's exactly why we launched digital ads immediately after the State Senate voted to advance a law that would limit the commission's ability to protect the voting power of communities of color. Check them out:

Arizona Ad

Will you make a donation to support our rapid response digital advertising in Arizona and across the country?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

As a State Director, I'm grateful and excited that we've been able to mobilize folks right here in the Grand Canyon State. But the reality is, in 2021, redistricting will be happening across the country and we'll have to be prepared to launch campaigns to activate citizens on multiple fronts. It takes a lot of work to run these campaigns. For this campaign, we had to design the graphics, had to build the call script on our tool, and had to make sure the ads got in front of the right constituents who would make the call.

President Obama told you last month that "We're leaning on the generosity of grassroots donors." It's the only way our plans can work and we can keep map manipulators from defining our politics for another ten years.

Can you pitch in to fund our work?

Thanks for all you do,

Kendra Alvarez
AOTL Arizona State Director

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


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