Saturday, May 23, 2020

BACCF Chamber News May 2020
Dear BACCF Members and Friends,
It is a pleasure to reach out to you, and a to welcome our new members, to the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF). We understand that now, more than ever, our organization will play a pivotal role in the continuous promotion and strengthening of the trade and investments between Brazil and South Florida.
The main concern for the BACCF remains the health and safety of our members as we navigate the global COVID-19 pandemic. We have made strategic adjustments to our events and outreach programs to protect everyone and to keep generating value to members. To that extent, we are transforming ourselves and to date, we have already hosted nine webinars, reaching more than 1000 participants.
Another great success for the BACCF this year has been the Online Road Show. The series of seminars were originally planned to take place in April and May, touring twelve different cities in Brazil. Thanks to the support of our sponsors and strategic partners, we migrated to our online platform and are delivering highly successful events, reaching more than 106,000 people through social media communications, and confirming over 700 registrations. Visit our website for upcoming Road Show events.
We have updated our sponsorship packages to include online events. We hope you can leverage these opportunities to promote your business to our 50,000+ mailing list and social media followers. The BACCF website has many resources and information available to help small businesses navigate this difficult crisis.
As we adapt to new days and strive to create innovative solutions for our members, please be sure to follow the proper safety precautions. We look forward to the coming months and to a continued partnership with you and the Brazilian-American community.
Best regards,
Gui Gatti
2020 President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF)
May 27, 2020
BACCF 2020 Webinar
Mudanças na política de imigração para os EUA devido a pandemia

Palestrante: Juliana Pavageau (Bio)
Osorio Internacional, P.A.
May 28, 2020
BACCF 2020 Road Show Vitória - Webinar*
*Edição especial Espírito Santo

A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?
May 29, 2020
BACCF 2020 Webinar
O Consulado-Geral em Miami e o Novo Normal

Embaixador João Mendes Pereira, Cônsul-Geral do Brasil em Miami (BIO)
June 2, 2020
BACCF 2020 Webinar Planejamento de Herança e Sucessão Empresarial usando o Seguro de vida com veículo

Palestrantes: Nelson Slosbergas, Presidente Nelson Slosbergas P.A. (BIO)
Mauricio Alves, Consultor Financeiro, Equitable Advisors (BIO)
Moderador: Luiz David Azambuja, SVP & Partner, Insignio Financial Group
BACCF Chamber News
May 21, 2020
Get to know us!

LinkActiv Group

May 21, 2020
Boletim Informativo do
Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Miami
May 20, 2020
''Stand Up, Miami'' Reactivation Plan Phase I Goes into Effect Tomorrow

Connect with us

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
COVID-19 has tested all governments world-wide and certainly the Federalist systems in Brazil and the United States. Moreover, the combination of ever-expanding interaction between social and traditional news media has created difficulty to discern fact from fiction, editorial opinion from actual news. This is certainly true in Brazil, where the current political climate was confrontational even before the pandemic and has been more so since. And this dynamic has important implications for economic policy. Today we bring together political and economic experts to talk about these dynamics in the general public and Brasilia, and the implications for the economy and economic policy.

Please click here to download speaker bios.
Murillo de Aragão, Ph.D.Adjunct Professor of International and Public AffairsColumbia University - SIPAFounderPolitical ConsultancyArko Advice

Marcelo CoutinhoBoard MemberBITESCoordinator of the Executive MBA ProgramFGV EAESP
Eduardo LoyoPartner and Member of the Board of DirectorsBTG Pactual
Registration Information

Free - Members
$15 - Non-members

Webinar information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

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