Saturday, July 4, 2020

Thursday, July 9th
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
With the recent wave of successful IPOs and a growing list of start-ups achieving unicorn status, both foreign and local investors view the Brazilian technology sector as one of the hottest sectors in the country. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted this sector and affected the momentum that was building at the beginning of the year?

Please join us for a discussion of recent trends in the sector that are occurring now and might continue in the future.


Peter Eccles
PartnerAkerman LLP
Lisa WorcmanPartnerMattos Filho

Speakers:Fabiana Andrade
, Partner, Oria Capital
Victor Santos, Co-FounderandCEO, Airfox
Andy Tsao, ManagingDirector,SVBGlobalGateway, Silicon Valley Bank
Registration Information

Free - Members
$15 - Non-members

Webinar information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

All On The Line
Chip in to show the Supreme Court we don't need them to end gerrymandering. We have you.

 Today marks the anniversary of the Supreme Court's refusal to put guardrails on partisan gerrymandering in the Rucho v. Common Cause decision.

That decision was an important one in a series of Supreme Court opinions that demonstrate how the Court's conservative majority is no friend of democracy. In April, for example, they refused to extend Wisconsin's absentee ballot receipt deadline, which would have helped ensure that Wisconsinites could safely vote in the middle of the public health emergency -- and have that vote count.

It's clear: John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and the other conservative justices behind these decisions have empowered politicians to tip the scales of this year's elections and manipulate district lines in 2021.

These bad SCOTUS decisions set up a tough road to achieving fairness. Thankfully, our plan was built to succeed regardless of reckless Supreme Court rulings.

All On The Line built a state-by-state approach to ensure the American people can get fair maps during the redistricting process. We're counting on you to support it. Will you chip in to help us hit our end-of-month goal of raising $25,000?

A.G. Holder said the Court's decision in Rucho "tears at the very fabric of our democracy." But if the Supreme Court won't protect our democracy, we have to.

We are called on to build the kind of country we want moving forward.

Thanks for answering the call,
-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.


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