Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Thursday, March 11th
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
(Eastern Time - U.S. and Canada)
Registration Information

Members: Free
Non-members: $35

The event information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Q&A Information

Please submit your questions 
(ASAP) before the meeting to

This event has been organized by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce.


Hi Sula,

Last chance to apply for our 2021 Cohort program! Applications are due tomorrow, February 28th at 11:59pm EST. Apply here:

Join a community of social entrepreneurs committed to changing the future of food via scalable and impactful solutions promoting taste, affordability, accessibility, health, sustainability, and communal responsibility. 


  • Hands-on mentorship with Food Future’s network of experienced executives, entrepreneurs, and investors with expertise in production strategy, distribution strategy, financing strategy, governance structure and design, marketing and branding, organizational and operating model design, and more.
  • Up to a $10k investment with participation in business acceleration program designed to propel and optimize growth.
  • Upon completing the program, up to two companies could receive an additional investment from the Food Future Fund as part of their seed or Series A round of financing.


  • We are currently looking for experts among our community to join us as evaluators, lead advisors & mentors, programmatic and post-program advisors, seminar speakers, pitch panelists, and tasters.  Please let us know soon if interested here.
  • Interested in volunteering at FoodFutureCo? We’re looking for an experienced community fellow and an accelerator fellow who are passionate about the food movement. To apply or join our team as a volunteer, visit here to learn how you can get involved or send us an email at 



The FoodFutureCo Team


Meet our team and community.


BACCF ChamberNews February 2021

Dear BACCF Members,

During the month of February, Miami and the State of Florida have been positively reviewed by major media outlets, solidifying what we have been saying for the past 40 years. Florida is quickly becoming the technological and business hub of the Americas. 

Viewed worldwide as a pro-business, Florida is the ideal place to invest and open a new business. We are grateful for the dedication of our members in strengthening the bilateral trade relations between Brazil and the US. I extend a special welcome to our new members who add value to our diverse community.

Don’t miss the BACCF Open Mic held monthly for our current and new members to present their services. Members and future members enjoy this networking event where they can meet and conduct business virtually. This month we had record participation. Be sure to join us in March.

On March 11th we are excited to host the first Leadership Series with The Boeing Company (click here to register). The BACCF Leadership series brings leaders together to present current economic and political topics relevant to their industries in the global market.

The BACCF social media platforms are an excellent tool to boost the visibility of your business. To take full advantage of the benefits offered, simply access the exclusive members page on the BACCF website where you can register for an event, submit your own events, news articles, hot deals, and job postings. We would be happy to speak with you to help you take advantage of these tools and increase your visibility in the community.

Committee meetings are being held virtually, if you have not yet joined a committee, we encourage you to join us today! Be sure to visit the BACCF events page for up-to-date information on the committee meetings.

On March 17th we are honored to welcome Ambassador Nestor Forster Jr., the Brazilian Ambassador to Washington who will address the chamber members and friends on “Brazil-US Partnership 2021 & Beyond”. Amb. Forster will cover the topics on the State of the Brazil-US relations; Brazil-US trade and Investment; the role of Florida; Current trade issues and negotiations and Environmental partnerships. (Register here)

Please always feel free to contact me or our offices with any questions or just to say hello. We welcome your suggestions and comments on how to continually improve our services to you our member.


Estimados Membros da BACCF,

Neste mês de fevereiro, pudemos observar que Miami foi citada positivamente por grandes veículos da mídia, corroborando o que nós ao longo desses 40 anos afirmamos, o estado da Flórida é o centro tecnológico e de negócios das Américas.

Vista mundialmente como pró-negócios, a Flórida é a localidade ideal para investirmos e estreitarmos os laços com nossos parceiros. Agradeço a constante dedicação de todos os associados no fortalecimento das relações comerciais bilaterais entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos. E solenizo a entrada dos novos sócios, que agregam valor a nossa diversificada comunidade empresarial.

Temos um encontro mensal para que os novos membros da Câmara apresentem suas empresas, produtos e serviços, chamado Open Mic. O do mês de fevereiro foi record de audiência e foi gratificante ver o engajamento dos membros e futuros membros da BACCF. Convido a todos para participar deste encontro virtual no próximo mês. Tem sido um valioso networking virtual.

Save the date: dia 11 de março será o primeiro Leadership Series deste ano, patrocinado pela The Boeing Company (clique aqui para se registrar). O BACCF Leadership Series reúne líderes empresariais para apresentar tópicos econômicos e políticos atuais relevantes para seus setores no mercado global.

As redes sociais da BACCF são uma ótima ferramenta para aumentar o alcance e impulsionar as estratégias de marketing digital da sua empresa. Para tomar proveito disso, convido você, nosso membro a utilizar as ferramentas disponíveis dentro do nosso MIC (Member Information Center). Após efetuar seu login, você pode postar artigos sobre sua empresa e área de atuação, criar cupons de descontos para os membros da BACCF (Hot Deals) além de publicar oportunidade de emprego na sua empresa. Nos colocamos à disposição, caso tenham interesse em fazer inserções nas nossas mídias, com o objetivo de aumentar a sua visibilidade perante a comunidade.

As reuniões dos comitês já estão sendo agendadas e caso ainda não tenha se inscrito para participar de algum comitê, eu lhe encorajo a fazer isso agora. Manteremos o nosso site atualizado com todas essas reuniões, basta sempre visitar o campo Upcoming Events.

No dia 17 de março teremos a honra de realizar um webinar com o Embaixador de Washington Nestor Forster Jr. O embaixador tratará sobre o estado das relações Brasil-Estados Unidos, o comércio e investimento entre Brasil e EUA, o papel da Flórida, as questões comerciais e negociações atuais e parceria ambiental. Inscreva-se agora (clique aqui) e não perca essas valiosas informações.

Sintam-se sempre à vontade em me contatar ou contatar nosso escritório para esclarecer as suas dúvidas e também enviar suas sugestões e comentários.

Take care,
Alexandre Piquet
2021 BACCF President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida

Thomas J. Skola, Esq. Memorial
Read more


 March 11, 2021

Landon Loomis (BIO)
Vice President for Global Policy, Boeing International Managing Director, Boeing Brazil
Oracio Marquez (BIO)
IATA’s Regional Director for Member & External Relations for Latin America and the Caribbean
Register here

March 17
BACCF 2021 - Brazil - US Partnership 2021 & Beyond - Amb. Nestor Forster
Presented by: Amb. Nestor Forster Jr. (BIO)
Ambassador of Brazil to the United States of America
Welcome Remarks:
Welcome by Amb. Joao Mendes, Consul General, Brazilian Consulate General (BIO)
Alexandre Piquet, BACCF 2021 President
Cassio Segura, Chair BACCF Strategic Partnerships
Register here

BACCF ChamberNews

Five simple actions to protect against cyber attacks
Read more

Brazil Trade Shows January 2021

Read more

Q4 2020 Research Report
Read more

New Brazilian Bankruptcy Law Will Affect Florida Investors

Read more

BACCF Hot Deals

Unable to qualify with your tax returns?

BACCF Members receive Complimentary Consultation.

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

Thank you for your support.

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

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