Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday, June 1st
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
(Eastern Time - U.S. and Canada)
With the 2022 presidential elections less than two years away, discussions of possible candidates and party strategies are already emerging. To discuss the direction of politics in Brazil, we have the honor of hosting former President of Brazil Michel Temer. Mr. Temer has long experience in the House, where he served as speaker three times and also served as leader of the PMDB. He was also Vice President under President Dilma Rousseff, until taking over as President. The author of various books, Mr. Temer is a Professor of Law and teaches at several universities. Please join us for this unique dialogue with His Excellency Michel Temer.
Please click here to view H.E. Michel Temer's biography.
Registration Information

Members: Free
Non-members: $15
Event information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
This event is organized by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF) and the BACCF Membership Committee cordially invite you to an

Join the BACCF Open Mic Membership Networking Webinar and don't miss the opportunity to get to know the BACCF Members
and do business

Learn more about these companies:

AAA Auto Club South, Inc. - Lacy Fonseca
Banesco USA - Frederico Moura & Carlos Da Gama
Effectv - Comcast Advertising - Ronaldo Albuquerque
Expertness Translations - Evandro Gois
FirstPathway Partners - Bruna Canto
Gilda Almeida Law, PLLC - Gilda Almeida
IWIIN Digital Marketing - Marcos Litterio
Midtown Capital Partners - Marson Cunha
Prae Venire - Compliance - Natalia Gindler Corsini
Sinerlog USA LLC - Igor Pipolo
Vector Global WMG, Inc. - Valeria Trauer
Walter Colton Consultants - Walter Colton

Hosted by: Claudio Cury
Chairperson BACCF Membership Committee

Member Participation includes:
  • 1 minute to introduce your business
  • You may share one slide of your business during introduction
  • Open discussion
We welcome non-members to participate as audience
Get to know the BACCF & our members

Register here
Friday, May 28, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
After registering, a confirmation email will be sent with login information

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Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231
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The economic impacts of climate changes. Alessandro Azzoni, is an economist, lawyer, professor and advisor at the Associação Comercial de São Paulo. A lover of the environmental geopolitics proposed by Joe Biden, Azzoni creates an aspect of the green economy stating that the nations of the world unite with the purpose of creating a global pact that puts an end to the climatic phenomena that devastate countries and create a population of environmental excluded people.

Tuesday, May 18th
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
(Eastern Time - U.S. and Canada)
Our ESG Series continues with a webinar on “Sustainability and Climate Change.” Industries are now facing a wide range of issues, especially those looking to strengthen their commitment to climate change, biodiversity, energy and water efficiency, and waste management policies.

The Chamber is bringing together representatives from leading industries and organizations in the forefront of a green economy to explore how corporate sustainable culture positively affects finance and investment opportunities, along with reliable metrics such as GRI, SASB, TCFD, and others. The panelists will share their views on sustainability and climate change and regulatory trends in Brazil, the US, and Europe. They will also express expectations generated by Biden´s Earth Day and the Climate Change Summit, and expected outcomes of the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow under the UN Climate Change Convention.
Registration Information

Members: Free
Non-members: $15

Event information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Click here to download the speaker bios.


Rômulo Sampaio
Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
Roberto Furian Ardenghy
Chief Institutional Relations and Sustainability Executive Officer
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras


Stuart K. Fleischmann
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sean Kidney
Chief Executive Officer
Climate Bonds Initiatives

Paula Kovarsky
Head of U.S. Office and Investor Relations
This event is organized by the Brazilian-American Chamber of CommerceMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga Advogados, and Shearman & Sterling LLP.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691
Tuesday, May 18th
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
(Eastern Time - U.S. and Canada)
Our ESG Series continues with a webinar on “Sustainability and Climate Change.” Industries are now facing a wide range of issues, especially those looking to strengthen their commitment to climate change, biodiversity, energy and water efficiency, and waste management policies.

The Chamber is bringing together representatives from leading industries and organizations in the forefront of a green economy to explore how corporate sustainable culture positively affects finance and investment opportunities, along with reliable metrics such as GRI, SASB, TCFD, and others. The panelists will share their views on sustainability and climate change and regulatory trends in Brazil, the US, and Europe. They will also express expectations generated by Biden´s Earth Day and the Climate Change Summit, and expected outcomes of the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow under the UN Climate Change Convention.
Registration Information

Members: Free
Non-members: $15

Event information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Click here to download the speaker bios.


Rômulo Sampaio
Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
Roberto Furian Ardenghy
Chief Institutional Relations and Sustainability Executive Officer
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras


Stuart K. Fleischmann
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sean Kidney
Chief Executive Officer
Climate Bonds Initiatives

Paula Kovarsky
Head of U.S. Office and Investor Relations
This event is organized by the Brazilian-American Chamber of CommerceMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr e Quiroga Advogados, and Shearman & Sterling LLP.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida <events@brazilchamber.org>
Date: sex, 14 de mai de 2021 11:45
Subject: ChamberNews - President's Message
To: <info@sulacosta.com>

BACCF ChamberNews May 2021
Dear BACCF Members,

We are optimistic this month of May as the State of Florida combats the covid-19 pandemic. Vaccinations are now available for all risk and age groups. With this good news, we welcome our new members who are contributing to making our local business community ever more successful.

In January the chamber suffered a tremendous loss with the passing of our Founding Member, Thomas J. Skola, who for over 40 years contributed to the growth and many accomplishments the BACCF is proud to have achieved. Tom’s journey was remembered on April 17 during a virtual Celebration of Life. A true visionary who realized the need to have a Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce to promote commerce between the two countries. We owe our profound thanks to Tom.

In collaboration with Tom’s immediate family, the BACCF established the Thomas J. Skola Memorial Fund to be overseen by the Board of Directors of the Chamber and will focus on educational and community projects. Donations may be made through the BACCF Educational Center, a 501(C)3 organization. To contribute to the Thomas J. Skola Memorial Fund: Click Here

In April we hosted João Pedro Paro Neto, MasterCard President Southern Cone LAC, who spoke on Retail transformation: Payments Industry Trends. The presentation covered detailed and in-depth trends in the payment industry. The webinar can be accessed online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AC0kO4XtIM.

On April 30th we held the BACCF Open Mic, a monthly event where our members have the opportunity to present their business products and services. The Open Mic is a lively virtual networking event engaging our members.

Coming soon are two strategic events. The Fedex/Boeing Leadership Series, with the participation of Marilyn Blanco-Reyes and Landon Loomis where these industry leaders present topics on the economy relevant to many business sectors. The virtual Road Show in Brazil will be starting at the end of the month, offering a week of content focused on preparing participants to become ever more competitive and equipped to do business in an international environment. On June 23rd we are excited to welcome Mayor Francis Suarez for our first in-person event in 2021. Stay tuned for additional information.

Please participate on our two-question survey on hosting in-person events. Your opinion matters to us, https://business.brazilchamber.org/form/view/22798

In the meantime, it is our pleasure to welcome you virtually to our next events.

Forte abraço,

Alexandre Piquet
2021 President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce (BACCF)


Neste mês de maio, reiteramos o otimismo quanto às ações da Flórida no combate à pandemia da covid-19. O estado está com a vacinação em estágio bastante avançado, com todos os grupos de risco já vacinados. Com essa boa notícia, damos as boas-vindas aos novos membros da Câmara, que chegam para diversificar e engrandecer nossa comunidade empresarial.

Em janeiro, sofremos uma grande perda: falecimento de Thomas J. Skola, nosso membro fundador, que, durante mais de 40 anos, atuou na Câmara. Os muitos feitos de sua vida e a grande importância de seu trabalho foram relembradas no evento virtual Thomas J. Skola's Celebration of Life, no dia 17 de abril. A ele, visionário em perceber o potencial dos negócios entre o Brasil e a Flórida, deixamos nossos profundos agradecimentos.
Sob a orientação imediata da família de Tom, estabelecemos o fundo Thomas J. Skola. Supervisionado pelo Conselho Administrativo da Câmara, este fundo se destinará a projetos educacionais e comunitários. Para contribuir, por favor clique aqui: https://www.brazilchamber.org/thom-j-skola-memorial/.

Em abril, tivemos o BACCF 2021 - Retail transformation: Payments Industry Trends, com a participação de João Pedro Paro Neto, Presidente da Mastercard Brasil e Cone Sul, que trouxe uma apresentação detalhada e abrangente sobre as tendências da indústria de pagamentos. O webinar está disponível aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AC0kO4XtIM.

No último dia 30, realizamos nosso Open Mic, evento mensal em que nossos membros têm a oportunidade de apresentar seus negócios, produtos e serviços. O encontro é um networking virtual, com crescente engajamento de nossos membros.

Em breve, teremos dois eventos estratégicos para as empresas de nossos membros. O Fedex/Boeing Leadership Series, com a presença de Marilyn Blanco-Reyes e Landon Loomis, em que esses líderes empresariais apresentam tópicos econômicos e políticos atuais relevantes para diversos setores. Já o Road Show Brasil, em formato virtual, oferecerá, a partir deste mês, uma semana de conteúdo focado em fazer com que os negócios de nossos membros se tornem cada vez mais competitivos e prontos para fazer parte do maior mercado mundial. Aproveito o ensejo, para confirmar o evento com o prefeito de Miami, Francis Suarez, que será realizado no dia 23 de junho. Em breve, mais informações sobre esse emblemático encontro.

Quero, ainda, convidar os membros a participarem da pesquisa quanto à retomada de nossos eventos presencialmente, de acordo com o nível de conforto e segurança que sentem. Dê sua opinião aqui: https://business.brazilchamber.org/form/view/22798

Nos veremos, por enquanto, virtualmente, em nossos próximos eventos.

Forte abraço,

Alexandre Piquet
2021 President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce (BACCF)
Thomas J. Skola, Esq. Memorial
Save-the-Date - Boeing & Fedex Leadership Series

Moderators: Landon Loomis & Marilyn Blanco-Reyes

Boeing Speaker: Josh Collingwood
  • World Air Cargo Forecast
Guest speaker (for FedEx): Gabriel Lima, CEO E-next

  • Ecommerce trends
BACCF 2021 Open Mic - Membership Networking Event

Hosted by: Claudio Cury 
Chairperson BACCF Membership Committee
  • Member Participation includes:1 minute to introduce your business
  • You may share one slide of your business during introduction
  • Open discussion
       We welcome non-members to participate as audience - Get to know the BACCF
& our members
BACCF ChamberNews

What is Breach and Attack Simulation?

Boletim Informativo do Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Miami 12 de maio, 2021
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