Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 Businessman  from Rio de Janeiro promoting culture in São Paulo

Diogo Roque Businessman  from Rio de Janeiro

 Entrepreneur Diogo Roque, graduated in business management, has been developing his skills by analyzing the dynamics of organizational ambiances and their effects on the competitive market context, gaining prominence in the business scenario in Brazil.



Equally articulate and innovative, Diogo Roque has been adding value for 16 years as a franchisee of the Ortobom brand, where he created an entrepreneurial platform since he joined the brand in socio-cultural projects, that is, supporting different projects for social inclusion and showroom for decorated ambiances .


Currently, the businessman is one of the main supporters of the Batalha da Aldeia project, where he fully contributes to assisting young people from the lower strata of society. In other words, it has been supporting the BDA team in cultural workshops in teaching music and poetry in the "rhyme" format, in the production of musical bands, as well as raising funds for young people and in the logistics production of the "Batalha da Aldeia pelo Brasil" . So too, is supportive of the Casa Cultural Mansão Aldeia Records, conceived by BOB13 and GZ (founders of the project), which provides a career plan for young MCs. Likewise, they are young people who work in rhyming battles, in addition to offering housing for young people, artistic, legal and media support, workshops, music and poetry classes.




Executive Director of Espaco Ortobom Arquitetura e Design, a luxurious Architectural Exhibition space on Avenida Pacaembu in São Paulo, has just inaugurated a cultural project at the Space which he is a Director, which attracted him a lot and attention. The Living Jardim Botanico do Espaco Ortobom, the project of journalist Sula Costa through the company World Art Show, mainly because it is a great novelty in Brazil and an opportunity to understand the importance of valuing art and landscape as heritage and resource.Projetar an environment that provides moments and feelings of happiness to those who attend it is a modern and positive attitude in this difficult period of the pandemic. Besides awakening people's interest to connect with this amazing natural universe. The Living Jardim Botanico is a permanent environment for the city of São Paulo and above all, A Tribute to Burle Marx, renowned Brazilian landscape artist.


Photo: Personal collection

Social media : @diogotroque

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At this pivotal moment in the fight against Republican gerrymandering, you have two choices.

Choice 1:
You do nothing. Republican state legislators do exactly what they said they were going to do: Manipulate the maps during a truncated redistricting process. We don't have the resources to stop them and they're able to push the rigged maps through without public input. On the federal level, Ted Cruz continues with his mission to obstruct legislation that would prevent partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts. As a result, Republicans flip the House of Representatives in 2022, setting up a crisis of democracy in the 2024 election.

Choice 2:
You fight. You chip in. Thanks to you and like-minded folks, the NDRC has the resources to fight GOP gerrymandering in key states and across the country. We may not be able to win everywhere, but it's enough to rescue American democracy. We help safeguard free elections, voters are able to choose their representatives, and we help secure the policies that the people need -- improving health care, addressing climate change and wealth inequality, and much more.

That's the choice in front of you, Sula. President Obama recently said that "I believe activism will prevail over cynicism," but that can only happen if people like you take action. So we're asking, with everything on the line: Will you pitch in right now for fair maps and a functioning democracy?

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Thank you,

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

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Sula, when we asked NDRC supporters to tell us in your own words what the right to vote means to you, we were blown away by the response. Here are just a few of the amazing, thoughtful answers we received:

"As long as I feel confident in my access to vote I know we are still a nation of laws and principles. Freedom to vote is freedom to speak to power, without which we are no longer a democracy."
-- Claire

"To simply cast my vote, in a timely manner, without harassment, and know it will be counted."
-- Robert

"My right to vote means to me that as small as my voice is, I still have a voice in what happens to me & my community. Voting is my way of challenging the status quo and being heard."
-- Steven

When we launched the NDRC in early 2017, we set out to build a grassroots army of folks all over the country who are invested in the fights for fair maps and voting rights. Your answers tell us we’re doing something right -- and motivate us to work even harder to complete our mission.

Will you take a moment to read the email below, and then share in your own words what the right to vote means to you?

-- Team NDRC

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: National Democratic Redistricting Committee
Subject: What does the freedom to vote mean to you?


What does the freedom to vote mean to you?

Tell us in your own words

We talk about the freedom to vote quite a bit here at the NDRC. Our belief in its centrality to a functioning democracy is at the core of our work.

It's sad that Republicans and conservatives claim to love freedom so much when in reality they're working so hard to undermine what might be our most important freedom -- the freedom to have a say in how we are governed. It's ironic, but not surprising. After all, this is the party that's been pushing voter suppression laws and manipulating district maps for the last decade or more.

We want to hear from you, in your own words, what Republicans are trying to take away. What does the freedom to vote mean to you? Is it about picking the representatives you want? Getting the policies you favor passed into law? Our basic right as Americans to have a say?

Let us know, and we'll report back soon with our favorite responses.


A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.
If you want to receive periodic updates from the NDRC on our fight for fair maps, text MAPS to 36787. Text HELP for help, STOP to end. Msg & Data rates may apply. Privacy Policy.

We know we send a lot of emails, but we think it's important to keep you updated with the latest information on Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression and how we're fighting back -- regardless of whether you choose to donate. If you'd like to receive fewer emails, click here. Click here to unsubscribe completely. Click here to make a donation. Every dollar you give will go toward our fight to end gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

twitter link facebook link linkedin link

National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.


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Aug 17, 2021TODAY

Happy Tuesday! India, the world’s largest democracy that’s also my home, celebrated its Independence Day on Sunday. On such occasions around the world, we’re invariably reminded of our countries’ founding fathers. But today, I’ll introduce you to the Indigenous professor who could be Chile’s next founding mother. As many Afghans look to escape their now Taliban-controlled nation, discover the unlikely havens that are welcoming refugees. And bite into a berry designed by nature to make acidic food taste sweet. 

Editor’s Note: OZY’s all about bringing you the new and the next . . . in fresh ways. We’re trying a new design for your favorite newsletter to make your experience even more delicious. Please share your thoughts on this look at yourvoice@ozy.com.

Charu Sudan Kasturi, Senior Editor


1 - No Regrets

President Joe Biden forcefully defended his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, a move that set the stage for the Taliban’s rapid return to power in Kabul over the weekend, while admitting that the Western-backed government there had collapsed faster than Washington had expected. He referred to desertions and surrenders within the Afghan army to argue that America couldn’t be expected to fight the Taliban when Afghan soldiers were unwilling to do so. In Kabul, Taliban fighters are enforcing an ominous peace, while the U.S. tries to airlift evacuees from an airport besieged by fleeing Afghans, some falling to their deaths after clinging to a departing jet. (Sources: WaPoBBCAP)

2 - Booster Bulwark

U.S. federal health officials are expected to recommend booster COVID-19 vaccine shots for Americans eight months after their second shot, as the country battles a surge in infections from the Delta variant. Meanwhile, even as much of Africa waits for vaccines, Johnson & Johnson doses made on the continent by a South African manufacturer are being shipped to Europe. And New Zealand recorded its first local case since February. Should the West share its extra shots with poorer nations instead of using them as booster doses? Vote here or on Twitter . (CNBCNYTReuters)

3 - Devastating Grace

Tropical Depression Grace has hit Haiti, complicating an already difficult rescue and relief operation after Saturday’s 7.2 magnitude earthquake left more than 1,400 people dead. (Sources: GuardianCNN)

4 - Stash That Cash

Businesses are hoarding record volumes of cash, defying expectations of a spending boom as rising COVID-19 cases and worrying variants spark fresh uncertainty about the future of the economy. (Source: WSJ)


The sun is out and the flowers are blooming. It’s time to bring that summer energy to your feet with these bright Yellow Canvas OCA sneakers from Cariuma. Sleek, sustainable and comfortable, these are sure to be your go-to sneakers for any occasion. OZY readers get $15 off on these crazy cool kicks by using the code OZY15.


They’re rewriting their nations’ destinies, leading once-in-a-generation efforts at change. 

1 - Elisa Loncón

She’s the daughter of a poetry-loving housemaid and a carpenter who taught himself to read at the age of 17. Now the activist for her Mapuche Indigenous community — Chile’s largest — is presiding over a 155-member elected convention that’s writing a new national constitution. This groundbreaking recognition of Chile’s pre-Columbian inhabitants came after last year’s historic referendum in which the voters overturned their current framework of governance, a controversial legacy of the late dictator Augusto Pinochet that doesn’t mention Indigenous people at all. She accepted the position with a clenched fist raised over her head. The 58-year-old Santiago University professor knows that the winds of change are blowing — and she’s giving them direction.

2 - Alaa Salah

What decades of U.S. sanctions couldn’t do, Salah and her fellow protesters accomplished. In April 2019, Salah became a global icon and a symbol of the popular revolt that brought down the regime of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, after an image of the architecture student leading protest chants from atop a car went viral. Since then, the country’s post-revolution government has tried to ignore the demands of women activists. But Salah is using her fame to put global pressure on her leaders from platforms like the United Nations. Meanwhile, women have marched on the streets of Khartoum in recent months, demanding equality under a “feminist manifesto” as Salah and those she inspires continue to hammer away at their chains.

3 - Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul

She lit a fire that has since spread across Thailand, with younger generations demanding constitutional changes to ensure greater accountability for the monarchy. It started when Panusaya, 21 at the time, went onto a public stage a year ago and recited a 10-point manifesto for change. She and other protest leaders have since spent time in jail for criticizing the king, contracting COVID-19 while behind bars. Now out on bail, Panusaya is once again urging protesters to return to the streets. “Our fight is not over,” she tweeted recently.   


Countries like Pakistan — home to several million Afghan refugees — are refusing to let them enter. But even in an increasingly inward-looking world, a surprising cast of nations is opening its arms. 

1 - Iceland

A small size can come with a big heart. Even as the U.S. has shrugged off any ownership of the crisis in Afghanistan, NATO’s tiniest member, Iceland, is stepping up. Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir yesterday said that Icelanders must “shoulder our responsibility,” expressing her concerns particularly for Afghan women under Taliban rule. The country of nearly 350,000 people will also consider taking in additional Afghan refugees over and above its usual quota, Jakobsdóttir said.

2 - Uganda

One of the world’s poorest nations might not sound like the most natural, welcoming destination for refugees. Yet for all its other problems — including an authoritarian regime — the country has for long kept its doors open when wealthier nations have shut them. It offers refugees — more than 1.45 million of them — the right to education and health, allows them to start private businesses and provides land on which to farm and build a home.

3 - Ecuador

When country after country in the Americas started closing borders amid migrant crises this past decade, this small South American nation went the other way, introducing a refugee law laying down extensive rights for those seeking shelter — temporary or permanent. An influx of Venezuelan refugees and concerns over the spread of COVID-19 have made Ecuador tighten some rules, but its policies — including a visa that’s relatively easy to access — have made it the latest gateway to the Americas for refugees all the way from Africa. Read more on OZY.


They’re berry berry special. 

1 - African Berry

It’s also known as “miracle fruit, ” and there’s a reason for that flattering title: Native to West Africa, this red berry contains a substance known as miraculin that causes a sweet sensation on your tongue the moment it comes in contact with acidic foods. That makes it a perfect natural sweetener for those looking to consume tangy diet food. So the next time you want your low-fat Greek yogurt to taste like a loaded New York cheesecake, you’ll know what to add.

2 - Jabuticaba

Packed with antioxidants, this deep purple Brazilian tree berry ferments quickly off the trunk — where it oddly grows — making it difficult to export. Luckily, it’s now also being grown in Florida, which is warm enough for the tropical crop. Often mistaken for a grape, it’s both tart and sweet, and an ingredient you’ll find in jams, jelly and even cocktails in Brazil. But if you want our advice, try it raw, and transport yourself to dense Brazilian forests.

3 - Omija

If any berry can give the West African miracle fruit a run for its money, it’s the Korean omija. Called Schisandra berries in North America, they contain five distinct flavors, making them a smorgasbord of sensations in your mouth. Try omija-flavored tea — or if you’re in the mood for something harder, punch laced with the berry



1 - Today on ‘The Carlos Watson Show’

Get to know hip-hop’s hottest rising stars. City Girls stars JT and Yung Miami sit down with Carlos and share everything from how Drake cut short their breakout collab to how JT’s time in prison affected their relationship. Which legendary rapper and mentor of theirs do they tease a collaboration with next? Watch today.

2 - Catch Carlos on Amazon

Your favorite show is now on Amazon.


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