Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 It happened on the last 04.11 ,  the cerimonyy promoteded ACLASP in tribute to Princess isabel at the legislative assembly of São Paulo last April 11, 2023, a tribute ceremony for the Princess Isabel Certificate promoted by the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of São Paulo (Aclasp) Princess Isabel Diploma at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo (ALESP). 

Among those honored were personalities who stood out in their areas of expertise and who contributed to the development of the country. 

Right at the beginning of the event, the ACLASP´s president , Roberto 
Ferrari, made a point of highlighting the effective participation of 
Princess Isabel in the process that put an end to slavery in Brazil [it was
 she who signed the Áurea law, on May 13, 1888] and its role in the
 development of the country. Ferrari pointed out that, even with the
 recent reinterpretations of events from the past, nothing can take away
 the importance of this character for the history of Brazil and that 
everything must be placed in a proper temporal context.
 Therefore, his name will continue in honor.
"Princess Isabel must always be remembered as one of the greatest
 women of the 19th century and we cannot judge past actions with a 
21st century view. It would be a huge mistake if we did that," he said.
Rom Portugal, The Deputy Consul General Portugal, Jorge Longa 
Marques, was one of those honored for his role in promoting relations
 between Brazil and Portugal. The vice-president of the UIysses Guimarães 
Ana Paula Junqueira, also received the diploma in recognition of her 
work in favor of the country's social development.
Richard Manoel Ferreira, Social Director, an organized group in the
 private sector that develops initiatives to generate income, was also
 honored. Its contribution to creating job and income opportunities for
 needy communities was recognized by ACLASP.
ctress Myrian Rios
Theater and television actress Myrian Rios was also awarded the 
diploma in recognition of her 45-year career and her contribution to
 Brazilian culture. His presence at the ceremony was a moment of 
emotion for all those present.
ine Art Elizete Duran
In addition to the honorees mentioned above, fine art Elizete Duran also received a diploma. Her work
 is internationally recognized and she is a reference in Brazilian contemporary art.
The Princess Isabel Certificate ceremony night was a moment of celebration and recognition for the 
honored personalities and for brazilian culture as a whole. ACLASP fulfilled its role in recognizing the 
work and contribution of important figures in society, thus promoting a culture that values ​​merit and excellence.


BACCF ChamberNews
April 2023
Dear BACCF Members,
It's is a pleasure to reach out to you. As many of you know, Florida is the US state with the lowest taxes. These tax breaks are the main reason Florida had the largest population growth of the country in 2022. In practical terms this means more people, more circulation of capital and more opportunities for growth.
With this optimistic outlook, I would like to welcome our new members and let you know about our recent and upcoming events.
On April 18th we welcomed a group of Agribusinessmen from AGROEX, looking to invest in the US. Agribusiness is one of the most relevant industries in Brazil and the world market. In 2022 Agribusiness in Brazil represented 25% of the country’s GDP, reaching US$ 500 billion.
Tomorrow, April 26th, the BACCF will host a Webinar on Adapting to changes in Logistics: Vision of C-Level Executives. In the highly competitive world we live in, the discussion will cover the vision for the upcoming years in logistics; How technology can and will help the industry evolve as well as Logistics as a key differentiator for products, the customer experience, and a positive end result. Register here
This year the BACCF 2023 Brazil Road Show will be going to 12+ cities. Given the huge potential of commercial business between Brazil and Florida, for the past 19 years the BACCF has traveled to strategic cities in Brazil with investment potential between the two countries. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your business and meet key decision makers who are interested in moving to the US. Invite your friends to participate and learn more about this international market, the BACCF can assist you in this process.
During the Road Show, as the President of the BACCF together with former President & Board Member Carlos Mariaca from Center Group as well as representatives from FedEx, BB Americas, Drummond Advisors, and other partners will provide information on Florida as the global gateway, resources for exporters, immigration, corporate and personal taxes. Our objective on the RS is to provide panoramic summarized and practical views on key topics for businesspersons interested in the North American market.
See the confirmed dates and cities below, for the first round in May:
May 16: Curitiba
May 17: Maringá
May 18: Londrina
May 23: São Paulo
May 24: Florianópolis
May 25: Porto Alegre
Registration is complimentary, space is limited. To register click here.
And last but not least, we see artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT gaining users throughout the world. The BACCF is planning a tech series which will cover all aspects of the topic. We will keep you posted.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Forte abraço,
Alexandre Piquet
2023 President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida


Estimados membros da BACCF,
Como muitos de vocês sabem, a Flórida é um dos dois estados com os impostos mais baixos dos Estados Unidos. E está baixa taxação é um dos motivos que fez com que a Flórida tivesse o maior crescimento populacional de todo o país no ano de 2022. Isso significa, na prática, mais pessoas, aumento de mercado, maior circulação de capital e melhores oportunidades de negócios para todos.
Com essa boa perspectiva, quero dar as boas-vindas aos novos membros e anunciar nossos próximos eventos, que serão muito proveitosos.
No dia 18 deste mês de abril, receberemos um grupo de empresários da Agroex, expoentes do agronegócio no Brasil, para falarmos sobre investimentos neste setor aqui nos Estados Unidos. Nesta reunião iremos saber o que está acontecendo de mais importante no setor do agrobusiness e trocaremos informações sobre um dos mais relevantes mercados no cenário mundial.
Teremos também o Webinar "Vision of C Levels to suit Changes in Logistics", onde debateremos os novos caminhos da logística, suas falhas e problemas atuais, bem como a construção de estratégias eficientes para o presente e o futuro. No mundo altamente competitivo que vivemos, a logística é o diferencial para o produto, para a experiência do consumidor e para o reconhecimento do resultado da empresa. Não deixe de participar desse seminário, que irá explorar visões que podem fazer a diferença no seu negócio. 
Clique aqui para se registrar.
E temos mais eventos interessantes, nosso "BACCF 2023 - Road Show Brazil" já está próximo, que este ano passará por mais de 12 cidades. Devido ao imenso potencial de negócios entre o Brasil e a Flórida, há alguns anos nós promovemos esta rodada de seminários pelo Brasil, selecionando cidades estratégicas para os investimentos Brasil/EUA. Essa é uma grande oportunidade de promover seu negócio e estar em contato diretamente com empresários e empresas que querem vir fazer negócios nos Estados Unidos. Convide seus amigos a participarem e aumentarem seu conhecimento de mercado, uma excelente oportunidade para entender melhor nossa atuação e como podemos ajudá-los.
Durante as rodadas do nosso Road Show, eu como atual Presidente da BACCF, juntamente como o nosso ex-Presidente e atual Membro do Conselho Carlos Mariaca da Center Group, Drummond Advisors e mais um representante local da FedEx Express, faremos palestras em que abordaremos a Flórida como porta de entrada para o mercado global, os recursos para os exportadores e os aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários. O nosso objetivo com esse bate-papo é dar uma visão panorâmica, resumida e prática sobre diferentes assuntos para empresários e executivos que tenham interesse em fazer negócios com os EUA. As inscrições são gratuitas e as vagas limitadas.
Confira abaixo as datas e cidades já confirmadas na nossa agenda, que começa mês que vem:
16 de maio: Curitiba
17 de maio: Maringá
18 de maio: Londrina
23 de maio: São Paulo
24 de maio: Florianópolis
25 de maio: Porto Alegre

Clique aqui para se inscrever.
E por fim, em um cenário em que vemos inteligências artificiais como o ChatGPT ganhando usuários em todo o mundo, não podemos deixar de falar dos impactos dessa e de outras inteligências artificiais nos negócios. Para isso, faremos uma tech series sobre o tema. Manteremos vocês informados.
Nos vemos em breve!
Forte abraço,
Alexandre Piquet
2023 President
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida
Thomas J. Skola, Esq. Memorial
 April 26, 2023
BACCF 2023 Webinar: Adapting to changes in Logistics - Vision of C Level Executives
Jae Yang - KCE Logistics BIO
Mauri Zaccarelli Mendes - ACME Alliance BIO
Lucas Nagai - Glory Global Solutions BIO
Davidson Rodrigues - Manuport Logistics BIO

16 de maio, 2023
BACCF 2023 Road Show Curitiba

A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?
Carlos Mariaca - Center Group & Membro do Conselho da BACCF
FedEx Express - Representante Local
Alexandre Piquet - Piquet Law Firm & Presidente da BACCF
17 de maio, 2023
BACCF 2023 Road Show Maringá
A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?
Carlos Mariaca - Center Group & Membro do Conselho da BACCF
FedEx Express - Representante Local
Bruno Drummond & Rodrigo Torres - Drummond Advisors
Alexandre Piquet - Piquet Law Firm & Presidente da BACCF
18 de maio, 2023
BACCF 2023 Road Show Londrina
A sua empresa já faz parte do maior e mais importante Mercado mundial?
Carlos Mariaca - Center Group & Membro do Conselho da BACCF
FedEx Express - Representante Local
Bruno Drummond & Rodrigo Torres - Drummond Advisors
Alexandre Piquet - Piquet Law Firm & Presidente da BACCF
BACCF ChamberNews
IRPF: Contribuintes do

Latin American Shopping Centers are “Staying Alive”

Written by: Professor Real Estate® Suzanne Hollander, Esq.
BACCF Hot Deals
Sharp Smile Club
Preventive Oral Health Package

Connect with us
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231


🚨We are ONLY 113 members away from reaching our 15,000 goal 🚨But when we checked our list, we noticed your name was missing – does this look right to you?

NameEmailMembership StatusSuggested Gift
Thomas M.--2023 MemberN/A
On Filesula_costa@yahoo.comINACTIVE$10
Marla V.--2023 MemberN/A
David S.--2023 MemberN/A

The DLCC is facing eight special elections next month. Not only that, we’re laying the foundation for state legislative victories in 2024 and are up against GOP groups spending millions in the states to drown us out.

We mean it: There’s never been a more critical time to become a DLCC Member.

So what do you say: Will you be one of the 113 supporters we need to commit to electing state Democrats by activating their membership before our end-of-month deadline on Sunday? You’ll receive your very own personalized membership card in the mail »

Become an official 2023 DLCC Member Today!
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $10 now ($30 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Our members are at the center of our movement, helping our party secure historic wins for state Democrats across the country. But, we still need more grassroots supporters from your community to step up today and officially activate their membership.

As a member, you’ll have an outsized role in helping fuel the fight against the GOP’s extreme agenda. You’ll also play a critical role in electing Democratic state legislators who will defend our democracy and deliver progress for families and working people nationwide.

Can you chip in $10 (worth 3X MORE!) right now to claim your official 2023 membership today and help us reach our 15,000 goal? Your personalized 2023 DLCC membership card will arrive right at your doorstep »

Thank you,
DLCC Membership Team

3X Match: DONATE »

The information provided above is associated with the following email address: sula_costa@yahoo.com. If you have donated in the past with a different email, by check, or to another organization or party committee, that will not be reflected here. We appreciate your continued support!


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