Friday, August 11, 2023

 Cris Furtado is awarded a silver medal at Circolo Italiano in Sao Paulo


Cris Furtado is awarded with a silver medal in Mostra at Circolo Italiano in Sao Paulo. Fine Art- Cris  Furtado has just received yet another important award in her career. This time, the artist was awarded a silver medal in the acrylic painting on canvas category at Expo Brasil Expressões, an event held at Círculo Italiano in São Paulo, from June 23rd to July 30th.


The exhibition was curated by Valkiria Iacocca and was organized by renowned artist Muriah Brasil. The award is yet another recognition of the talent and creativity of Cris Furtado, who is an artist from Goiás based in Brasília.


The exhibition had a relevant Judging Committee, with significant names in the world of art such as Oscar d Ambrósio, art critic and curator, José Henrique Fabre Rolim, art critic and former president of APCA (Association of Art Critics) and Chico Cortez , art critic and curator , forming a competent and highly regarded jury in the art world.


With a unique and innovative style, Cris Furtado has conquered space in the national and international art scene. His works are marked by the expressiveness of the colors and the originality of the strokes, which convey emotion and sensitivity to the viewer.


The silver medal received at Expo Brasil Expressões is further proof of the talent and dedication of the artist Cris Pires Furtado, who continues to delight the public with her works and conquering more and more space in the art world.


Source: Press office


Photo: Personal collection


Edition: Costa Consulting CO | MTB 0003600| GO

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