Wednesday, August 16, 2023



The cultural producer João Luiz Azevedo, promotes the concert of the singer WLADIMIR CABANAS, honoring 03 great names of universal music.

Singer Wladimir Cabanas – tenor at Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro – will remember the great successes of these 3 great stars of universal music.


From Frank Sinatra he will perform 'All the Way', 'Let me try again', 'New York New York', 'My Way', 'I've got you under my skin', and 'Fly me to the moon'.



Tony Bennett will present 'I Left my heart in san Francisco', 'For once in My life' and 'People' and Tom Jobim, Wladimir Cabanas will present 'Chovendo na Roseira', 'Triste', 'Retrato em Branco e preto' , 'Modinha', 'Luiza', 'She is Carioca', 'I Know I'm Going to Love You', 'If Everyone Were Just Like You', 'Dindi', 'Talking About Love', 'Girl from Ipanema', ' Desafinado', 'Wave' and 'Chega de Saudade'.


Production and Press Office: João Luiz Azevedo


 Alley of Bottles

Rua Duvivier 37 – Copacabana


August 20th/2023


Sunday – 6pm


Artistic Couvert: 50 reais.


Free for all ages.


Venue capacity: 60 people.




We say it a lot: Republican legislators are too extreme to be in power. Don’t believe us? These two dangerous GOP candidates may just change your mind:

  1. Erin Autenreith, the Republican nominee in Pennsylvania’s special election, was in Washington DC on January 6th. She’s also gone as far as sharing QAnon content on social media. Yikes.
  2. Jim Guzofski, the Republican nominee in New Hampshire’s special election, has equated abortion with blood sacrifices, called President Biden an “illegitimate president,” and compared the COVID-19 vaccine to “witchcraft.” Double yikes.

These candidates are on the ballot next month, and the DLCC is the only party committee dedicated entirely to defeating dangerous Republicans like them at the state level.

If you’re ready to jump into the fight, click here to chip in $7. We’re running out of time to catch up to the GOP, but together, we can turn the tide.

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For over a decade, Republicans have had the upper hand in state legislatures – giving out of control extremists like these a platform to spread their dangerous agenda.

But last year marked a turning point. Thanks to grassroots donors, Democrats FLIPPED four chambers. We must capitalize on that momentum – and fast.

In one month, polls will close in special elections in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. We can’t wake up the morning after wishing we had done more. Rush $7 to elect Democrats and defeat extremists in states like PA and NH.

Your contribution makes a difference. Let's send a resounding message that we will not stand for extremism in our government.

Thank you,




The results of this November's elections in Virginia will determine the path our country takes for years to come. That’s why Hillary Clinton is calling on grassroots Democrats, including you, to make a difference:

Hillary Clinton: There are no off-years!

Rush $7 to elect state Dems »

We can’t let Virginia become the next Republican-controlled state to go down this path. Will you rush $7 right now to stand with Hillary Clinton and build Democratic power in Virginia and beyond?

For the past two years, our Democratic majority in the state Senate has acted as a barrier against Virginia Republicans' dangerous agenda. But we risk losing this essential check on GOP power if Democrats are defeated this November.

Virginia Republicans have already rolled back voting rights, and their proposed budget favors tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy.

If the GOP flips the state Senate and keeps control of the House, abortion rights could be first up on the chopping block. Their far-right governor has already endorsed plans to threaten abortion doctors with jail time – it's horrible.

The stakes are high, and we cannot afford to lose. This team has stepped up time and time again to help drive our mission forward, so we know you'll come through this year, too.

Chip in $7 to heed Hillary Clinton's call to action and support Democrats in critical states like Virginia. Every donation, no matter the amount, will make an incredible difference →

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
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Thank you for everything.




Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
1225 Eye Street NW Suite 1250, Washington, DC 20005
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the DLCC are not tax deductible.


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