Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chocolatte da Vila Maria celebrates Carnival for All in São Paulo

 The Chocolatte Block is a vibrant carnival group from São Paulo that was founded in 2012 by the talented samba and percussionist Chocolatte da Vila Maria. Since its official registration in 2017 by the  Cultural Recreative Association and Assistencial Bloco do Chocolatte (ARCA), the block has been committed to preserving and celebrating the rich culture of the old carnivals. By performing samba classics, traditional marches and promoting high party wheel, the Chocolatte Block brings to life the essence of street carnival, creating an atmosphere of joy and nostalgia.

With events held predominantly in the North Zone from São Paulo, the Chocolatte Block provides a family-friendly and welcoming environment, where revelers of all ages can enjoy the festivities in a climate of togetherness and celebration. In 2024, the group paraded with great enthusiasm in Vila Maria, gathering on Avenida Nadir Dias de Figueiredo, attracting a crowd that was captivated by the contagious energy of the music and dance.

For 2025, Bloco do Chocolatte has already announced its schedule, promising to revive the samba classics and traditional marchinhas that have rocked generations. Located in an area further away from the big city center, the group maintains a strong cultural and social connection with the community, promoting mobility for revelers and ensuring a vibrant and inclusive Carnival. This year, it brings the best of samba and carnival with the presence of the Bateria de Toronto - Canada and the Consulate of Cuba already opening the doors for Bloquinho do Chocolatte to possibly open an international carnival.

Bloco do Chocolatte's goal goes beyond the festivities. With a clear vision of strengthening local culture, supporting independent artists and ensuring that Carnival is a celebration for everyone, the group stands out as a true defender of tradition and cultural diversity. By celebrating the richness of samba and Carnival, Bloco do Chocolatte reaffirms its commitment to making this festivity an accessible and democratic space, where everyone can feel part of the party and the history it represents.

Therefore, Bloco do Chocolatte has been celebrating Carnival for Brazilian families in Vila Maria and Vila Guilherme and the entire North Zone of the São Paulo's city for 14 years. The samba musicians celebrate their block without an abadá, inviting all visitors to contribute just one kilo of non-perishable food, making the celebration social and collaborative for the CPS Cônego Luiz Biasi Institution, which cares for more than 1,500 children. Celebrating Carnival without forgetting the social aspect!

Photo: Press Office

Contact: 11 983615263 / e-mail

Social networks FacebookBloco do Chocolatte/ @chocolattedevilamaria

Editing: Sula Costa MTB 0003600|GO
qua., 26 de fev. às 12:24

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