Friday, October 16, 2015

As palavras podem expressar sabedoria, mas só as ações podem conter virtudes. Hideraldo Montenegro


Saphira & Ventura Gallery 

You're Invited!


October 19th, at 6pm

Visual arts exhibit produced by Brazilians and French curators explores the beauty and the challenges of the environment
Through the work of artists from different nationalities, "EARTH" will display the beauty and the challenges of the environment, featuring paintings, sculptures and photographs inspired by nature.
The participating artists are: Sergio Azol, Elaine Weiner-Reed, Katia Gerasimov, Galina Krasskova, Mira Satryan, Cynthia McCusker, Hanna Oren-Huppert, Fatima Campos, Basha Maryasnka, Isabela Couto, Silveira Lopes, Rogerio Martins, Eunice Khoury, Edoardo Pacelli, Julia Equi, Stalleikem, Ricardo Raposo, Acacio Pereira, Marcos Amaro, Marita Wolf, Cassandra Fortes, Meme Vizotto, Eda Miranda, Jacques Stemer, Barbara Andres-Schucht, Nicolas Savine, Beatriz Deruiz.
*R.S.V.P by October 18th
Curated by Alcinda Saphira, Louis Ventura and Jean Pierre Lorriaux.
New York: (914) 231 7453 | Mobile: (914) 433 0121 | (914) 309 6779

Hunton & Williams LLP
October 14, 2015
Empezaron las eliminatorias al próximo Mundial pero las investigaciones por sobornos de la FIFA continúan – tendrán cobertura bajo pólizas de seguros las compañías y altos ejecutivos siendo investigados?
El Comité de Ética de la FIFA anunció el 8 de octubre la suspensión provisional por 90 días de Joseph Blatter, presidente de la FIFA y de Michel Platini, presidente de UEFA y vicepresidente de FIFA, entre otras suspensiones que fueron anunciadas en ese mismo momento. Por su parte, la Justicia de Suiza investiga a ambos funcionarios por varios actos de corrupción. Al día siguiente, Blatter presentó la apelación a su suspensión. La semana anterior Coca-Cola y McDonald’s, principales compañías americanas patrocinadoras de la FIFA, habían exigido la inmediata renuncia del presidente del organismo que rige el fútbol en el mundo tras el anuncio del fiscal general de Suiza de que se habían iniciado procesos penales contra Blatter acusado de haber firmado un contrato por dos millones de francos suizos en contra de los intereses de la organización y de haber hecho un “pago desleal” a Michel Platini en el año 2011.

Hunton & Williams LLP
1111 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2500
Miami, FL 33131

You're Invited
Focus on Latin America Series
October 29, 2015
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You're Invited - Focus On Cross Border Insurance Coverage Issues for Policyholders Doing Business in Latin America and US
Join us for our next edition of programming hosted by the Miami office of
Hunton & Williams LLP.
Focus On Cross Border Insurance Coverage Issues for Policyholders   

Thursday, October 29, 2015
5:30 p.m. Registration 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. EDT 
Reception to follow.
Hunton & Williams LLP
1111 Brickell Avenue
Suite 2500
Miami, FL 33131
Register Now
You're Invited - Focus On Cross Border Insurance Coverage Issues for Policyholders Doing Business in Latin America and US

Walter J. Andrews, Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP
Sergio F. Oehninger, Counsel, Hunton & Williams LLP
Shawn R. Burnsworth, Vice President, International Leader, Lockton Companies, LLC 
  • What are the principal risks facing companies doing business in Latin America?
  • Do you have appropriate insurance for your cross border activities and exposures?
  • How to best protect energy, oil, gas and mineral companies against pollution claims and other risks relating to climate change.
  • Where do financial services, retail and consumer product companies need to focus their attention in terms of cyber and other emerging risks?
  • Protecting yourself against severe weather/natural catastrophes with property, business interruption and contingent business interruption insurance.
  • The use of trade disruption insurance to cover risks that are not covered by business interruption insurance.
  • Use of reps and warranties insurance in transactions as a way to offset indemnity obligations.
  • Structuring your multinational insurance program to meet international standards.
Complimentary program and reception.
Hunton & Williams LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in Florida.
Credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to approval rules.
Should you have any questions, please contact Michelle Martinez Reyes at
Hunton & Williams LLP
Atlanta | Austin | Bangkok | Beijing | Brussels | Charlotte | Dallas | Houston | London | Los Angeles
McLean | Miami | New York | Norfolk | Raleigh | Richmond | San Francisco | Tokyo | Washington

Start your free Constant Contact trial today
Need a speaker? Email us!
This annual conference was created to serve as a catalyst for savvy black marketers, businesses, and entrepreneurs around the city to easily build the strategies, relationships, and expertise you need to
 rapidly accelerate business growth.
Join innovative business owners, industry thought leaders, 
and key influencers, for a morning of 
learning, networking and optimizing your business.
October 22, 2015
8:00am - 12:00pm
$25 per person
Use code CTCTVIP for $5 off!

The Terrace Club 
25 W 51st Street
Inside of Club Quarters
New York, NY 10019

Engage with industry thought leaders who will transform the way you think about growth.

Special Guest
Vera Moore
Vera More Cosmetics

KENDRA WEBB-SCOTTConstant Contact 
Authorized Local Expert 

Chief Marketing StrategistIdeazio, Inc.

Authorized Local Expert


Constant Contact 
Authorized Local Expert


Constant Contact 
Authorized Local Expert

Founder + Digital StrategistThink Work Media



 Managing Director 

Building an Engaging Email using Constant Contact
What is it? This fundamental workshop provides you with the step-by-step design process in creating and branding your Master Email Template. Learn how to confidently set email marketing goals, brand your master template, and increase engagement by using simple yet powerful best practices while working alongside the trainer in your own Constant Contact account.

Brooklyn, NY,  Tuesday, October 20, 9:30am  More Information|Register Now

Maximize your Results with Contacts and Reporting Analytics
What is it? Learn how to increase sending reports and getting emails noticed with industry best practices, strategies, and techniques. By learning the essentials in managing your contacts and monitoring your reports, learners will identify ways to increase visibility in an email inbox.

Brooklyn, NY, Tuesday, October 20, 1:30pm  More Information|Register Now

Rakuten Super Expo 2015, veja o que rolou…

Rakuten Super Expo 2015, veja o que rolou…

O evento Rakuten Super Expo 2015 realizado ontem no World Trade Center trouxe este ano o tema Hello World: O Maior Ecossistema de Internet do Mundo.
Com foco em lojistas online (e-commerce) contou com diversas palestras dos mais variados segmentos voltados para inovações e tendências de mercado para o próximo ano e como se apropriar disso.
As três primeiras palestras foram para todo público e todas as demais divididas em quatro canais distintos: marketinginovaçãovarejo e gestão de lojas.
A estrutura de palestras ocorreu semelhante ao ano passado na qual um palco central com quatro faces, recebia os palestras de forma simultânea, podendo ser ouvidos através da frequência escolhida no rádio. A facilidade inovadora permita a mudança de palestras de forma mais simples.
Gostaríamos de destacar a palestra do Victor Popper CEO da All in Mail.
Ele notou que ao finalizar um bate-papo via WhatsApp e posteriormente ao navegar peloFacebook, foi impactado por um anúncio patrocinado do tema da conversa.
A afirmação gerou grande surpresa e foi seguida de um questionamento sobre a segurança das informações.
Na sequência, Gabriela Comazzeto do Twitter Brasil justificou que se trata de uma nova estratégia utilizada pelas redes sociais na qual as publicações consideram o uso de palavras chave disponibilizadas pelos usuários, visando a experiência do usuário.
Entre as demais palestras também marcaram presença: Hope Lingeries, Playtech, Pinterest, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook e Google.
O evento reuniu mais de 2500 pessoas e o nosso time também marcou presença por lá.
Veja as fotos e curta nossa página.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Como abrir uma empresa nos EUA?
Como enviar dinheiro aos EUA?
Como trabalhar nos Estados Unidos?
Como estudar nos Estados Unidos?
Como conseguir visto de investidor?
Como pedir Green-card / casamento?
Como obter visto de esportista?
Como investir em imóveis para renda?
Como conseguir visto de residência?
Como saber se pagará imposto EUA?
Como tirar visto de trabalho L-1?
Como montar um negócio nos EUA?
Como escolher o profissional certo?
Piquet Law Firm | +1(786)558-8054 | |
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Covering NYC, Westchester, Long Island and Southern Connecticut
Constant Contact Email Marketing Summit at the 
New York Business Expo & Conference

Join us for our annual Summit at the Expo! We will be presenting tactical and motivating workshops all day long to help you become more productive 
with your email marketing!

Stop by the Constant Contact booth on the Expo Floor 
and meet some of our great local partners who can certainly help 
give you one on one marketing advice! 
October 27th, 2015 at the Jacob Javits Center
Sessions run from 10:00am - 4:00pm!

10am - 11am
Power of the Inbox
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Look Great in the
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Stand Out Subject Lines
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
What to Say and How to Say it - Content Marketing
3pm - 4pm Rock Your Holidays!
Local Seminars Near You
Aitoro Appliance, 401 Westport Avenue, Norwalk, CT

Thursday, October 15, 6:00pm
Social Media 102: A Fashionable Night Out - Protecting & Expanding your Fashion Business
Noir et Blanc, 7 West 25th Street, New York, NY

Thursday, October 15, 7:00pm
Social Media Marketing for Business
Shelter Rock Public Library, 165 Searingtown Road, Albertson, NY

Friday, October 16, 10:00am, Online
Webinar: Look Great In the Inbox

Monday, October 19, 5:30pm
Social Media TimeSavers and LinkedIn for your Business
Harry Bennett Branch, 115 Vine Road, Stamford, CT

Tuesday, October 20, 9:30am
Look Good in the Inbox: The 7 DON'Ts of Email Design
WeWork, Charging Bull, 25 Broadway, New York, NY

Tuesday, October 20, 11:30am
Harness the Power of Mobile: Is Your Business Ready for Mobile Marketing and Facebook?
Sparks Sports Grill, 280 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT

Tuesday, October 20, 6:00pm, Online
Webinar: Rock Your Holidays

Wednesday, October 21, 8:30am
Time to Get Back to Business with this Constant Contact Exclusive!
Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue at 38th Street, Volvo Hall, New York, NY

Thursday, October 22, 8:00am
The Black Entrepreneurs Summit
The Terrace Club, 25 West 51st Street, New York, NY

Thursday, October 22, 5:30pm, Online
Webinar: Introduction to Online Marketing: Social Media, Constant Contact Newsletter Campaigns, & LinkedIn for Business

Tuesday, October 27, 9:30am
Rock Your Holidays with a GREAT Promotion!
WeWork, Charging Bull, 25 Broadway, New York, NY

Click here for our full calendar of events