Thursday, December 22, 2016

Não deixe o clima esquentar

Kit Greenpeace


With an abundance of things to do in New York City, we’ve simplified your search and rounded up the best accommodations, dining and local attractions the Big Apple has to offer.
Map data ©2016 Google
Radio City Music Hall is located in the heart of Rockefeller Center at:
1260 Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue) between W. 50th St. and W. 51st St.
More information:


Capes lança novos editais para pós-doutorado no exterior

    A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) divulga nesta sexta-feira, 10, os novos editais para bolsas de pós-doutorado no exterior no âmbito dos programas Estágio Sênior e Pós-Doutorado no Exterior. Serão oferecidas até 400 bolsas pelas duas iniciativas.
    As inscrições vão até o dia 15 de julho. Os benefícios previstos para ambos os programas são mensalidade, seguro-saúde, auxílio deslocamento, auxílio instalação e adicional localidade, quando for o caso. A duração da bolsa para realização do projeto será definida na concessão com base na duração aprovada pelas instituições de origem e de destino e o cronograma de execução proposto, podendo variar de um a 18 meses.
    A bolsa de Estágio Sênior promove o aprimoramento profissional e acadêmico por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades de pesquisa no exterior, por pesquisadores doutores que tenham vínculo empregatício com instituições de ensino superior brasileira, com titulação obtida há mais de oito anos e que demonstre produção científica relevante.
    O Programa de Pós-Doutorado no Exterior destina-se a realização de estudos avançados que sejam posteriores à obtenção do título de doutor. O programa concede bolsas de estudos para pesquisadores que possuem o título de doutor há menos de oito anos. O objetivo é atuar como forma opcional para a carreira de docentes e pesquisadores, para complementar a formação com desenvolvimento de projetos conjuntos e em parceria com instituições de excelência no exterior.
    A Capes também publicou nesta sexta o Regulamento de Bolsas no Exterior, que estabelece as definições, normas e diretrizes para as modalidades de bolsas para o exterior.
    Confira os editais: Estágio Sênior e Pós-Doutorado no Exterior.


    Wednesday, December 21, 2016

    For the last 40 years, I've roamed the polar regions of our world. I started as a child, growing up in an Inuit community on Baffin Island, Canada, where I learned from the Inuit people not just to survive in our environment -- but to thrive in and love the Arctic for all it had to offer.
    Later, as a scientist, I tried using data to make the case for conservation. But it wasn't until I became a polar photographer for Sea Legacy and National Geographic magazine that I finally found a way to convey the urgency of protecting this fragile ecosystem for the good of all humanity.
    Photo by Paul Nicklen
    Photo by Paul Nicklen
    As a scientist, what I know about the Arctic is terrifying. Currently, it’s warming twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet. As a photographer, I can observe and document these effects first-hand: receding glaciers, struggling wildlife populations, and cities impacted by rising sea levels.
    And as the landscape changes, driven by climate change, I am watching the Arctic region become increasingly vulnerable. In particular, we should see the rapid disappearance of sea ice here for what it is: a sign of imminent and catastrophic change. The danger of an oil spill would deliver a fatal blow to this pristine and critically important ecosystem.
    But -- with the leadership of President Obama -- we've taken a step forward.
    The new withdrawal -- which encompasses the entire U.S. Chukchi Sea and the vast majority of the U.S. Beaufort Sea -- will provide critical protection for the unique and vibrant Arctic ecosystem, which is home to marine mammals and other vital ecological resources and marine species, and upon which many Alaska Native communities depend. With this action, we’ve now protected nearly 125 million acres in the Arctic from future oil and gas activity since 2015.
    Photo by Paul Nicklen
    Photo by Paul Nicklen
    This action also comes in conjunction with Canada’s announcement that it will freeze offshore oil and gas leasing in its Arctic waters, to be reviewed every five years through a climate and marine science-based assessment.
    My career as a scientist, photojournalist, and co-founder of has taught me that merely telling people the ice is melting doesn't work. Temperatures are rising. Animals are struggling, starving and drowning. Water levels are gradually immersing cities. We can no longer just talk about this. We need to show the world how urgent it is with images and stories and, more importantly, with urgent action.
    At this pace the Arctic will be void of ice by 2050. It's a message that's hard to hear but easy to understand when you see the damage at the poles of this great Earth. Species whose survival is at serious risk, like the Pacific walrus, polar bear, bowhead whale, fin whale, spectacled eider, and Steller’s eider will benefit from these protections, and so will the communities that rely on the Arctic ecosystem for their way of life. I hope Sea Legacy’s photographs become ambassadors for this beautiful ecosystem and inspire immediate action to protect it.
    Thank you to President Obama for having the foresight to step forward. Not back.
    Thanks for hearing me,
    Paul Nicklen
    Wildlife Photojournalist
    Nanoose Bay, British Columbia, Canada

    Soccer Life Experience Portugal

    Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

    Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

    Para mudar o cenário atual do futebol brasileiro, e aumentar a chance de acesso de jovens talentos ao esporte, surgiu o

    Projeto SLE (Soccer Life Experience).
    O projeto é amparado por um grupo de negócios com expertise em formação de atletas, composto por empresas brasileiras e parceiros europeus, e atua proporcionando aos jovens atletas amantes do futebol a oportunidade de treinar em um clube Europeu.
    Ficou interessado? Acesse o site, conheça mais sobre o projeto e solicite a sua participação!

    Clique no link e saiba mais

    Graduate Scholarships at Central European University

    Applications are now being accepted for master’s and doctoral scholarships at Central European University. Graduate students and faculty from around the world come together in Budapest to engage in interdisciplinary education, pursue advanced scholarship, and address some of society’s most vexing problems.
    The Central European University in Budapest is an internationally recognized institution of postgraduate education established by George Soros and supported by the Open Society Foundations. It is accredited in the United States and Hungary.
    Eligibility Criteria
    The University provides a variety of scholarships and research grants for which applicants from any country are eligible to apply.
    Academic areas and programs include the following:
    • business
    • cognitive science
    • economics
    • environmental sciences and policy
    • gender studies
    • history
    • international relations
    • legal studies
    • mathematics and its applications
    • medieval studies
    • nationalism studies
    • network science
    • philosophy
    • political science
    • public policy
    • sociology and social anthropology
    For more information about available financial aid, funding options, and research grants, visit the Central European University website. Applications are due February 1, 2017

    Harlem Gospel Holiday Celebration

    If you have never been to an authentic gospel concert, look no further. Welcome to Harlem is the tour company that will provide you with an unforgettable experiences this holiday season! 

    This one hour Christmas Eve/New Years Eve Gospel Concerts will bring joy to your heart and soul.  Gospel music is a powerfully uplifting experience that everyone should experience.  We intend to have you toe-clapping, foot-stomping, and singing along with the soulful rhythms of Black gospel music that will fill the church on these two days.
    House doors open at 10:15 AM

    Schedule Details:  

    Date: December 24, 2016 and December 31, 2016
    Time: 11:00 AM
    Duration: 1 hour
    Price: $20 USD
    Map data ©2016 Google


    Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 201 Lenox Avenue, New York, NY, 10027, @120th Street.  2 or 3 trains, to 116th Street, exit near intersection of W 116th St and Lenox Avenue/Malcolm X Blvd., walk four blocks to 120th Street.
    Exclusions: Gratuities (Optional)


    Join Us on January 19, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: Jones Day, New York, New York

    As a consequence of the recent  political, judicial, economic and financial turbulence in Brazil, many Brazilian companies, large and small, have been attempting to restructure their debts, have filed or consider filing for recuperação judicial in Brazil or for bankruptcy protection in the US, or have been seeking investors or buyers.

    A panel experienced in distressed investments in Brazil will discuss what opportunities and challenges the current economic environment in Brazil has created for distressed investors. The discussion will include the following topics:
    • Overview of distressed market in Brazil
    • Explanation of legal framework governing recuperação judicial in Brazil and main differences and interplay with US Chapter 11 and Chapter 15
    • Issues affecting DIP financing in Brazil
    • Impact of Lava Jato
    • Issues of concern in distressed M&A in Brazil
    The panel will be composed of the following speakers:

    S. Wade AngusPartnerJones Day
    Marcello HallakePartnerJones Day
    Pedro A. JimenezPartnerJones Day
    Marcelo RicuperoPartner,  Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
    More information to follow!