Monday, February 6, 2017

Hunton & Williams LLP
February 6, 2017
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Hunton & Williams LLP Client Alert

US Withdraws from the TPP. What’s Next For American Investors Abroad?

On January 23, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order directing the US Trade Representative to withdraw the United States as a signatory to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The United States formally withdrew from the TPP one week later, when the Office of the Trade Representative sent a withdrawal letter to the other TPP signatories. Because Congress had not yet voted on whether to ratify the TPP, the agreement was not in force at the time of the announced withdrawal. Nevertheless, for the near future, American investors who had hoped to benefit from the TPP’s protections will not be able to do so.


Organizing for Action

Last year, after a long and deliberate process, the Obama administration finalized protections putting a stop to wasteful and polluting methane leaks and venting on public lands. These protections cut climate pollution -- methane is a dangerous contributor to climate change -- and they improve public health.

The House just voted to strip away these protections. Next week, the Senate is looking to do the same. This would be a bad idea by itself -- bad for the public health and bad for the climate. But it's even worse than it sounds.

They're going to use a rare and radical provision called the Congressional Review Act that's only ever been used once before this week. It's a powerful and obscure rule that allows them to delete regulations -- and prevent any similar standards to ever be issued.

That means extra pollution coming from oil and gas drilling on our public lands.


We can't allow that to happen. Speak up against the radical use of the Congressional Review Act for oil and gas standards.

We've made such incredible progress on climate change in the last few years -- from the landmark Paris Agreement to the Clean Power Plan to skyrocketing growth in clean, renewable energy.

Since the leaders of the House and Senate -- and those appointed to the new administration -- deny the basic facts about climate science, it's progress we're going to need to fight for.

There's a reason the Congressional Review Act is so rarely used. Revisiting standards is one thing, but saying we don't need public health or climate standards like these -- forever? That's beyond the pale.

Senators need to think hard about this radical path. As the evidence stacks up that climate change is here and happening now -- and the path to a clean energy future becomes more and more clear -- now is not the time to recklessly throw out the positive steps we've taken.

Say you agree.

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[Checklist] How to Test Digital
Ads for Maximum Effectiveness
Sometimes knowing how, what, and when to test can seem overwhelming, but don't worry, we've got your back. There are a ton of fantastic A/B and multivariate tests you can run for your digital advertising campaigns.

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Here’s to your success,

Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher


Exposição Coletiva

Visitas até:

15 de Março de 2017, segunda a sexta-feira das 9h às 19h

Coquetel de lançamento do livro:

15 de fevereiro de 2017 das 18h30 às 21h


Espaço Cultural STJ


Exposição dos artistas: Luiz Costa, Pompéia Cascão, Sonnia Guerra e Tony Lima



SAFS – Quadra 6
Lote 1, Trecho III
Edifício dos Plenários
2º andar/Mezanino

Ives Gandra
Assine a petição para reivindicar a indicação de Ives Gandra ao STF
Não sei se tem acompanhado as notícias a respeito da indicação do novo Ministro do STF. Permita-me falar um pouco sobre um nome importante que está entre os mais cotatos: Ives Gandra Filho.
Atualmente, ele é presidente do TST (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho). Sua compentência é amplamente reconhecida no meio jurídico. É um católico com sólida formação nos valores mais caros à tradição cristã, tão importante para as bases culturais e sociais do nosso país. Defende a vida, a família e as liberdades fundamentais e ainda tem capacitação para contribuir para as reformar urgentes que o governo precisa fazer.
Justamente por ser um homem que não tem comprometimento com partidos ou correntes políticas tem sofrido ataques maliciosos e caluniosos por parte da esquerda.
Ives Gandra Filho seria um refrigério para o STF. Por isso apoiamos sua indicação para a Suprema Corte de nosso país.
SULA, se ainda não tiver assinado a campanha para exigir do Presidente Temer a indicação de Ives Gandra, peço, por favor, que o faça agora, pois a decisão pode sair a qualquer momento!
Mais de 11.000 pessoas já assinaram a campanha! Vamos aumentar esse número para 20.000?
Tenho plena consciência de que uma eventual indicação de Ives Gandra não resolveria todos os problemas que o país enfrenta no momento. Porém, não deixaria de ser um passo importante para a reestruturação da Suprema Corte em função dos verdadeiros valores sobre os quais nosso país foi construído.
Além disso, sua presença no STF também ajudaria (e muito) a barrar a tentativa de legalização do aborto por via jurídica em curso no referido tribunal.
Mais uma vez muito obrigado pela atenção!
Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe de CitizenGO
P.S.: SULA, sua participação é muito importante. Além do envio de e-mails, muitas pessoas têm telefonado para o gabinete pessoal do Presidente Temer.
No dia em que telefonei para registrar meu apoio à nomeação de Ives Gandra, a secretária disse que centenas de pessoas já haviam telefonado antes de mim. O telefone é (61) 3411-1200. Basta dizer que deseja registrar seu apoio à indicação de Ives Gandra para o STF.
CitizenGO é uma plataforma de participação cidadã que trabalha para defender a vida, a família e as liberdades fundamentais em todo o mundo. Para saber mais sobre CitizenGO, clique aqui,ou siga-nos via Facebook ou Twitter.


Difícil descobrir de onde vem a imaginação, a inspiração e o aprimoramento técnico para a execução de suas obras, pois Claudio Takita, brasileiro, natural de São Paulo, neto de imigrantes japoneses, é autodidata como Artista Plástico, como Designer Gráfico e em outras formas de expressão visual.Iniciou seus trabalhos artísticos com a pintura abstrata e, hoje, suas pinturas são figurativas. Compõem uma sobreposição de personagens, objetos, palavras, texturas e cores, remetendo de maneira intensa às interpretações múltiplas do seu universo, como um poeta das tintas.
“A atmosfera presente em suas pinturas remetem muito às experiências, ensejos, sonhos, emoções, reflexões que vivenciou. São como fragmentos de imagens que colheu e guardou para compor, aliás, recompô-las, rearranjá-las da forma, volume, transparência e essência como fluem no seu particular imaginário.
Numa narrativa de contextos como esta, resta designar como poesia visual, que envolve-nos a observar a sua liberdade criativa para utilizar inúmeros elementos atemporais, de diferentes estilos, de diferentes personalidades, como acontece em suas releituras  de pinturas clássicas teletransportadas para tempos atuais.
Sua pintura é a extensão do seu ato de respirar, realizar e viver, essencialmente com prazer!”

It is hard to figure out where the imagination, inspiration and technical improvement to the execution of his work come from, because Claudio Takita, Brazilian, born in São Paulo, the grandson of Japanese immigrants is self-taught as a fine artist, as Graphic Designer and other forms of visual expression.
He began his artistic work with abstract paintings and today his paintings are figurative. They make an overlap of characters, objects, words, textures and colors, referring intensely to multiple interpretations of his universe as a poet of paints.
“The atmosphere that is present in his paintings refers to the very experiences, felicitous, dreams, emotions, reflections that he has experienced. They are like fragments of images that he has collected and saved to compose, by the way, recompose them, and rearrange them in the shape, volume, transparency and essence as they flow in his private imaginary.
In a narrative  of contexts like this, it remains the designation of a visual poetry, which involves us to watch his creative freedom to use numerous timeless elements of different styles, different personalities, as in his reinterpretations of classic paintings teleported to current times.
His painting is the extent of his act
 of breathing, performing and living, primarily with pleasure! “


Setembro de 1993
Paulo Figueiredo Galeria de Arte – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Outubro de 1996
Off-Bienal Um – Museu Brasileiro de Escultura – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Outubro de 2006
Off-Bienal Dois – Museu Brasileiro de Escultura – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Julho de 2008
Cubo Arte Galeria – Barcelona
Exposição Coletiva
Outubro de 2008
Off-Bienal 3 – Jô Slaviero & Guedes Galeria de Arte – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Outubro de 2009
Off-Bienal 3 / ArtPhoto Giclées – Espaço Tucarena – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Junho de 2010
Marcelo Neves & Barion Galeria de Arte – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Outubro de 2010
Area Artis Galeria de Arte – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Outubro de 2010
Off Bienal 4
Galeria de Arte Cidade Jardim – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Dezembro de 2010
Salon Société Nationale de Beaux-Arts 2010 – Paris – França
Délégation du Brésil
Dezembro de 2011
Salon Société Nationale de Beaux-Arts 2011 – Paris – França
Délégation du Brésil
Dezembro de 2012
Salon Société Nationale de Beaux-Arts 2011 – Paris – França
Délégation du Brésil
Fevereiro de 2013
Joh Mabe Espaço Arte e Cultura – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Outubro de 2013
Marcelo Neves Galeria de Arte – São Paulo
Exposição Individual Musas&Divas
Março de 2014
Território Aberto – Bienal de Santo André
Salão de Exposições do Paço Municipal de Santo André
Exposição Coletiva
Novembro de 2014
Arte117 – Casa do Olhar Luiz Sacilotto – Santo Andre
Exposição Coletiva
Maio de 2015
Salão de Outono da América Latina
Galeria Marta Traba – Memorial da América Latina – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Agosto de 2015
Deco ArtClub – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Setembro de 2015
Abach Galeria da Casa da Fazenda – São Paulo
Exposição Individual
Dezembro de 2015
Casa Galeria – São Paulo
Exposição Coletiva
Outubro de 2016
Espaço Paulista de Arte – Substantivo do Feminino
Exposição Coletiva
Art Brazil Week – São Paulo
Artista selecionado no Salão de Arte
More information:

Jaci Toffano adquiriu sua experiência ao longo de uma carreira diversificada, explorando sempre o seu talento e refletindo o seu pulsar inquieto, penetrante e curioso.  

Paulista, de Jahu, aos 5 anos tocava músicas de ouvido ao piano para imitar sua irmã mais velha. Logo carregava um cavaquinho no trajeto da sua casa até o Conservatório Jauense de Música e tocava ao piano o tango “À meia luz”  em duo com bandolion,  com um dos músicos mais tradicionais da sua cidade natal, Toninho Capelozza. Nessa ´época estudou om Marieta Musitano Pirágine e Geraldo Minhoto Teixeira. 
Foram vários prêmios obtidos em concursos e realizou sua estréia como pianista concertista nos salões do Conservatório Musical Campinas,  aos 14 anos,  nos tempos em que circulava pelos trens da Companhia Paulista encurtando a distância entre Jaú e Campinas, onde estudava com Olga Normanha. 
Até chegar na Juilliard School de Nova York, Jaci tocou em locais como a Sociedade Hebraica de São Paulo, os anfiteatros da Unicamp e teve por diversas vezes sua performance transmitida pela TV Cultura de São Paulo. 

Estudou com Guido Agosti na Accademia Chigiana, em Siena, na Itália.
Em Nova York, tocou por diversas vezes no Lincoln Center enquanto alternava curtas temporadas no Brasil obtendo prêmios como solista da Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo, por duas vezes, e da Orquestra Sinfônica de Porto Alegre. Nesse período, estreou sob a regência de Eleazar de Carvalho e encerrou o Festival de Campos de Jordão solando o Concerto da Coroação de Mozart no Teatro Municipal de São Paulo, sob a regência de Fábio Mechetti.  En Nova Iorque estudou com William Massellos, Jacob Lateiner e William Daglian. 

Suas apresentações  como pianista incluem ainda locais como a Sociedade de Cultura Artística de São Paulo, o Teatro Nacional Cláudio Santoro, em Brasília, a Cité des Arts em Paris e o Great Hall of the People em Pequim, dentre outros. Realizou concertos como solista ou como camerista nas principais cidade brasileiras, na América do Sul, Estados Unidos, Europa, Asia e Austrália. Tocou também  sob a regência de Roberto Minzuk,  Fábio Mechetti, Diogo Pacheco, Joaquim Jayme e Emílio de César.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Marisa Letícia Lula da Silva, Wife of Former Brazilian President, Dies at 66
She died Friday (02/02/2017) from complications related to a stroke she suffered last week.
was the second wife of former President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,[2] and First Lady of Brazil from 2003 to 2010. Lula's first wife, Maria de Lourdes da Silva, died in labour when Lula was in his twenties.
Marisa Letícia Rocco Casa was born in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area where she grew up, studied, worked, married and first became politically active. She was married to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from 1974 until her death in February 2017. They had four children and two grandchildren together.
Born to Italian grandparents (Lombards from Palazzago, Province of Bergamo), Marisa was the penultimate child among Antônio João Casa (son of Giovanni Casa and Carolina Gambirasio) and Regina Rocco's (daughter of Mariano Rocco and Giovanna Boff) brood of eleven children.
Until she was five, Marisa lived with her family in the old Casa farm, where her grandfather built the St. Anthony Chapel, still standing to this day. The area is currently known as the Casa neighborhood in honor of her family, one of the first ones to arrive in the area.
In 1955, the family moved to downtown São Bernardo do Campo. Marisa's first school was made of wood. In third grade she was transferred to the school Grupo Escolar Maria Iracema Munhoz. At age nine she started working as babysitter for three younger girls.
When she was thirteen years old, she got a job at the Dulcora chocolate factory. Because she could not be registered as an official worker, her father signed an authorization so she could work as a chocolate wrapper. She remained in the factory until she was twenty-one, when she became pregnant of her first son.
In 1973, widow and mother of one son of her first marriage, Maria Letícia returned to work, this time as a state school inspector hired by the City Hall. That same year she met Lula at the Metallurgist’s Trade Union of São Bernardo do Campo. Seven months later they got married.
In 1975, Lula was elected Head of the Metallurgist’s Trade Union of São Bernardo do Campo. This period also marked the beginning of Marisa’s political militancy. Always side by Lula, she encouraged other women to participate in the Trade Union of ABCD. Then, in 1978 the strikes began in the ABC region of São Paulo.
Marisa Letícia with Syrian First LadyAsma al-Assad at the National Museum of Syria in Damascus, 2003.
The Workers' Party (PT) was founded on 10 February 1980. Marisa cut and sewed the first flag. Being an active militant, she helped to create the various divisions and stamp T-shirts in order to collect funds to the Party. In April of that same year, the Federal Government decreed the intervention in the union. Having lost their gathering space, Marisa's house became the stage for meetings of unionists, politicians, artists and intellectuals. Then, Lula and other union leaders were arrested.
During this time, Marisa helped to organize a women's protest march for releasing the Union leaders. Surrounded by policemen, tanks and cavalry, thousands of women and children left Praça da Matriz and walked through Marechal Deodoro street to the Paço Municipal and returned to the Matriz Church. A great act was held with the participation of the then-bishop of Santo André, Dom Cláudio Hummes.
When her husband Lula ran for president in 1982, 1986, 1994 and 1998, Marisa Letícia shared her time among her children, house and the campaigns. She also participated in the Citizenship Caravans that crossed the country.
In 2002, having raised her four children to adulthood, the wife of candidate Lula was able to dedicate herself entirely to that year's electoral campaign. At Lula's side she crossed the country as his most valuable electoral support. Marisa's constant and marking presence throughout Lula's trajectory reaffirmed her position as first-comrade.
In one of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's trips abroad, in October 2003, the First Lady was awarded the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit.
In the 2009 biopic Lula, Son of Brazil, Marisa Letícia was portrayed by Juliana Baroni.
On September 19, 2016, as part of the Operation Car Wash corruption scandal, an investigation for money laundering against Marisa Letícia and Lula was accepted by Paraná 13th Circuit federal judge Sérgio Moro.
# Death

Marisa Letícia was officially pronounced dead on February 3, 2017 at 6:57PM (Brasilia Time), after standard procedures confirm the complete absence of brainstem reflexes, and apnoea, both performed by the medical team from Sírio-Libanês Hospital, after spending over a week hospitalized due to a stroke. She was 66.


"Alma Brasileira”
Concert in honor of Heitor Villa-Lobos
on the 130th anniversary of his birth.


March is the month of birth of Heitor Villa-Lobos and to commemorate the 130th anniversary of his birth the BMF will bring together local musicians who will present some of Villa-Lobos' timeless works such as Choro no. 1, 5 preludes, String Quartet no. 5, Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5 with soprano Angelica De La Riva and guitar quartet, Melodia Sentimental, Canção de Amor, Alma Brasileira (Choro No. 5) with the pianist Max Barros, and other beautiful pieces by the composer, conducted by Rafael Piccolotto. The concert has the support of Sônia Rubinsky, winner of the LATIN GRAMMY in 2009 as "Best Classical Record of the Year" for her recording of Villa-Lobos piano works.

Considered, during his lifetime, the greatest composer of the Americas, Heitor Villa-Lobos composed about 2,000 works and his importance lies, among other things, in having reformulated the Brazilian concept of musical nationalism and becoming his greatest enthusiast. It was also through Villa-Lobos that Brazilian music came to be represented in other countries and became universal. An auto
didact who was constantly nourished by the work of J.S. Bach, Villa-Lobos occupies in the context of Brazilian music a position similar to that of Bach in Western music: a source of inspiration and reference for several generations of composers.

The BMF aims to present a series of chamber concerts with the works of Villa-Lobos, as well as those of Carlos Gomes and other great Brazilian classical composers.

The Concert will be held at Baruch College Theater, Engelman Recital Hall, at 7:00 pm on March 5, located at 55 Lexington Ave. (entrance on 25th Street between 3rd & Lexington Ave.) in Manhattan.

Tickets will be available from February 10 on BMF's website: Prices range from $25 to $55 dollars.

For more information email: 

The revenue from this event will be allocated to the educational programs of BMFSOM (Brazilian Music School in New York)

Press: Brazilian Music Foundation
Madalena Sousa/Founder & President

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