Thursday, June 7, 2018

Alexia Bomtempo June 12 @ 

Joe's Pub at NYC

Since relocating to New York from Rio de Janeiro nearly 4 years ago, Brazilian-American singer Alexia Bomtempo has fully embraced, challenged, and redefined the Northern half of her American artistic roots. Equally comfortable wandering amidst hazy memory-inducing soundscapes as she is in delivering flowing melodies influenced by her beachside upbringing in Rio de Janeiro, Alexia is an artist of multiple worlds. 

More information: 


 Residency Unlimited Exhibition: Debora Hirsch, Gustavo Speridião Through 
June 6 
Biggercode Gallery at NYC

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 "The Other's Shadow", by Rodrigo Fischer 

June 15 @ 7:30 PM

Inspired by the Dostoyevsky’s novel Notes from the undergroundThe other’s
shadow is a  project across performance, video-installation, visual art, site specific 

and time-based media to talk about objects, people, landscapes and 

architectures  that are no longer useful socially or utilitarian in New York City. 


 Meet Over Lunch: Brazilian Curator Luciana Solano and artist Barbara Wagner

 June 15 @ 1:00 PM

 Residency Unlimited (RU) 


Vinicius Cantuária 

June 21- 24 @ 7:30 and 9:30 PM

 Jazz Standard - NYC

An entrancing solo performer, Vinicius Cantuária is a bossa nova poet who accompanies his light, João Gilberto–like vocals with caressing guitar work and gorgeous melodies. He has led a prolific recording career, having released more than a dozen albums as a leader since the early 1980s. Along the way, he has collaborated with such cutting–edge performers as David Byrne, Laurie Anderson, Brian Eno, Brad Mehldau, and Jenny Scheinman. “Vinicius Cantuária is the doyen of Brazilian singer–songwriters – more melodic than Caetano Veloso, more consistent than Gilberto Gil and with more talent than Max de Castro, Otto and Patricia Marx put together. If more people covered his songs, we’d be talking about him as the new Tom Jobim.” (The Guardian) “Like Gilberto before him, Cantuária paints almost exclusively in tones of blue — from the deep indigo of a forlorn ballad to the azure glimmer of a slinking samba.” (Variety Magazine)
Vinicius Cantuaria - guitar and vocals
Helio Alves - piano
Paul Sokolow - bass
Adrianno Santos - drums
Dende - percussion

Pop-Up show curated by Gisela Gueiros 
June 14 (4 - 8 PM) and 15 (12 -10 PM) Reception: June 15 @ 6:00-10:00 PM
 Lazy Susan Gallery 

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Marketing Data Management—What B2Bs Need to Know

As B2B marketers and sellers aim to execute more persona-targeted and account-based programs this inevitably requires them to rely on a host of technologies and data sources to better understand their buyers.

Integrating all that data and managing it, however, poses significant challenges.

Join us on June 21 for another eMarketer Live webinar, featuring eMarketer analyst Jillian Ryan. Register here for "Marketing Data Management—What B2Bs Need to Know." This live-video webinar will provide:
  • The key types of data B2B companies are identifying
  • How B2B firms source and collect their data
  • Best practices for keeping data up to date and hygienic
  • The current state of capabilities for data integration
Please reserve your seat today. This eMarketer Live webinar will take place on Thursday, June 21 at 1:00 PM ET. We hope you can attend, but if you sign up and can't make it, we'll send you a link to view the deck and recording the day after the webinar.
Register Now
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Up-to-date information on the latest financial news. View online.
Economic Observer
Strong Data Indicates Strong Economy

Overview: Stronger than expected data in several important areas was good news for the economy but was negative for mortgage rates over the past week. Strength was seen in the labor market, manufacturing, and services. Mortgage rates ended the week higher.

Friday's key monthly Employment Report revealed that the economy added 223,000 jobs in May, above the consensus forecast of 190,000. In addition, upward revisions added 15,000 jobs to the results for prior months. The economy has gained an average of 207,000 jobs per month so far this year. Economists generally estimate that job gains of just 100,000 to 125,000 per month are needed to absorb the growth in the labor force, so readings above 200,000 are viewed as quite strong. The unemployment rate declined from 3.9% to 3.8%, the lowest level since 2000. Average hourly earnings, an indicator of wage growth, were 2.7% higher than a year ago, up from an annual rate of increase of 2.6% last month.

Two other closely watched reports released over the past week also beat expectations and suggested that the economy continues to perform at a high level. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Index rose to 58.7, and the ISM Services Index increased to 58.6. Readings above 50.0 indicate an expansion in the sector. Levels above 60.0 have rarely been seen since tracking of this data started in the late 1990s.

Week Ahead
Looking ahead, the next U.S. Federal Reserve meeting will take place on June 13, and investors expect the Fed to raise the federal funds rate by 25 basis points. This will be followed by a European Central Bank (ECB) meeting on June 14. No policy changes are expected at the ECB meeting, but investors will be looking for guidance about the timing of future actions. For major U.S. economic data, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation report will be released on June 12, and the Retail Sales report on June 14.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Internet created a problem that many artists are unaware of – that is: the numbers.  You know the stats – 2 billion on Facebook, 800 million on Instagram, 330M on Twitter, 140M Spotify users, and it goes on.
In the desperate desire to try to connect with as many fans as possible artists are forgetting something:
Not everyone “out there” is the same.

Every artist has Three Communities – they are separate from one another.

The problem is most artists have only one strategy for marketing and promoting to three separate groups. 

Your 3 communities - Diagram final (1)
Some may be following you simply because they liked your sunglasses or your cat and have no idea you are even a musician, while others are waiting to like and comment on every post. 
You need to understand the differences and create a separate way of communicating with each community.
In this 3-Part series I break it all down and explain how you can effectively create a system for moving your potential fans from AMBIENT -> ENGAGED -> SUPERFANS as outlined in this diagram.
Read on


Part 1: Your Super Fans

These are fans who are your First Responders. You know them by name. If you play out live, they attend your shows regularly and buy many things you offer (not just music). If you have a street team they are on it and they evangelize strongly on your behalf. They are the first responders when you post on your socials and they are following you on multiple channels.
These fans are your Active Online Audience. They are newsletter subscribers, blog readers, video watchers, RSS subscribers, active Social Media engagers who frequently comment & engage with you on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
These fans are your Passive Online Audience and they are your social media friends who are aware of you via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. but don’t actively communicate with you and may not have ever even heard your music (yet).

You can't build communities without a solid home base. This means you need an updated website that is in your control.
If you are in the market for a new website we are here to help. 
Musicians Website Work With UsHere's to your Success!
X Ariel

Cyber PR   389 12th Street    Brooklyn,  NY   11215   USA 
Organizing for Action

Here's an understatement: Our politics can be polarizing.

But everywhere I've gone in this country, from Massachusetts to Ohio to Oklahoma to California, there's one thing I have never heard someone disagree with:

Every single vote should matter.

Right now, it doesn't.

That's the hard truth, thanks to discriminatory voter ID laws, early voting restrictions, disenfranchisement of felons, and -- here's a big one -- partisan gerrymandering.

Gerrymandering is at the heart of so many of our problems.

It's why people feel like their vote doesn't always count. It's why politicians feel like they don't have to be accountable to their constituents.

And it's why sometimes our elections don't really reflect the will of our voters.

It's time for those days to end. I'm standing up with OFA, former Attorney General Eric Holder's national redistricting team, and other organizations across the country who are demanding fairer districts -- and you should, too.

This work won't be easy or glamorous.

It'll happen in state legislatures and on local ballot initiatives, and in living rooms across the country -- as people like you become local leaders, and talk to friends and neighbors about how important this fight is.

But if we pay attention, if we really dig in, we can fix this. We can change our own districts, and then our states, and then our country.

In many places, we already are. Three weeks ago, Ohio voters overwhelmingly voted to end gerrymandering in their state. Meanwhile, judges in Pennsylvania and North Carolina recently confirmed what we already knew: Partisan rigging of districts is unconstitutional.

We know we can keep up the progress - and we have great leaders like President Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, and Terry McAuliffe taking the lead on this. But we'll need every progressive voice we have to win.

No matter what state you live in, I promise you: There's something you can do to help. Get trained. Talk to a friend. Take up a ballot initiative. Volunteer remotely.

For now, join OFA's team -- and they'll plug you into ways you can get involved at the local and national level leading up to November:

I'm in


 Sarau Cultural, promoted by BMF and Idealist 
June 6 @ 5:30 - 9:00 PM 

Denise Reis
 June 6 @ 8:30 PM 
Cafe Vivaldi - NYC


Denise amazes and delights audiences from around the world with her warmth, unique artistic expression and exquisite musicality. Her music, rich with emotion and Latin-American textures, speaks to the human ear and heart, allowing concertgoers and listeners to experience commonalities of human experience transcending all cultural barriers. Through her music Denise strives to bring the harmony, warmth and joy embodied by Brazilian culture to the world.
More information:   

 June 7 @ 6:30 PM
 Mandarim Oriental 

More information: