Roundtable with Roberto Castelo Branco
- Petrobras President
#BRAZILCHAM NYC promote in the last december 6th a luncheon roundtable with Federal Judge Renato Becho of the 10th Federal Court of Tax Execution (Vara Federal de Execuções Fiscais). Judge Becho is also a Professor of Tax Law at PUC/SP.
Judge Becho shared his analysis of the reasons why Brazil is ranked so low in the World Justice Projects’ Rule of Law Index (58th out of 126 countries surveyed). His analysis focused on the inconsistencies in the decision making process of Brazilian judges, who in many cases follow neither the proscribed laws of a Civil Law System, nor the precedents of a Common Law society.
Judge Becho discussed Brazil’s new Civil Procedure Code of 2015, its intent to correct the imperfections in the decision making process, and why it has not yet succeeded as hoped. He presented a brief case study illustrating his analysis. His case study and general discussion focused on tax law, given his expertise in the area.
The Chamber NYC organized a panel discussion on funding conditions for Brazilian borrowers, with emphasis on the relative competitiveness between domestic versus international markets. The panel covered current conditions in both the international and domestic markets and the advantages and disadvantages of issuing in each market, covering such topics as comparative costs and tenors, new products, documentation, disclosure, and marketing.
The panel was comprised of active practitioners: A corporate issuer with access to both local and international markets; Capital markets bankers for the domestic market and the international markets; The U.S International Development Finance Corporation which represents a significant new source of funding for infrastructure projects; Finally, Brazil and U.S. counsel highlighting key legal issues for domestic and international offerings.
Evan Koster, Partner, Hogan Lovells
Evan Koster, Partner, Hogan Lovells
Juliana Herrmann, Executive Director, LatAm DCM, JPMorgan
Guilherme Maranhao, Managing Director, Itau BBA
Bruno Mastriani Simões Tuca, Partner, Mattos Filho Advogados
David Contreiras Tyler, Counsel, Hogan Lovells
Juliana Herrmann, Executive Director, LatAm DCM, JPMorgan
Guilherme Maranhao, Managing Director, Itau BBA
Bruno Mastriani Simões Tuca, Partner, Mattos Filho Advogados
David Contreiras Tyler, Counsel, Hogan Lovells
All On The Line is on a mission to end gerrymandering and the polarization it causes in our political system. We launched this organization because we know a grassroots effort will be essential to holding politicians who want to manipulate the maps accountable. And thanks to your support, we built a strong foundation in 2019 -- from the tens of thousands of people who signed our Citizen Commitment pledge to all the Founding Members who made the Redistricting U program possible.
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.