Friday, November 14, 2014

A Recompensa Diz o Senhor: Porque você me ama, eu o resgatarei; eu o protegerei, pois conhece o meu nome. Ele clamará a mim, e eu lhe darei resposta, e na adversidade estarei com ele; vou livrá-lo e cobri-lo de honra. Vida longa eu lhe darei, e lhe mostrarei a minha salvação. [Salmo 91.14-16]

Nov 19 (5 days ago)

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    Consequentemente, a fé vem por se ouvir a mensagem, e a mensagem é ouvida mediante a palavra de Cristo. Romanos 10:17

    Venha estamos esperando por voce!





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    Dra. Adriana Mueller

    Terapeuta Comportamental e palestrante.
    Calavary Temple
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    Make sure your community is ready for climate change
    Climate change is happening now -- and we’ve got to be ready because we're going to see more extreme weather.
    That's why we're taking action. Last Tuesday, the President made a historic announcement with China that sets new targets for carbon pollution reductions.
    And on Monday, the Administration released the Climate Resilience Toolkit to help our communities respond to our changing climate.
    Check out the Climate Resilience Toolkit here.
    Whether you're a small business owner, planner, farmer, policy leader, or an interested resident, these tools can help you make sure that you have a climate-ready community or business.
    Have questions about what climate change means for you, why it matters, and what we can do to fight it? Last Thursday, Dr. John P. Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, announced that he wants to answer your questions.


    Tune in: The President addresses the nation on fixing our broken immigration system
    Our immigration system has been broken for decades -- and every minute we fail to act, millions of people who live in the shadows but want to play by the rules and pay taxes have no way to live right by the law and contribute to our country.
    So tomorrow night at 8 p.m. ET, President Obama will address the nation to lay out the executive actions he’s taking to fix our broken immigration system.
    Find out more about the President's address here.
    This is a step forward in the President’s plan to work with Congress on passing common-sense, comprehensive immigration reform. He laid out his principles for that reform two years ago in Del Sol High School in Las Vegas -- and that’s where he’ll return on Friday to discuss why he is using his executive authority now, and why Republicans in Congress must act to pass a long-term solution to immigration reform.
    The Senate passed a bipartisan bill more than 500 days ago, and while the country waits for House Republicans to vote, the President will act -- like the Presidents before him -- to fix our immigration system in the ways that he can.
    The past decade was America's hottest on record. We're seeing more droughts, floods, and wildfires than ever before. Climate change is happening, and the effects are visible all around us.
    But a lot of people still have questions about climate change: what it means, how bad it really is, and what we can do to fight it.
    To be fully committed in the fight against climate change, we have to understand why it's such a serious issue.
    Several months ago, I testified before the House Science Committee about the President's Climate Action Plan. The plan contains a number of actions to reduce carbon pollution, prepare the U.S. for the impacts of climate change, and lead international efforts to fight global climate change.
    Most of the questions at the hearing, however, weren't about the plan itself -- they were about whether human-caused climate change is a reality.
    Other countries are realizing the gravity of this problem, and are already taking action on the issue. In the wake of the historic joint climate announcement by the U.S. and China two nights ago, the importance of American leadership in the fight against climate change cannot be understated.
    Fortunately, a majority of Americans believe that climate change is real, but there's still a lot of confusion and misinformation out there. That's why it's critical that we take every opportunity to set the record straight, and to make sure that everyone's as informed and knowledgeable about it as possible.
    And I want to do everything I can to help.

    I've come to be known as the first Ebola patient to be treated in the United States -- but I'd prefer to think of myself simply as a family physician.
    I was born and raised in Indiana, and trained in family medicine in Texas. I spent the last year living and working as a missionary doctor in a small hospital outside Monrovia, Liberia. So when the Ebola virus came to that country, I was among the first to treat infected patients. And in late July, I contracted the disease.
    I quickly came to understand firsthand what my own patients had suffered -- the humiliation, the horror, and the sense of utter helplessness. As an American citizen, I was thankful that I was able to be evacuated back to Atlanta, where I received excellent treatment and survived this terrible disease.
    The thousands of people still suffering from Ebola in West Africa don't have that option. So medical professionals and aid workers from around the world have been going to them -- standing shoulder to shoulder in this fight.
    Those who have already gone have made a difference, but there is still more that must be done. Effectively fighting this disease is like extinguishing a raging fire. You need to attack the flames at the base and keep them from spreading further. To do this, we urgently need more medical personnel to treat patients in West Africa.
    If you're a qualified medical professional and want to volunteer to work in West Africa, the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI) can connect you with reputable organizations that are active in the Ebola response.
    If you are a medical professional considering traveling to West Africa, please don't let irrational fear stand in your way. I am extremely confident that I did not contract Ebola in the isolation unit in Liberia -- but rather in the emergency room of our hospital. Within the isolation unit, our procedures, protocols, and equipment were all extraordinarily safe. And thousands of other aid workers have safely served in Ebola Treatment Units with the proper personal protective equipment and adequate training.
    If you aren't a medical professional, there are vital ways to contribute to the fight stateside, as well. Donate money to the organizations that are serving on the front lines of West Africa. Learn about Ebola and educate your friends -- knowledge is power, and in this case, that means power to overcome fear. Maybe you can even come up with the next "Ice Bucket Challenge" to increase awareness and raise funds to put an end to Ebola!
    The health care workers, aid workers, and military personnel who have chosen to go to a place of great suffering -- to help and serve people -- should be honored and celebrated as heroes. The United States military is the best organization in the world to provide logistical support for the organizations and countries fighting on the front lines against this disease. This effort should be expanded.
    Please, continue to pray for the people of West Africa who are facing such devastation in the midst of this epidemic. We must not lose our sense of compassion for our neighbors. Our struggle with Ebola as a global community is far from over -- but I am confident that we will beat this. It's going to take every one of us.
    God bless you all.