Part of Brasil Summerfest, presented in association with Cinema Tropical
Dir. Mauro Lima. 2014, 140 min. In Portuguese with English subtitles. With Robson Nunes, Babu Santana, Aline Moraes, Cauã Reymond. Sebastião Rodrigues Maia, a.k.a. Tim Maia, was a tempestuous singer and composer who revolutionized Brazilian music. Mauro Lima’s biographical drama tells his story from precocious teen years to heady days in New York City up until the peak of his career, when he scored dozens of top hits and became one of the most popular and beloved stars of the Brazilian music scene.
Tickets: $15 (Free for members at the Film Lover level and MoMI Kids Premium levelsand above). Order tickets online. (Members may contactmembers@movingimage.uswith questions regarding online reservations.)Ticket purchase includes same-day admission to the Museum (see gallery hours). View the Museum’s ticketing policy here. For more information on membership and to join online, visit our membership page.
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Confira a agenda do 13º Seminário
"Como Ingressar no Mercado
Norte-Americano" em Miami, e
inscreva-se já!
A 13ª edição do seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano", organizado pela Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF), que será realizado nos dias 2, 3 e 4 de Outubro em Doral na Flórida, no Hotel Provident Doral At the Blue, está se aproximando. O seminário é destinado a executivos, empresários, e empreendedores brasileiros que tem o interesse de expandir os negócios de suas empresas, desejo de iniciar um novo projeto, ou o intuito imigratório profissional nos EUA. Sendo completamente em Português, este é um evento de três dias, onde os primeiros dois são compostos por palestras informativas por profissionais experientes em diversas áreas de negócios. Apresentações de "Case Studies" de empresas brasileiras que se internacionalizaram e profissionais brasileiros que desenvolveram seus projetos nos EUA. O terceiro dia será de visitas técnicas a empresas localizadas
no Sul da Flórida.
Palestras, Eventos e Visitas Técnicas*:
Segunda-Feira (02/10)
Como internacionalizar uma empresa Brasileira (Ubirajara Marques Curto - Sócio Diretor, Center Group Brasil)
Investimentos por pessoas físicas e jurídicas no exterior (Samir Choaib - Sócio, Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados, Membro do Comitê Consultivo da BACCF)
Importação e logística nos EUA (Raul Barbosa - Rohlig USA LLC, Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
As facilidades que o Banco do Brasil Américas oferece aos Brasileiros nos EUA (Cassio Segura - CEO, Banco do Brasil Américas; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Como operacionalizar uma empresa e fazer negócios nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Técnicas de Networking em eventos nos EUA (David Charner - Presidente, ERC Consultants)
Evento - Happy Hour/Business Card Exchange - Networking com empresários da Flórida
Terça-Feira (03/10)
Contratação de pessoas e o mercado de trabalho nos EUA (Jonathan Hall - Sócio, PrideStaff)
Os prós e contras de adquirir uma franquia nos EUA (Jon Aboitiz - Consultor Especialista em Franquias, FranPassport)
Oportunidades de investimento e o programa EB-5 (Andre Salles - Diretor de Investimentos, Driftwood Acquisitions & Development, LP)
Aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários (Alexandre Piquet - Fundador e Sócio-Gerente, Piquet Law Firm; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Case - Processo de internacionalização de empresas Brasileiras (João Barbosa - CEO USA, Purple Networks (V2V), Membro do Conselho do Giraffas USA)
Case - Processo de exportação de perecíveis aos EUA (Frederico Tavares - Gerente de Comércio Internacional, UGBP: Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya)
Case - Bauducco (Erik Volavicius - Gerente de Marketing, Bauducco Foods Inc.)
Quarta-Feira (04/10)
Visita Técnica - FedEx
Visita técnica - Prefeitura da cidade de Doral (Manuel Pila - Diretor de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Doral)
The Beacon Council (Mario J. Sacasa - Vice-Presidente de Desenvolvimento Econômico Internacional, Beacon Council)
Entrada no mercado e empreendendo nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Data limite para inscrição no seminário: 25 de setembro de 2017
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Last week marked a huge victory in our fight to save Obamacare. Because of the grassroots pressure our movement put on key senators at their offices, at rallies, and during town halls, we defeated Mitch McConnell's dangerous repeal plan.
But Obamacare is still under attack -- and has been, for quite some time -- by this administration.
They've undercut the law at every turn since the day they took office: cutting resources for enrollment organizations with key community presences, spreading a fake narrative about how the marketplace is failing, and misusing money set aside to help drive sign-ups.
Now, we face yet another threat: The administration is threatening to refuse to make Obamacare's cost-sharing-reduction (CSR) payments -- a move that experts believe will lead to a jump of 20 percent in premium costs for millions of Americans.
Here's the truth: Obamacare isn't perfect, but it is a success. Millions of Americans have quality, affordable health care because of it.
It's time to come to the table and build bipartisan solutions that both fully fund CSR payments, and keep the coverage and protections that millions of Americans rely on.
Saumya Narechania
National Issues Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
How did we get here? Late last Thursday, the Senate came one vote -- one single vote -- away from passing a health care bill that would have devastated the lives of millions of Americans.
The fact that it failed is an undeniable testament to you. To the calls you made, the letters you wrote, the rallies you attended. To the mantra we always believed in during the Obama administration: One voice can change a room.
But we got to this moment, quite simply, because every part of this process was wrong -- and understanding that will help us with an equally important question: What comes next?
Mitch McConnell and Senate leaders wanted to help this administration score a win. Now is the time to forget about political points.
They wanted to draft the bill in secret committees and back rooms. Now is the time for transparency, debate, and an open process that seeks bipartisan solutions.
They wanted to ignore health care experts, doctors, insurers, hospitals, and worst of all, the American people. Now is the time to listen and solicit valuable feedback.
Here's what cannot happen next: an administration scheming to sabotage Obamacare, rooting for the failure of markets and pulling resources away that could help Americans get the relief they need.
It must be a real and honest attempt to help all Americans get access to quality, affordable health care.
Duas gigantes petroleiras tem planos de explorar a região e o vazamento pode causar danos irreparáveis aos Corais da Amazônia. A hora de agir é agora, precisamos da sua ajuda!
in one of New York’s most unique settings, The River Café has become very
well-known around the world as a culinary destination.
Nestled riverside under the Brooklyn Bridge with
sweeping views of the New York skyline and the Statue of Liberty, The River
Café serves a classic New American menu using only the finest and freshest
ingredients available.
The changing tides
of fashion and trends may come and go, but Michael O’Keeffe’s vision of
timelessness expressed as a Restaurant will always be
The River Café.
It has never left its mooring under the
Brooklyn Bridge, but still journeys ahead each day toward the goal of seeking
out the finest ingredients for every detail of the dining experience and
delivering them to guests from all over the world.
To endure so consistently as a culinary destination for forty years
accompanied by an unwavering commitment to excellence is nothing short of
marvelous. Bravissimo Buzzy.
For Projects 105, MoMA PS1 presents Education by Stone(2016), a new site-specific
installation by Cinthia Marcelle (born Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1974) and the
artist’s first solo exhibition in New York. Marcelle is known for
installations, performances, and videos that stage forms of labor to produce
poetic situations. The installation introduces chalk, a traditional teaching
material to which Marcelle has returned throughout her career, into the Duplex
gallery of MoMA PS1—which is itself a former school building. Numerous rods of
chalk will be lodged into the fissures and openings of the gallery’s brick
walls from floor to ceiling, revealing the material’s inherent instability and
Marcelle has had solo exhibitions in South America and Europe. She recently
participated in the 11th Sharjah Biennial (2015), and will represent Brazil in
the 57th Venice Biennale (2017). In 2006, she was the recipient of the
International Prize for Performance for her work Gray Demonstration (2006).
In 2010, she was awarded the Future Generation Prize.
Organized by
Giampaolo Bianconi, Curatorial Assistant, Department of Media and Performance
Art, The Museum of Modern Art.
The Elaine
Dannheisser Projects Series is made possible in part by The Elaine Dannheisser
Foundation and The Junior Associates of The Museum of Modern Art.