Thursday, December 7, 2017

Event Elis thumbnail
Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre
Fri, Dec 15, 2017 7:00pm
Directed by Hugo Prata. 2016. USA. Color. 115 min. In Portuguese with English subtitles.

New York premiere!

This biopic film tells the story of the greatest Brazilian singer of all time, Elis Regina, from her arrival in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 19 to her international success and recognition to her tragic and early death. Elis won eight awards at the 2017 Brazilian Academy of Cinema Awards, including Best Actress for Andréia Horta as Elis Regina.

Co-presented with Cinema Tropical, sponsored by the Consulate General of Brazil in New York with additional sponsorship from Boteco Social.

More information:

Costa Consulting Co

December 7, 2017 – February 24, 2018

Opening Reception: Dec. 7, 2017 6-8pm

Throckmorton Fine Art announces a special 20th anniversary exhibition of photographs by Guggenheim Award- winning Brazilian photographer Valdir Cruz from December 7, 2017 through February 24, 2018.

Presences, is Cruz’s seventh solo exhibition at Throckmorton Fine Art in New York City. It is a selection of vintage, gelatin silver prints from three projects: Faces of the Rainforest, The Water’s Way (O caminho das águas), and Roots (Raízes). Thus, three presences dominate this exhibition of photographs by Valdir Cruz and a show catalogue is available.

Faces of the Rainforest – People
The photographs of indigenous people in this show are drawn from six years of expeditions to remote areas of the Brazilian and Venezuelan Amazon rainforests. Cruz did not merely visit these tribes. He spent upwards of five months living with them and participating in their daily lives. The candor of these images reflects the familiar terms of their relationship. Among the human subjects chosen by Cruz is the Chief of the Wai-Wai, an Archer, a Makuxi Woman, a Man with Painted Body and Face, a Korubo Mother and Child, a Boy with a Bow and Arrow, Makuxi Youth, a Yanomami Girl Playing in a Hammock, The Hunt, and an Afternoon Ritual dance.

The Water’s Way (O caminho das águas) – Waterfalls
With the same intensity, Cruz, over many years, photographed the otherworldly waterfalls of his native state, Paraná. Lyle Rexer, in his essay for this catalog, writes, “The magnetic center of Cruz’s work is Brazil’s southern Paraná state, where the vast network of tributaries and waterfalls expunges the boundaries between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay....Wat
er is a force, throughout this part of the world, and everything is process, not fixity. You can hear the water when you can’t see it – like the ocean. But unlike the ocean, its motion is not repetitive but one of ceaseless transit....‘Immersive’ is the word used by the critic Rubens Fernandes Junior to describe their capacity to convey a viewer to that place.”

Roots (Raízes) – Trees
The Brazilian state of São Paulo commissioned Cruz to research and photograph the extraordinary trees of the region, resulting in a collection of spectacular “portraits.” Rexer writes, “He focuses his most attentive gaze on the trunks and roots of the tallest trees. As with the waterfalls, his camera creates a second nature, with extreme viewpoints and an exaggerated sense of towering growth...The motion of the trees is all upward rather than downward, a vast defiant struggle against gravity and time....Yet these photographs of roots and ascending trunks do not arrest time but almost seem to deny it.”

Over the past three decades, Cruz has chronicled unique and ephemeral places in Brazil where the people and the landscapes create an indelible impression on the viewer. In the words of Spencer Throckmorton, “Valdir Cruz’s exquisite photography bears out Tolstoy’s observation that to be universal one only needs to talk about his own village.” The power of these images of Brazilian people, distinctive landscapes, and magnificent waterfalls opens a discussion about human societies and the environment.”

Cruz was born in Guarapuava, in the Southern State of Paraná, and while he has lived primarily in the United States for more than thirty years, much of his work in photography has focused on the people and landscapes of Brazil. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1996 for Faces of the Rainforest, a project documenting the life of indigenous people in the Brazilian rainforest from 1995 to 2000 as well as additional Guggenheim support with a publication subvention award in 2000. Since 1996 he has published ten photography books.

Cruz has been honored with more than fifty solo exhibitions. He is represented in the permanent collections of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, the New York Public Library, Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, TX., and the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., among others.

Valdir Cruz publications include:

Retratos de Afeto. São Paulo: Terra Virgem Edições, 2017

Guarapuava. São Paulo: Terra Virgem Edições, 2013

Bonito – Confins do novo mundo. São Paulo: Capivara Editora, 2010

Raízes – Árvores na paisagem do Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial, 2010

caminho das águas. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2007

Carnaval, Salvador – Bahia – 1995/2005. New York: Throckmorton Fine Art, 2005

Faces da Floresta – Os Yanomami. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2004

Faces of the Rainforest – The Yanomami. New York: powerHouse Books, 2002

Faces of the Rainforest. New York: Throckmorton Fine Art, 1997

Catedral Basilica de Nossa Senhora da Luz dos Pinhais. New York: Brave Wolf Publishing, 1996.

More information:
 More information:

Music Lecture with Brazilian Pianist Grace Alves DEC 07 @ 1:00 PM -3:00 PM
CUNY - The graduate Center

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Last chance to advertise in the BACCF's 2018 Edition of the Business Directory which comprises a wide range of information on the Brazilian economy, bilateral trade, Brazil-related business organizations. Insertion forms (click here) must be submitted by December 20, 2017.
   The 2018 Edition will be circulated to over five thousand businesses and individuals in Brazil and the United States who are actively involved in international relations and trade. 
  The Directory is distributed at trade shows, to American Chambers in Brazil, bi-national Chambers in the United States, as well as all members, advertisers and other organizations involved with Brazil and US relations.
   Click here for additional information. We look forward to helping your business grow!
Best Regards,
Mary B. Arnaud
Executive Director
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231

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VOLTA will be in Miami starting December 15 and Tampa starting February 14, 2018.
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For more information click here
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida, P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL 33231




We've just arrived in Florida and we are very excited to share with you everything that will be happening this coming week!
Miami is glowing, full of amazing Art Fairs, events, exhibitions and spectacular artists showing off their beautiful work! 

We will be at Scope Miami Beach 2017 at the Booth B35, with a beautiful selection of works fr : Neil Kerman, Michele Utley Voigt, John Paul Duray, Estuardo Maldonado, Lawrence Armstrong and Katya Shkolnik.

The show starts on Dec 5th and goes until the 10th, located at 801 Ocean Drive - Miami Beach | Florida

- Click on the image below to get a sneak pic of our booth! -



Proud to present the beautiful selection of super-talented artists that will be showing their work with us, at the Booth #105 at Spectrum Miami this year!

They are: Molly Goldfarb, Cecilia Thibes, Jeffrey Odiorne, Renan Torres, Silvana Monteiro, Phyllis Shipley, Judy Sayfie, Emerson Murakami, Lara Padilla, Alicia Cully, Odair Mindelo, Sid Daniels, Paulo Ribeiro & Christian Sievers,  Paula Delmanto, Neil Kerman, Priscila Schott, Lois Sattler, Nicolas Savine , Chris Barreto, Sam Dobrow , Rogério Martins.

Meet us at 1700 NE 2nd Ave, Miami - from the 6th to the 10th! 

Preceding the Week Art Basel (the most important art event in the art world).
MEX / Art an exhibition created by Be Art Gallery. The main focus is to promote contemporary Mexican art. The idea is to show the enormous potential that Mexican artists have.
Bringing together Miami residents and visitors during art week, Mex / Art would share "the stage" with other art fairs such as Art Miami, Context and Art Basel, among others.

Mex / Art would be the platform that represents Mexico in the most important art season of the year, with visitors coming from all over the world, we want to give them a new and new exhibition unlike any other art fair.

With the participation of several Mexican artists, many of them had never participated in any event in Miami, such as Jesus Lima, who told us that he was "very honored even though he was a young artist with a little more than 2 years, working with art.

Already the artist Mariel Garcia, likes to use the wood as base for its works.

Artist Neon Caron had the audacity to paint a mural wall live.

The Artist, Romero Britto icon of  Brazilian art, was guest of honor, and attended the opening ceremony.

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5 Best Practices for Setting
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A strong social media strategy is a must for businesses today. A survey of CMO's revealed that marketers expect to spend 20% of their budgets on social media in the next five years. However, almost 50% of these marketers struggle to measure and show the impact of social on their business.
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Sysomos pulled together five practical tips that will guide you in creating and executing on measurable, actionable and meaningful social media goals that define success in your own organization.
Click here for 5 Tips for Setting Measurable Social Goals:
Defining success in social media participation begins with appropriate goal-setting, backed by benchmarking, tracking, analysis and reporting. However, not all results generated through social media can or should be measured in monetary terms. Improvements to qualitative metrics such as awareness, reach and sentiment are equally valid outcomes. Every organization must determine the applicable metrics that move it closer to realizing its goals.
Are you dreading your end-of-year social media report?  Creating annual reports is a necessary evil so why not have Sysomos do the work for you.  Gain insights into trends and identify areas with high improvement potential so you can start the year strong - all without lifting a finger. Get your social audit today! Click here:
Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher

Na semana passada estava na pauta para ser votado o PLS 612/2011, casamento homoafetivo, cuja sessão caiu por falta de quórum. Foi feito um trabalho grande para que senadores contrários à matéria abandonassem o Plenário para impedir a votação.
Precisamos mobilizar a sociedade para que entre em contato com os senadores que estão indecisos, para que votem contra o PLS 612/2011.
Devido tratar-se de matéria polêmica, muitos parlamentares tem receio de se posicionar contra ou a favor temendo a repercussão diante do eleitorado.
Esta a razão principal por que deve ser rejeitada a matéria:
O Senado deve rejeitá-la porque este PLS – projeto de lei do Senado, de iniciativa da Senadora Marta Suplicy - padece de um vício de origem. Ele é inconstitucional, ilegal e ratifica um erro cometido pelo STF no julgamento da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental 132 (ADPF 132) e da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade 4277 (ADI 4277). 
Na época, a Suprema Corte afirmou que o artigo 1723 do Código Civil (que repete quase literalmente o artigo 226 § 3º da Constituição Federal), quando diz “é reconhecida como entidade familiar a união estável entre o homem e a mulher”, deve ser (re)interpretado assim: “é reconhecida como entidade familiar a união estável [por exemplo] entre o homem e a mulher [mas sem excluir a união de duas pessoas do mesmo sexo]”.
Assim, o STF já criou uma nova entidade familiar, à revelia da Constituição, constituída pela “união estável” de homossexuais, com direito à conversão em casamento. Então, diz-se, o mal já está feito e não resta ao Senado e à Câmara outra atitude senão a de modificar o Código Civil a fim de curvar-se de maneira subserviente à absurda decisão dos onze ministros do Supremo.
Mas isso é falso! É possível reagir ao Supremo
O Congresso, ao contrário, deve lutar por manter sua competência que está sendo usurpada pelo STF. Os ministros do STF devem guardar a Constituição Federal, e não violá-la como aconteceu neste caso. Tampouco receberam do povo este poder. Mas, os Congressistas sim.
Já em 2011, o jurista Ives Gandra da Silva Martins havia proposto uma solução para esse desmando da Suprema Corte:
Se o Congresso Nacional tivesse coragem, poderia anular tal decisão, baseado no artigo 49, inciso XI, da CF, que lhe permite sustar qualquer invasão de seus poderes por outro poder,  para garantir-se nas funções usurpadas.
De fato, diz a Constituição Federal que “é da competência exclusiva do Congresso Nacional zelar pela preservação de sua competência legislativa em face da atribuição normativa dos outros Poderes” (art. 49, XI, CF).
Quando o Executivo invadir a competência do Congresso, cabe a este “sustar os atos normativos do Poder Executivo que exorbitem do poder regulamentar ou dos limites de delegação legislativa” (art. 49, V, CF), o que se faz por um decreto legislativo.
Por isso, não se trata propriamente de uma discussão sobre o "casamento homoafetivo", mas sobre os verdadeiros limites da ação do STF. Se aceitarmos a ratificação dessa decisão do STF pelo Senado, teremos de aceitar outras decisões sem que possamos fazer nada.
Assine a petição para enviar um e-mail aos senadores.
Mais uma vez, muito obrigado pelo apoio.
Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipa de CitizenGO