Monday, March 19, 2018

"Me, My Father and the Cariocas" , by Lucia Veríssimo    MARCH 24 @ 7:30 PM - Followed by Q&A with Director
Symphony Space
We saw it tonight in Pennsylvania: Showing up matters. This year is critical, and tonight, Pennsylvanians proved how important it is to stay engaged. Your voice matters. Keep fighting.

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Largest Community of Social Media Marketers in the World
SocialMediopolis Logo
Real-Time Marketing 101
Real-time Marketing 101:
How to Drive Results Immediately
Real-time Marketing 101: What is it? It’s how to turn moments of opportunity into branding gold. Fortune favors the prepared in life — and in opportunity marketing. According to eMarketer, 80% of marketers believe that real-time marketing must happen within an hour of the relevant event to be effective. More than half go even further, saying it must be within one minute.

At its core, real-time marketing is about human connection.  It’s about finding authentic moments when your brand can connect with consumers via shared cultural experiences.  Which is why even a brilliant piece of marketing can look desperate if you’re too slow to get it out there. Your team needs to be ready to move before you spot opportunities.

This ‘Real-time Marketing 101’ guide from Sysomos outlines the three most critical steps to make sure you are prepared when opportunity knocks.

Read this invaluable guide now:

Real-time opportunity marketing is a powerful way to make your brand stand out in a sea of noise. A unified social platform for listening and engagement is the key to executing your opportunity marketing strategy.  Sysomos drives real-time marketing for hundreds of global brands.

Schedule a demo today:

Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher

Organizing for Action

After the tragedy in Parkland one month ago, a lot of people have told our community that it's too soon. It's too soon to talk about politics. It's too soon to talk about preventing another tragedy like this from happening again.

It is not too soon. It's too late for the 17 lives that were lost.

It's too late for the grieving families, too late for the injured, too late for the 3,300 survivors of this tragedy.

We have to act, and we have to act right now. Because for members of the Parkland community, doing nothing is not acceptable.

They're stepping up. For weeks we've watched as parents, teachers, and staff have shared heartbreaking stories and engaged in a dialogue to work toward finding common ground.

These kids, and the people of Parkland, are the definition of courage. And while they're speaking out to demand better they deserve our support.

We're reminded far too often, including far too many times in just the first couple months of this new year, that the United States is the only country where this happens.

But we can act. We can change the conversation and reverse the tide, right now.

The students, parents, teachers, and community of Parkland have set an example for all of us. They've changed this debate, and it's up to us to support them.

Say you'll get to work with OFA:

I'm in

Congressman Ted Deutch
Florida's 22nd District

Paid for by Organizing for Action.
Organizing for Action

Last night, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to fire up local OFA supporters in the fight to end partisan gerrymandering.

Former Attorney General Holder met with OFA supporters in Wisconsin to talk about our fight against gerrymandering.

Wisconsin is a pivotal state in our push for fairer districts.

It's taken partisan gerrymandering all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in Gill v. Whitford, a case that the Brennan Center calls "the most important case in decades dealing with how Americans are represented in Congress."

And at the event, Attorney General Holder made it clear just how important this decision -- and our work -- is to the future of our democracy. He answered questions from OFA volunteers throughout the crowd, and talked about how we have to stay involved in 2018.

Getting fairer districts in Wisconsin -- and states with upcoming battles like Michigan, Ohio, and other places around the country -- will take a dedicated effort.

OFA is ready. We have organizers working across the country -- educating, rallying, and taking action on redistricting. And we're training the next wave of smart, passionate people who will keep this fight going for the years and decades to come.

But we need your support to keep organizing and pushing for fair districts. Can you make a recurring contribution, right now, and become an OFA Champion?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your recurring donation will go through immediately:

Express donate: $5
Express donate: $10
Express donate: $15
Express donate: $35
Express donate: $100
Or donate another amount

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Vídeo Novo Portal

International Pharmaceutical Expo USA

"The pharmaceutical manufacturing exhibition of USA"
INTERPHEX (International Pharmaceutical Expo), sponsored by PDA (Parenteral Drug Association), is the single source for complete biopharmaceutical manufacturing solutions to safely and cost effectively process all dosage forms for life-enhancing drugs. It offers unique combination of exhibition, education, workshops, partnering opportunities, and networking events. INTERPHEX is the only meeting place where Knowledge, Innovation and Technologies intersect with the full spectrum of cutting-edge development and manufacturing services and equipment to create innovative solutions to reduce cost, improve manufacturing and supply chain performance for pharmaceutical, biologics, contract, generic and service provider professionals.

Have you ever wanted to work with me as your coach on your mindset, marketing or social media? If so, this is your chance
(for less than a hundred bucks!)
We have put our heads, hearts and our best materials together to create a powerful 3 week class that will help you get out of overwhelm and into ACTION.
New call-to-action
In our combined 37 years of working with artists, managers, labels, and music industry professionals, we have learned a lot and this course is designed to laser-focus you in just three short weeks.
It will be taught on Facebook Live and you will have access to us to address whatever has been holding you back FACE FIRST  - pun intended :) 
We have intentionally designed this course to NOT take up too much precious time, so that you don’t get into analysis paralysis and you DO GET INTO ACTION!
MONDAYS MARCH 12, 19 & 26, 2018 at 8 PM EST
Monday March 12 – 8 PM EST - 45 minutes
We all have goals but so many of us never seem to cross them off the list!
  • Identify what may be holding you back
  • Get into action around what you want in your career
  • Identify your 3 small and 3 big bucket-list goals and lay them out in achievable order
Monday March 19 – 8 PM EST - 45 minutes
Ariel will lead you through all the components of her Social Media Tuneup process (which clients pay thousands of dollars for at Cyber PR)
  • Get your online narrative tightened up
  • Identify your social media themes
  • Stop being all over the place and start honing in on the fans that actually matter with messages that resonate 
Monday March 26 – 8 PM EST – 90+ minutes!
This final session will be where you create your unique timeline –  we will help you to lay out the next few months (and longer if that’s your thing!) using Suz’s brilliant book The Rockstar Life Planner, and my book Crowdstart - both books come with this course.
  • There is a way to plan so you get goals achieved fast VS getting overwhelmed - did you know that?
  • We will be available to answer any questions and address what you need 
  • You walk away not only with your plan and a clear path to get it but also with a new network of supportive friends who will be there to support you!
Because trying to do it all alone never works
New call-to-action
Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 9.19.22 PM.png
You get BOTH books Crowdstart and The Rockstar Life Planner plus a very rare opportunity to be coached by me (and Suz of course!) 
The price will increase in a few days so act now.
Hope to See You on Facebook in just a few days!
X Ariel


El jurado de la Convocatoria RADAR está formado por 6 galerías y espacios culturales españoles interesados en descubrir nuevos talentos para exponerlos en sus espacios. 

La Convocatoria RADAR está abierta a todo tipo de artista, de cualquier nacionalidad, residentes en cualquier país, sin límite de edad,  ideología, técnica y otras calificaciones. El premio anima a participar a artistas de todos los niveles.
Cada una de las 6 galerías seleccionadoras escogerá al artista que más le interese y le ofrecerá una exposición individual en su propio espacio, que podrá ser el preludio de una colaboración profesional duradera. Las galerías escogerán libremente y con completa autonomía su ganador y tienen la obligación de seleccionar a artistas con los cuales no hayan tenido nunca ninguna relación profesional previa.

Además, la comisión de comisarios seleccionará a 3 artistas ganadores que recibirán un premio en metálico: 800 euros para el primer clasificado, 400 para el segundo y 200 euros para el tercer clasificado.


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galerie bruno massa - booth N25

March 8-11 2018 at Tokyo International Forum


ART FAIR TOKYO is the largest art fair in Japan and the oldest in Asia, featuring a wide range of art from antiques and crafts to nihonga painting, modern art and contemporary art. The fair continues to evolve and expand as a platform for the art market, connecting past and present, Asia and the West, and presenting historically inspired artistic contexts.


Private Preview & Vernissage
Thursday, March 8 | 1pm - 8pm 

General Admission
Friday, March 9 | 11 am - 8 pm
Saturday, March10 | 11 am - 8 pm
Sunday, March 11 | 11.00 am - 5.00 pm

Tokyo International Forum
Hall E & Lobby Gallery
3 Chrome 5-1 Marunouchi
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo-to, Japan

102, rue des Poissonniers
75018 Paris, France

tel. +33 (0) 6 61 00 10 33

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China International Adhesives and Sealants Exhibition (19th - 21st September 2018)|   Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai, China

Architectural Digest Design Show

It gives us great pleasure to invite you and your colleague to visit China International Adhesives and Sealants Exhibition - Biggest Global Adhesives & Sealants Fair.

CHINAADHESIVE is the only professional event that gathers adhesives, sealants, ink, PSA tape and label products in the world. It has been held annually in turn in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou and become the best choice for adhesive, sealant and ink industry since 1997. As the future of China’s adhesives and sealants, CHINAADHESIVE is the ideal platform for industry communication in technology and business.

Venue:Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai, China
Dates:19th - 21st September 2018
Dates:09:00AM - 05:00PM
Visitor Entry:By Invitation, click here to Pre-Register Online

  • CHINAADHESIVE will attract more than 500 exhibitors and 25,000 professional visitors beyond 40 countries and regions. As always, there will be a professional seminar during the exhibition, which definitely provides good opportunities for vistiors to communicate with exhibitors face-to-face.

Team CCPIT Sub-Council OF Chemical Industry

"Almir Mavignier: Privileged Form" 
MARCH 2 - APRIL 19  
Nara Roesler,pdl,pdit,m_i,pdt,t,it/am=_p4AdkDafoAAgB0x7CAijUCY_ZnHPA04mRFi_P_fAwABqAHAFcDf3AfQOQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMCC4hM/rt=h/d=1/rs=AHGWq9Dn263DkOmCWN6OsnNmO-heXiWawQ

Late Night Session Tues-Sat
Doors Open at 11:15pm
*unless otherwise noted
With guitarist Romero Lubambo, saxophonist & flutist Billy Drewes, bassist Hans Glawischnig, vocalist Maucha Adnet, pianist Helio Alves, and drummer & berimbau player Duduka Da Fonseca

Tonight’s samba jazz showcase features three of Brazil’s most in-demand musicians, two of whom worked closely with the iconic Antonio Carlos Jobim. Drummer Duduka da Fonseca (of Trio da Paz), pianist Helio Alves, and vocalist Maucha Adnet are all experts in this music, each of them recognized internationally for expanding the worlds of jazz and Latin music. The music is truly infectious, featuring dazzling rhythms, daring improvisations, and soul-stirring harmonies.
Come enjoy samba jazz and the music of Jobim performed by those who know it best.

"Talea Ensemble and Michelle Agnes Magalhães"
MARCH 5 @ 7:00 PM 
America's Society  
In their Americas Society debut, NYC-based new music group Talea Ensemble — dubbed “a vital part of the New York contemporary-classical scene” by The New York Times — presents the world premiere of a new chamber music cycle by Brazilian composer Michelle Agnes Magalhães, who is currently a Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard University. Herbarium explores sonic complexity and visual structures through the lens of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.

Shoptalk -- March 18-21, 2018 -- Venetian, Las Vegas
Sucesso total! Inscrições encerradas!

The Final Year 

The Final Year is a unique insiders' account of President Barack Obama's final year in office through the eyes of his foreign policy team. Featuring unprecedented access inside the White House and State Department, The Final Year offers an uncompromising view of the inner workings of the Obama Administration as they prepare to leave power after eight years. 
Featuring Barack Obama, John Kerry, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, and Susan Rice. 
Directed by Greg Barker. 
More information: