Monday, March 19, 2018

"Me, My Father and the Cariocas" , by Lucia Veríssimo    MARCH 24 @ 7:30 PM - Followed by Q&A with Director
Symphony Space
We saw it tonight in Pennsylvania: Showing up matters. This year is critical, and tonight, Pennsylvanians proved how important it is to stay engaged. Your voice matters. Keep fighting.

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

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Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher

Organizing for Action

After the tragedy in Parkland one month ago, a lot of people have told our community that it's too soon. It's too soon to talk about politics. It's too soon to talk about preventing another tragedy like this from happening again.

It is not too soon. It's too late for the 17 lives that were lost.

It's too late for the grieving families, too late for the injured, too late for the 3,300 survivors of this tragedy.

We have to act, and we have to act right now. Because for members of the Parkland community, doing nothing is not acceptable.

They're stepping up. For weeks we've watched as parents, teachers, and staff have shared heartbreaking stories and engaged in a dialogue to work toward finding common ground.

These kids, and the people of Parkland, are the definition of courage. And while they're speaking out to demand better they deserve our support.

We're reminded far too often, including far too many times in just the first couple months of this new year, that the United States is the only country where this happens.

But we can act. We can change the conversation and reverse the tide, right now.

The students, parents, teachers, and community of Parkland have set an example for all of us. They've changed this debate, and it's up to us to support them.

Say you'll get to work with OFA:

I'm in

Congressman Ted Deutch
Florida's 22nd District

Paid for by Organizing for Action.
Organizing for Action

Last night, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to fire up local OFA supporters in the fight to end partisan gerrymandering.

Former Attorney General Holder met with OFA supporters in Wisconsin to talk about our fight against gerrymandering.

Wisconsin is a pivotal state in our push for fairer districts.

It's taken partisan gerrymandering all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in Gill v. Whitford, a case that the Brennan Center calls "the most important case in decades dealing with how Americans are represented in Congress."

And at the event, Attorney General Holder made it clear just how important this decision -- and our work -- is to the future of our democracy. He answered questions from OFA volunteers throughout the crowd, and talked about how we have to stay involved in 2018.

Getting fairer districts in Wisconsin -- and states with upcoming battles like Michigan, Ohio, and other places around the country -- will take a dedicated effort.

OFA is ready. We have organizers working across the country -- educating, rallying, and taking action on redistricting. And we're training the next wave of smart, passionate people who will keep this fight going for the years and decades to come.

But we need your support to keep organizing and pushing for fair districts. Can you make a recurring contribution, right now, and become an OFA Champion?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your recurring donation will go through immediately:

Express donate: $5
Express donate: $10
Express donate: $15
Express donate: $35
Express donate: $100
Or donate another amount

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

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