Thursday, March 7, 2024

Exhibition "De Dentro do Cerrado" brings new works by artist Siron Franco to Galeria Marco Zero, in Recife

In the last March 13th, starting at 10am, Galeria Marco Zero in Recife will open the exhibition "De Dentro do Cerrado", a solo exhibition that will present new works by renowned artist Siron Franco.

Curated by Agnaldo Farias, the exhibition promises to take visitors into a deep immersion in the Brazilian Cerrado, bringing elements of nature and local culture into the artist's works. Siron Franco, known for his social and environmental engagement, uses his art to provoke reflections on urgent issues, such as preserving the environment and valuing traditional cultures.

Visitors will be able to enjoy paintings, sculptures, installations and other works by Siron Franco, all inspired by the richness and diversity of the Cerrado. The exhibition promises to surprise and excite, highlighting the sensitivity and artistic skill of the renowned artist.


Galeria Marco Zero presents solo exhibition by Siron Franco

Award-winning artist from Goiás has his production revisited in an exhibition curated by Agnaldo Farias and which brings together around 50 works, with visitors starting on March 13


Poeticize life, remain open to the world and feel and reflect your surroundings and what is inside you. These are principles that guide the production of Siron Franco (1947) since he began producing art, still in childhood. The Goiano's work, restless and provocative, never gave in to classifications or currents, expressing itself through different media and assumptions. To mark the artist's return to Pernambuco, after almost three decades since his last solo show, Galeria Marco Zero presents “Siron Franco – From within the Cerrado”, an exhibition that brings together around 50 works in painting and sculpture and is curated by Agnaldo Farias. The exhibition will be open to the public from March 13th, with free entry.

Born in Goiás Velho (GO), Siron Franco lives and produces in Goiana. The experience in the Brazilian cerrado, with its exuberance, traditions and contradictions, permeates his work in multiple ways, whether in the grotesque beings, who mixed human figures with animals, at the beginning of his career, or in the denunciation of the unbridled exploitation of nature, as in the “Césio” series, in reference to the radiological accident that occurred in 1987, in Goiana. It also manifests itself in more subjective ways, such as its approach to the indigenous cause, to different cosmologies and its constant exercise of otherness of view.

“Siron never treated politics as a minor issue. He always had a vision of Brazil that went beyond the urban country and, in this sense, he did several works that raised urgent issues of a social nature, such as the indigenous cause. He is interested in what happens around him, he is uncomfortable. Nature is very present in his work, in a very particular way. Since appearing on the artistic scene, he has managed to impose himself by painting the grotesque, taking risks in different media, in his own time. He worked with the figurative, the abstract, with sculpture, video, always in his time, without following trends”, explains curator Agnaldo Farias.

On display at Galeria Marco Zero will be around 50 works by Siron Franco, focusing on the production of oil painting, but also with the presence of the sculptural side of the artist from Goiás. The exhibition offers a dive into his technique and poetics, with works created from the beginning of the 1990s until 2023.

For the visual artist, remaining available for the unpredictable is an essential characteristic of his work and his personality. According to Siron, being able to reacquaint yourself with works produced in different periods, especially over the last 30 years, is an opportunity to discover new meanings, to perceive other layers. A tireless art worker, he dedicates himself daily to creating several works simultaneously, in different media.


Regarding the selection made by Agnaldo for the exhibition at Galeria Marco Zero, mostly paintings, but also sculptures, he notices, among other themes, the strength of the unconscious in his production. They are like intimate portraits, but also of the collective, of experiences he acquired empirically, but also through art, whether in the literature of Julio Verne and Gabriel García Márquez, in nature, in the sculptures of Master Vitalino, in the paintings of his friend João Câmara, or in the life's accidents .

PHOTO CREDIT: Sergio Guerini


Contact for more information:

Exhibition “Siron Franco – From within the Cerrado”

Location: Galeria Marco Zero (Av. Domingos Ferreira, 3393 - Boa Viagem, Recife – PE)

Visitation: from March 13th (Wednesday)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 7pm; Saturday, from 10am to 5pm

Free entrance

Information: (81) 98262-3393 and


  Photo: Sergio Guerini

Source Press office


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


it happen on the last  February 23rd, the tribute ceremony promoted by ACLAB - y Sciences, Letters and Arts from Brazil Academy, chaired by Archduke Baron Ednei Pereira, in partnership with the World Art Show BR Association, took place. A special event to honor the best professionals of the year 2023, in the award called Personalite Award 2023.

The award event was held in the amphitheater of ACIAI - Commercial and Industrial Agricultural Association from Iracemápolis - SP, and was attended by renowned artists, intellectuals and authorities of the cultural environment. Among the honorees, filmmaker Carlos Sabugo was the highlight of the night. The tribute to Carlos Sabugo was received with emotion and gratitude, being a fair celebration of the filmmaker's talent and dedication throughout his career.

Carlos Sabugo, became known in the artistic world for acting as a mime clown and poet, interacting like the famous people who performed in the show "Exílio do Mundo", a 72-hour cultural vigil of shows on the stage of Cinelândia, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1980, ending the show with exclusive, live coverage of Fantástico. His impactful and innovative work won the admiration of the public and specialized critics, making him a prominent figure on the national cinematographic scene.




The Personalite 2023 Award was more than a simple award, it was a moment of recognition and appreciation for the tireless work of professionals who stood out during the year. Carlos Sabugo is an example of the transformative power of art and culture, and his contribution to the enrichment of the Brazilian cinematographic scene is undeniable. Over the years, Sabugo has worked as a director, producer, actor, mime clown, screenwriter, special effects director, and is the founder of the first Latin American Stunt Academy in Brazil (Aguias de Fogo).


It is currently presenting a film festival “A Semana do Cinema Brasileiro por Carlos Sabugo”, in the states of Goiás, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The festival will showcase the productions in which the filmmaker has worked throughout his 60-year career.


In the year 2024, he is engaged in the production of the feature film O Carandiru – a Nova Versão, a production that will tell the true story of the most famous prison in Brazil.


The tribute to the filmmaker served as an inspiration for new talents and as an incentive for us to continue celebrating and recognizing the great names of our culture. Congratulations to Carlos Sabugo and all the winners of the Personalite 2023 Award. May his work continue to move and impact future generations.

Foto: Acervo Pessoal

Fonte: Assessoria de imprensa

Edição: Costa Consulting CO | Sula Costa MTB 00036000|GO

Did you see Quentin’s last message? 2024 is shaping up to be one of the most important election years of our lifetime, and our endorsed Black candidates are counting on us to help them beat MAGA Republicans at the polls come November.

We’re still falling short. Will you rush a donation of $10, $25, or even $100 right now to help us hit our $50,000 goal before tomorrow at midnight?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately to The Collective PAC.

Begin forwarded message from Quentin James:

It’s Quentin James, co-founder of The Collective PAC.

I’ll be honest — we’re not where we need to be. Our books for the month of February close Thursday at midnight, and right now, we are only 27% of the way to our $50,000 goal.

You’re probably wondering why we’re reaching out to ask for donations, and I’ll explain. But first: can you pitch in $10 to help us chip away at our major goal?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately to The Collective PAC.

The Collective PAC has continued to support and fund Black candidates since 2016, all while engaging and mobilizing Black voters.

In the last three years, thanks to contributions from supporters like you, we’re registered more than 200,000, provided more than 100,000 rides to and from the polls, and made nearly 5 million voter contact attempts.

But that’s not all — we also endorsed and financially supported 400 Black candidates we’ve helped elect to local, state, and federal offices.

2024 is shaping up to be one of our most important election years to date, and our endorsed Black candidates need our support now more than ever. That’s why we’re asking you.

Can you donate $10 or whatever you can right now to help us continue to support our endorsed candidates and build Black political power up and down the ballot? 5?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately to The Collective PAC.

Thanks for all you do,

Quentin James
Co-founder of The Collective PAC

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

 Twitter    Facebook     


To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003

Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Click here to unsubscribe from the Collective PAC's email list.

You should have received this already, but I really wanted to make sure you see it.

Today, we commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the end of Operation Desert Storm. This anniversary hits particularly close to home at a time when U.S. troops in the Middle East are being killed and wounded in attacks from Iran-backed militia groups.

A day like today — when we’re reflecting on decades of our troops serving and sacrificing in the Middle East — is a crucial moment to show them that we’ll always be by their side. But right now, we’re falling short of our goal to raise $100,000 by midnight to provide service members with the essential support they need.* So please: Will you give $29 or more now to support and honor our brave heroes serving our country in the Middle East and around the world?

Thank you for all you do for our service members,

Tabitha Glenn, USO

From: troop-support@‌us‌o.o‌rg
Sent: Tuesd‌ay, Feb‌ruary 27, 20‌24
Subject: We were there for service members during Desert Storm. We’re there for them today.

Soldiers deploying to the Gulf War make their way to a plane in 1990 at Volk Field, Wisconsin


Remembering Operation
Desert Storm



Tomorrow marks 33 years since the end of Operation Desert Storm — a major U.S. military victory that went hand in hand with the USO successfully expanding and adapting its mission to support our troops.

On Feb. 28, 1991, U.S. and allied ground forces decisively defeated the fourth largest army in the world and liberated Kuwait.

The tens of thousands of troops called to serve during this time relied on support from the USO — and we went where no other nonprofit did to be there for them. We brought morale-boosting entertainment and opened three new USO Centers in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to make sure our troops had everything they needed as they sacrificed so much for our freedoms.

And our work across this region is just as critical in 2024 as it was in 1991. Today, as our troops are being killed and wounded in attacks by Iran-backed militias across the Middle East, the USO continues to work tirelessly to provide them with critical supplies and support in their time of need — all thanks to the generosity of military supporters like you.

But right now, we need to raise $100,000 via email before tomorrow at midnight to help sustain our essential troop support in the Middle East and around the world — and at this crucial moment, we’re falling short of our goal. Will you rush an urgent gift of $29 before midnight tomorrow to help the USO be there for our troops in the Middle East and around the world no matter what?*

—The USOy Photo

Obama told you we couldn't afford anybody on the sidelinesState Dems are facing a slew of special elections and Republicans are gearing up to spend millions to winFebruary 29th is the LAST DAY to triple your impact before our end-of-month deadlineChip in a 3X-impact gift to elect state Democrats across the country:
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

DLCC Logo 

Barack Obama emailed you.
Joe Biden emailed you.
Kamala Harris emailed you.
Jill Biden emailed you.

SO many top Democrats emailed you asking you to help elect state Democrats, but we don’t see your name on our February donor list. Does this seem right to you?

NameEmailFebruary Status:Suggested Gift:
Gary S.--DonorN/A
On Filesula_costa@yahoo.comNON-DONOR$7($21 impact!)
Mary F.--DonorN/A
Nancy M.--DonorN/A

We wouldn’t keep emailing you if it wasn’t important. But you're a key part of our plan to win and build Democratic power across the country. And with important special elections over the next few months, we can’t afford to fall short of our February goal.

Can you chip in $7 before tomorrow's deadline? Your gift will go towards electing state Democrats in 2024, 2025, and beyond.

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Chip in $7 now ($21 impact!)
Chip in $25 now ($75 impact!)
Chip in $50 now ($150 impact!)
Chip in $100 now ($300 impact!)
Chip in another amount »

Your contribution is an investment in electing state Democrats who will protect our fundamental rights and fight for progress in legislatures nationwide. So what do you say? Will you join our movement today?

Chip in a 3X-matched gift of $7 before midnight tomorrow and your donation will make THREE TIMES the impact in our work to elect more Democrats who will protect our democracy at the state level.
