Thursday, March 7, 2024

Exhibition "De Dentro do Cerrado" brings new works by artist Siron Franco to Galeria Marco Zero, in Recife

In the last March 13th, starting at 10am, Galeria Marco Zero in Recife will open the exhibition "De Dentro do Cerrado", a solo exhibition that will present new works by renowned artist Siron Franco.

Curated by Agnaldo Farias, the exhibition promises to take visitors into a deep immersion in the Brazilian Cerrado, bringing elements of nature and local culture into the artist's works. Siron Franco, known for his social and environmental engagement, uses his art to provoke reflections on urgent issues, such as preserving the environment and valuing traditional cultures.

Visitors will be able to enjoy paintings, sculptures, installations and other works by Siron Franco, all inspired by the richness and diversity of the Cerrado. The exhibition promises to surprise and excite, highlighting the sensitivity and artistic skill of the renowned artist.


Galeria Marco Zero presents solo exhibition by Siron Franco

Award-winning artist from Goiás has his production revisited in an exhibition curated by Agnaldo Farias and which brings together around 50 works, with visitors starting on March 13


Poeticize life, remain open to the world and feel and reflect your surroundings and what is inside you. These are principles that guide the production of Siron Franco (1947) since he began producing art, still in childhood. The Goiano's work, restless and provocative, never gave in to classifications or currents, expressing itself through different media and assumptions. To mark the artist's return to Pernambuco, after almost three decades since his last solo show, Galeria Marco Zero presents “Siron Franco – From within the Cerrado”, an exhibition that brings together around 50 works in painting and sculpture and is curated by Agnaldo Farias. The exhibition will be open to the public from March 13th, with free entry.

Born in Goiás Velho (GO), Siron Franco lives and produces in Goiana. The experience in the Brazilian cerrado, with its exuberance, traditions and contradictions, permeates his work in multiple ways, whether in the grotesque beings, who mixed human figures with animals, at the beginning of his career, or in the denunciation of the unbridled exploitation of nature, as in the “Césio” series, in reference to the radiological accident that occurred in 1987, in Goiana. It also manifests itself in more subjective ways, such as its approach to the indigenous cause, to different cosmologies and its constant exercise of otherness of view.

“Siron never treated politics as a minor issue. He always had a vision of Brazil that went beyond the urban country and, in this sense, he did several works that raised urgent issues of a social nature, such as the indigenous cause. He is interested in what happens around him, he is uncomfortable. Nature is very present in his work, in a very particular way. Since appearing on the artistic scene, he has managed to impose himself by painting the grotesque, taking risks in different media, in his own time. He worked with the figurative, the abstract, with sculpture, video, always in his time, without following trends”, explains curator Agnaldo Farias.

On display at Galeria Marco Zero will be around 50 works by Siron Franco, focusing on the production of oil painting, but also with the presence of the sculptural side of the artist from Goiás. The exhibition offers a dive into his technique and poetics, with works created from the beginning of the 1990s until 2023.

For the visual artist, remaining available for the unpredictable is an essential characteristic of his work and his personality. According to Siron, being able to reacquaint yourself with works produced in different periods, especially over the last 30 years, is an opportunity to discover new meanings, to perceive other layers. A tireless art worker, he dedicates himself daily to creating several works simultaneously, in different media.


Regarding the selection made by Agnaldo for the exhibition at Galeria Marco Zero, mostly paintings, but also sculptures, he notices, among other themes, the strength of the unconscious in his production. They are like intimate portraits, but also of the collective, of experiences he acquired empirically, but also through art, whether in the literature of Julio Verne and Gabriel García Márquez, in nature, in the sculptures of Master Vitalino, in the paintings of his friend João Câmara, or in the life's accidents .

PHOTO CREDIT: Sergio Guerini


Contact for more information:

Exhibition “Siron Franco – From within the Cerrado”

Location: Galeria Marco Zero (Av. Domingos Ferreira, 3393 - Boa Viagem, Recife – PE)

Visitation: from March 13th (Wednesday)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 7pm; Saturday, from 10am to 5pm

Free entrance

Information: (81) 98262-3393 and


  Photo: Sergio Guerini

Source Press office


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