Friday, May 3, 2013

A máfia desses advogados de merda infiltra-se em todas as formas de atividade na sociedade, como um camaleão muda de cor, porque agem, sorrateiramente, em proveito de alguém que possa favorecer a este ou aquele companheiro, desconhecendo o bem comum. Matam, roubam, e o pior, destroem em vidas... daqui a pouco serao ele , as criancas e o amante!

Leiam com atencao por favor!
(Carta a imigracao).

Meu nome e Sula Leticia de Souza Costa, nasci em Anapolis - Goias, Brasil, rg 4081354, CPF: 894.15230100, residente na Rua Floriano Peixoto numero 1462, centro, filha de Sebastiao Richelieu da Costa, advogado , e Terezinha Maria de Souza, pedagoga.
O motivo da meu pedido de asilo politico neste pais decorre dos seguintes fatos ocorridos na minha vida nesses ultimos 10 anos.
Sou separada judicialmente no Brasil, tenho tres filhos, Joao Elias Costa Jacob, 13 anos, Marcio Jacob Borges Filho, 11 anos e Ana Vitoria Costa Jacob, 8 anos.
Cheguei nos Eua no dia 23 de agosto de 2012 , em Miami, para fazer um entrevista para o programa Gilberto Amaral, na tv band, Brasilia, no evento Brasilia Film Festival, terminando a entrevista , resolvi vir a New York pois teria mais duas oportunidades de entrevistas no dia 02 e 10 de outubro.
Antes de vir em viagem para os EUA, tinha entrado com um processo no Brasil requerendo pensao alimenticia dos meus filhos , que, ha 10 anos estao sob minha custodia, porem, vivemos na casa de meu pai.
Desde a minha separacao venho tentado entrar com processos requerendo somente a obrigacao do meu ex- conjuge , que era politico no Brasil.
Todas minhas tentativas frustadas , pois, no Brasil existe uma mafia no poder judiciario. O fato do pai dos meus filhos ter vida publica e os irmaos tambem serem advogados, me interrompe de requerer qualquer direito.
Todas vezes que venho este pais, a trabalho, como reporter, ou como assessora da Organizacao intergovernamental de Energia Renovavel, ou como diretora de marketing da Federacao Goiana de Tenis, sofro afrontas e perseguicoes vindo da parte da familia marginalizada do infelizmente pai dos meus filhos.
O casamento durou quase dez anos, por causa dos filhos me submeti a tentar uma convivencia saudavel familiar, porem fui impossibiltada, pois, o pai usuario de drogas ilcitas, atos ilicitos, homosexualismo, me expos a uma sociedade ao ridiculo. Fui agredida inumeras vezes fisicamente e verbalmente, tendo que tomar decisoes em defesa da minha propria vida a denuncia-lo.
Tenho toda documentacao, provas, mandato de seguranca de algumas autoridades no Brasil junto a advogada responsavel pelo meu caso aqui nos EUA.
Sofri varias ameacas durante todo esse tempo devido o fato do pai dos meus filhos ser pessoa publica no Brasil, fui ameacada varias vezes pela mae dele, pelo fato dos atos ilicitos dele, atos de violencia , decorridos ao uso de drogas e pratica de homosexualismo, sendo que isso tem gerado um desgaste muito grande na criacao dos meus filhos. A familia alem de ser advogados sao musicos, volta e meia ensaiam musicas em um estudio em casa ,e, tem usado drogas durante esses ensaios na presenca das criancas, isso tem me causado muita preocupacao tambem. Nao posso entrar com um processo no Brasil porque todas as vezes que faco alguma contestacao, sou ameacada. Uma corrupcao terrivel, a ultima vez, aliciaram a um juiz para arquivar o processo.
O ultimo fato foi agora em novembro de 2012 quando um dos irmaos do pai de meus filhos entrou como candidato a conselheiro a Organizacao dos Advogados do Brasil, e tive que denuncia-lo, pois na epoca do meu divorcio falsificaram inumeras escrituras e repaassaram muitas escrituras em nome de laranjas por causa da politica. Desde entao venho sofrido ameacas indiretamente, mas a minha familia teme que eu regresse, pois a familia e extremamente perigora, possuem um historico de homicidio no passado,e, estou realemte desesperada, porque nao posso ficar tanto tempo longe dos meus filhos. Tenho todo o processo e provas junto a advogada que esta analisando o caso, e peco misercordia porque preciso dos meus filhos comigo e temo em voltar ao Brasil.
A unica coisa que posso garantir e que estou falando a verdade e pedindo um suporte pela minha vida.

Essa foi uma carta que escrevi quando estava nos EUA, hoje, estou no Brasil, o juiz concedeu uma tutela provisoria a esse marginal, e os advogados delinquentes , usuarios de cocaina, que sao os irmaos dele,alegaram que eu teria abandonado meus filhos, so que esse pedido foi feito apos um mes eu ter entrado com a documentacao do meu pedido de asilo, sendo que na documentacao consta o meu pedido de asilo politico extendendo para meus filhos tambem. Minha filha esta sendo educada por uma pessoa que eu nem sei quem e! Alia , eu sei muito bem e temo muito...Alem de conviver com a cupula monstruosa de drogados e homicidas!
Ah ! Ja ia me esquecendo , que com todos esses atributos que referi a esse cidadao, (o que nao foi nem a metade do que eu teria para falar), o prefeito municipal (Antonio Gomide, se nao me engano.) ainda concedeu uma secretaria para esses delinquentes se manterem no poder! Viva a mafia da politicagem goiana!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This event will present an overall review of the economy using the "J.P. Morgan Guide to the Markets - Brazil" as a reference. This quarterly publication features the latest economic, market, and demographic analysis on the global investment environment. The guide includes more than 60 pages of useful charts and graphs, and covers the Brazilian economy, international economy, monetary policy and currency, fixed income, equities, and asset allocation. The goal of the guide is to provide the audience with a clear perspective of the Brazilian financial markets, thereby enabling investors to recognize both opportunities and risks that exist in today's investment environment.


Cassio Calil
President, J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Brazil

Andres Garcia-Amaya
Vice President, Global Market Strategist, J.P. Morgan Funds Global Market Insights Strategy Team

270 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:00 - 8:30 AM
Registration, Breakfast & Networking
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Discussion, Presentations and Q&A
Host & Sponsor

To Register
To register online and download the registration form, please click here.

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Upcoming Events
SAPHIRA's STUDIO Newsletter# 1-4
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Dear Friends,

We cordially invite you and your friends for the

Opening Reception of 



Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 p.m.

MC Gallery

549 West 52nd Street, 8th Floor (bet. 10th and 11th Aves.)

New York, NY 10019

Phone:1 212 581-1966

It will be an exciting evening of great


We look forward to seeing you there!

Alcinda Saphira (NY), Antonio Oliveira (NY) and Vania Ferro (BR)


RSVP requested:


Hernani França 
is an entrepreneurteacher, translator and writerborn in JatahyGoiás (Brazil). He lives in Brasíliasince January 1973. Among his several trips abroadone inspired him to write his first book:Manuscrito de Jerusalém which tells a fascinatingjourney to the Holy Landwherealong thepilgrimage to RomeCairo and Jerusalemthe reader is simultaneously impacted by variousmysterious phenomena and exposed the richhistorical contexts that refer to the times of theRoman Empirethe Hellenic civilizationEgypt of the pharaohs and beginnings of Israel. 

O Caminho do Sol Poente - A Sétima Revelaçãois a  striking narrative that describes the journey back from the Holy Landpassing throughJerusalemCairo, São PauloBuenos Aires,Montevideo and BrasíliaA plot shrouded in mystery and rich historical context that providesthe reader with pleasant situations interspersed with spiritual teachings.

Rubens Salles 
is one of the most prominent Brazilian pianists/keyboardists of his generation. Rubens has graduated with honors at the New England Conservatory in Boston where he achieved his Master of Music in Contemporary Improvisation, being one of a few Brazilians to do so in such course. Prior to that Rubens pursued a Professional Diploma in Professional Music at Berklee College of Music, also completing the course with honors (Cum Laude). Rubens holds a Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Classical Piano from FAAM, Brazil.
Rubens Salles had the opportunity to study/perform with top professors such as Charlie Banacos, Ran Blake, Ken Schaphorst (chair of the Jazz Dept at NEC), Hankus Netsky (chair of the Contemporary Improvisation Dept at NEC), Dominique Eade, Laszlo Gardony, Wilson Curia (World’s Best Jazz Educator – American Jazz Society/99).  Rubens has appearances at special TV shows in Boston for ABC, in Brazil for Globo TV, Cultura TV and SBT, at magazines such as Brazilian Keyboard Player and newspapers and radio stations.

Artworks are available for sale at MC Gallery and through our  website
To book a visit to Saphira Studio, please call 1 914 216-9803
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SAPHIRA'S STUDIOVirtual gallery & productions , by Alcinda Saphira & Louis Ventura, is an office and virtual gallery of art. SAPHIRA'S STUDIO is located in New York and Rio de Janeiro and focuses on the art market,
We work with an innovative team of skilled professionals to ensure positive outcomes of the products we represent. Among our specialties are: paintings, sculptures, panels, giclees, photographs, furniture and accessories specially designed with style, quality and unique signature by the artists we represent.
We create opportunities in different formats  of events for artists from different countries in order to promote cultural exchange. Further, we provide consultancy for artists interested in building or improving their careers.
For enquiries about SAPHIRA STUDIO please contact Alcinda Saphira

INTERNATIONAL ARTS COALITION is an independent group of artists working with a culturally diverse network. Its goal is to help and share opportunities among the artistic community through exhibitions, performances, workshops, events and social gatherings.
For enquiries about NTERNATIONAL ART
S COALITION contact Antonio Oliveira
Opening Reception:
Tuesday, May 7th 2013, 6:00p.m.
MC Gallery
549 West 52nd Street, 8th Floor (btw. 10th and 11th Aves)
New York, NY 10019

CuratorsAlcinda Saphira (NY),Antonio Oliveira (NY) and Vania Ferro (BR)

Production Team: Alcinda Saphira
Antonio Oliveira
Fernanda Pereira
Gustavo Braga
Irene Nunes
Vania Ferro
Electronic Newsletter and Website DesignGustavo Braga 
Invitation Design: Liz Carvalho

MusicRubens Salles

SMALL BUSINESS EXPO 2013 - New York City
Thursday May 16th  10AM-6PM
Pier 92 (52nd Street & 12th Avenue)
CLICK HERE to Register now (It's FREE!)

Join us for this incredible Keynote Presentation at the Expo....It's FREE!

"Success by Design - The 5 Keys to Creating Massive Success!"
4:30-6PM at Small Business Expo in the Main Theatre

presented by Bill Walsh, America's Business Expert & CEO of Powerteam International
our Presenting Platinum Sponsor

This Success by Design Presentation will cover How to:
• Monetize your Passion
• Build a Successful Business
• Get Connected with Millionaires
• Utilize System to increase your Revenue & Profits
• Become a Brilliant Communicator & Top Closer
** PLUS A VIP Bonus Session for anyone that is interested becoming a public speaker*
Your badge gets you into this Keynote for FREE!
CLICK HERE to Register now (It's FREE!) 
For more info about Bill Walsh, visit:
 Inspiration 2020 Global Success Conference An intensive closed door training program where the masters of business, mindset, internet marketing and real estate will provide you with the blue print to create even more success in today’s chaotic economy – so you can achieve mammoth success in 2013 and beyond!
When:                    May 17-18, 2013
Where:                        Westin (NYC) Times Square
·        Despite the tough economic conditions in today’s market and news of ECONOMIC DEVASTATION, there’s a group of achievers who are thriving and earning more money today than ever before.
·        In a world of uncertainty and insecurity, where pain and anxiety prevail,these achievers can help virtually anyone escape the financial bind in their lives and create their own economy and flourish.
·        And I’ve been able to persuade them to share their secrets of success with you – without holding back anything!
Why are we doing this?
·        We have heard the call – people are going through tough times
·        People are worried about these difficult economic conditions
·        People are haunted about their financial situation and have been so quite some time now
·        I firmly believe you don’t deserve this and want to help serious action takers to escape the frustration in their lives and achieve the financial breakthrough, which has eluded them so far!
For more info about the Inspiration2020 Success Conference, visit:

NEW YORK, MAY 15th, 2013 
University Club, One West 54th Street - NYC
Lobby Level - College Hall
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 


Confirmed Speakers
 Paul Volcker
Professor of International Economic Policy, Princeton University
Luciano Coutinho
President, BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank 

Carlos Langoni
Director of the World Economy Center, FGV Foundation

Cesar Cunha Campos
Director, FVG Projetos

 I N V I T A T I O N
The invitation is personal and non-transferable

Click here to download the program


Please disregard this message if you have responded our previous notices. 
SPECIAL SUPPORT                                                                                MEDIA SPONSOR

The White House, Washington

This is the start of a national debate. Across the country, we're having a serious discussion about how we can build a fair and effective immigration system that lives up to our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.
And we need your help to make sure that genuine, personal perspectives are part of the conversation. The truth is, that if we go back far enough, nearly every American story begins somewhere else -- so often with ancestors setting out in search of a different life, carving out a future for their children in this place that all of us now call home.
We want to make sure that idea isn't far from the minds of policymakers here in Washington as we work to reach an agreement to reform immigration.
To kick things off, one of the President's senior advisors sat down to share his story with you.
When Americans from all over the country -- each with different backgrounds, each from different circumstances -- all speak out with the same voice, it's powerful in a way that's hard to ignore. We've seen it again and again, in debate after debate.
And this is the kind of issue where putting a face on the push for reform takes an abstract concept and makes it real. So share your American stories with us, and we'll put them to use.
We'll publish them on the White House website. We'll share them on Facebook and Twitter. We'll do everything we can to make sure they're part of the debate around immigration reform.
Get started here:

Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House 

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