Saturday, May 7, 2022

st moments ago, Donald Trump walked off stage at his Nebraska MAGA rally (his EIGHTH in just FOUR months!)

Trump and his cronies may be celebrating but they won’t be cheering for much longer when they see what’s happening right now.

The very moment Trump started speaking, Democrats all over the country decided to make their voices heard – pouring in gifts to fight back and dominate Trump’s MAGA donors. Just LOOK how fast they’re coming in:

Look at these donations!

We can’t lose this momentum: Add your $7, or $25 donation to the ever-growing list of Democratic supporters helping elect state Democrats nationwide >>

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Republicans are ready to double-down on Trump’s hate-filled speech in order to supercharge a flood of right-wing cash for their campaigns.

And Trump couldn’t be happier. He’s made it his mission to install conspiracy theorists, election deniers, and insurrectionists up and down the ballot who could overturn future elections in his name!

It’s unfathomable. But with Trump’s supporters and billionaire backers fired up, we need our grassroots community firing on all cylinders to help state Democrats WIN this year.

Rush a donation RIGHT NOW to elect state Democrats and crush Trump's Republicans >>



This year alone, state Democrats have notched crucial victories in special election battles in Maine, Virginia, and Connecticut.

But now, eight more special election battles are coming up – and we're running out of time to ensure our state Democrats have the support they need! Just look at how many races we're facing:

May 3MichiganHD-15
May 3MichiganHD-36
May 3MichiganHD-43
May 3MichiganHD-74
May 17PennsylvaniaSD-5
May 17South CarolinaHD-97
May 24GeorgiaHD-45
May 24South CarolinaHD-18

These races are packed with symbolism – some are in crucial battleground states like Pennsylvania and Michigan where Democrats cannot afford to lose – or in ruby-red districts where Republicans have dominated cycle after cycle. Others are Democratic seats that we MUST hold on to.

But that just means we need a surge of grassroots support NOW, so we can compete for seats like these.

We have less than 24 HOURS until voters cast their ballots in our next special election battle: Rush a $7 gift TODAY to help state Dems win tough races like these all across the country >>
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Special elections are notoriously underfunded, unrecognized, face some of the lowest voter turnout rates, and are too often decided by just a handful of votes.

So our candidates rely on supporters like you, to help bring our Democratic vision closer to reality – that starts with this team mobilizing now.

Are you with us? Don’t miss this chance to have an impact on state legislative races all over the country >>

DLCC Special Elections Team







💥 6 Horse Multi 💥






No bank holiday multiple for me, just the two bets out on my daily service today, racing is always more competitive on days like today.


Mid week's where it's at & I'm told tomorrow is expected to be a really big day.


Two of my team have come to me telling me between them they have 6 horses all from various contacts who have always been very reliable.


We've decided to put all 6 in a multiple that should pay  a tidy amount.


With forecast odds of 11/4, 6/1, 5/1, 12/1, 9/2 & 9/1

That's 225,223/1

I can't promise we'll get those exact odds, they're only what we expect. We won't know until all Bookmakers price up obviously . We shouldn't be far off though.


Are they all definitely going to win?  It's racing anything could happen, nobody can guarantee that. But from the vibes coming our way & knowing the contacts past success we have absolutely no issues in trying our luck with a Lucky 63 multi bet.


But let's be clear, with them all being info, there's certainly more in our favour than not!


Personally I'm hoping the Bookies will be crying into their evening Cocoa tomorrow!!!!


The risks are higher with this type of bet, so I've kept the price low for you.


This 6 horse multi bet can be yours for less than a tenner!

Only £9.99 link below



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Happy Punting!




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The Washington Post
“Democrats’ redistricting gains hit a roadblock:
The Supreme Court”

Frankly, Sula, it's been several years since we could depend on SCOTUS to uphold fair redistricting and voting rights. But with the addition of Amy Coney Barrett to create a six-justice conservative majority, the court seems to have thrown all reason out the window. Their decisions are inconsistent and ignore precedent. As A.G. Holder has said, SCOTUS is putting its very legitimacy at risk.

And yet, supporters of fair maps must continue to fight in and out of the courts in states across the country to achieve the redistricting the American people deserve.

So how do we move forward, knowing that the nation's highest court isn't on the side of democracy and equality? The same way we've always done – by putting our noses to the grindstone and executing our multi-pronged strategy. The fact is, our work has never relied on any one court. And with you on our side, we've been able to overcome any number of challenges.

So Sula – will you dig deep today and help us keep the fight going?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
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Donate $150Another amount

Thank you,


IG JANUARY 6TH UPDATE: According to records uncovered by the Jan. 6th committee, Donald Trump Jr. texted Trump’s chief of staff multiple strategies to subvert the electoral process and keep his father in the White House in the days after the 2020 election.

Trump Jr.’s text laid out strategies to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election – so we need him to testify to the January 6th committee.

But Trump is FREAKING out – he’s already accused the committee of attacking his children and being “vicious” – when they’re just doing their job and getting the American people the answers they deserve.

We need to know what you think: Should the House committee subpoena Donald Trump Jr.? Answer below:

Do you support the January 6th committee subpoenaing Donald Trump Jr. to find out what happened on the day of the insurrectionist attack?



Republican lawmakers have spent OVER A YEAR downplaying the violence that ensued, the damage done to our democracy, and the part that Trump played in it all.

We still have so many unanswered questions about that day – it’s time we knew the full truth.

Before this investigation goes any further, please let us know whether you think the House should subpoena Donald Trump Jr. >>

DLCC Accountability Team


Happy Military Appreciation Month‌!

This whole month is filled with opportunities to celebrate our service members, and we want to make sure you don’t miss a single one. That’s why we created this Military Appreciation Month calendar for military supporters like you, filled with important moments and actions you can take to honor the American troops making immense sacrifices every day to keep us safe.

 MAY 2022 

Military Appreciation Month

Calendar Image

As troops continue to respond to the crisis in Ukraine and work to protect Americans and our allies all over the world, it’s more important than ever to show our appreciation.

Thanks for standing with our service members this Military Appreciation Month and always.




You need to see this headline from Politico:

“GOP lawmakers were deeply involved in Trump plans to overturn election, new evidence suggests”

Politico, April 22, 2022

When Donald Trump stoked the flames of the Jan. 6th insurrection, he had more than 600 GOP state legislators helping him – promoting his Big Lie, pressuring Congress to overturn the election, or even cheering on the riots that left five people dead. This is what they were supporting:

Jan. 6th Insurrectionists wave Trump flags as they climb the steps of the Capitol

But their treachery didn’t end on January 6th.

At this very moment, Republicans are ramming through anti-voter legislation, and trying to undermine election boards to bend free and fair elections to their will.

It goes against every democratic value we stand for – but the GOP no longer cares about our democracy. Not everyone will respond to this call to action, so we’re relying on YOU to help us prepare the organizing, messaging, and voter contact programs we need to get these insurrectionists and enablers out of office for good.

Don’t let Trump and his state allies get away with this: Chip in $7 to our Stop the Insurrectionists Fund now to help state Democrats fight back >>
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The Stop the Insurrectionists Fund could make or break whether our candidates defeat some of the very worst state Republicans on Election Day.

That’s why we’re reaching out – this is your BEST chance to take on Trump insurrectionists and boot them out of office.

So will you join the fight? Chip in $7 right now to defeat GOP insurrectionists and their enablers >>



It's been less than 24 hours since Justice Alito’s first draft of the Supreme Court's majority opinion to strike down Roe v. Wade leaked.

Make no mistake: This is the end-game Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell hoped for – a stolen conservative Supreme Court enabling extremist Republican-controlled state legislatures.

If you're outraged by the news then hear me when I say this: We can break the cycle by ending Republicans' grip on state legislatures.

It's not just the right to abortion, either. The war on our right to vote, access to health care, public safety, and what our kids can learn in schools is being waged in state legislatures where Republicans have been playing the long game and investing early to WIN this fight.

It’s high time for us to do the same. I don’t believe in empty promises, so what I pledge to you right now is that my team will keep fighting like hell to transform traditionally red areas into purple, flip dark-red seats blue, and win state legislatures.

But I can’t follow through on that promise unless we come together – all of us – to meet the moment.

Channel your outrage into action: Chip in $7 now to fuel the campaigns of pro-abortion rights state-level Democratic candidates across the nation >>

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As you read this, Republican legislators are pushing through unconstitutional legislation that would ban abortions, restrict access to health care, and make it harder to vote – all in the hope that a right-wing Supreme Court will rubber-stamp their agenda. But they’re just getting started – which is why I need to be crystal clear:

We’re witnessing a horrific right-wing attack that begins in our states. If we don’t ramp up our efforts to recapture statehouses, we could very well watch the Trumps and McConnells of our states win this fight.

The only sure way to end this war on our laws, our rights, and our democracy is to defeat Republican state legislators.

Are you with us? Chip in $7 today to elect state Democrats who are fighting for our democratic rights >>

Thanks for standing with us,

Jessica Post, President
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

DLCC President Jessica Post


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The reports about the Supreme Court’s impending decision to overturn Roe v. Wade are heartbreaking and terrifying. While we await the final decision, we know a few things for certain.

1. We must continue to protect access to reproductive health services. Take action today by supporting the National Network of Abortion Funds and their critical work to help thousands of individuals access and afford reproductive health services.

Support Access to Abortions >>

2. State legislatures, governors, and supreme courts are more important than ever. The Supreme Court -- stacked with conservative justices nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote -- is ignoring the will of the American people. A recent Washington Post-ABC poll shows a majority of Americans support upholding Roe. This is another decision from an ideological court that will defy the people, to satisfy the few.

This anti-democratic behavior is not limited to the United States Supreme Court. Gerrymandered state legislatures across the country are waiting in the wings to capitalize on this horrendous decision if it comes to pass. We’ve already seen how ideologues will use gerrymandered legislatures to push their anti-choice agenda in states like Texas and Florida, and this ruling will surely make it worse.

We will not sit back and watch while institutions that do not reflect the majority of this nation act with impunity to attack human and women’s rights. Whether it’s the Supreme Court, state courts, or gerrymandered state legislatures, we will fight to make sure our government reflects the values of the people.

Support Our Work >>

The stakes are higher than ever. Join us in our commitment and support the fight ahead of us.

In solidarity,
All On The Line

By now you’ve no doubt heard that a leaked draft opinion by Justice Alito which shows that, if issued, the Supreme Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade in full defiance of the American people. A.G. Holder recently said the Court’s political decisions are putting its legitimacy at risk, and this opinion is just more evidence of that.

If and when this decision is made final, it will mean protections for abortion rights will fall to the states. And it will make our work to end the gerrymandering that protects unearned Republican majorities in state legislatures more urgent than ever. Will you pitch in now to help us keep up the fight for fair maps?

Map manipulation allows Republicans to disregard public opinion – that’s why they fight so hard to gerrymander the maps. Make no mistake: If they succeed, they can use their gerrymandered majorities to further restrict abortion rights, voting rights, and so many other of the issues that matter most. This is exactly the type of anti-democratic behavior the NDRC exists to stop – and it’s why it’s critical to ensure we have the resources to keep up our work.

When elections are fought on fair maps, we’re more likely to get policies that reflect the will of the voters. That means ending gerrymandering and protecting our democracy is critical to protecting and advancing basic human rights that a majority of Americans support, including abortion rights.

This fight can’t wait, Sula. So please, make an urgent donation to the NDRC right now to help us make sure Democrats who will defend abortion rights get to fight their elections on fair maps, not rigged ones:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you'd like to make a contribution to support us, please click here.


We’re thrilled – Democrat Carol Glanville just defeated VILE Republican Robert Regan in a surprise Michigan upset!


You might remember Robert Regan for some truly disgusting comments he made during this election – from echoing Trump’s Big Lie to posting anti-Semitic content on social media – to a comment about sexual assault so offensive we can’t even include it in this email.

We’re so excited to have Carol fighting for our values in Michigan’s state legislature! This victory is the result of voters saying NO to Republican hate and lies. In fact, in 2020, Republicans won this seat by 26 POINTS. Today, thanks to grassroots supporters like you, Democrat Carol Glanville is headed to the Michigan statehouse in the place of a bigoted conspiracy theorist.

That’s why we’re reaching out. The money we raise now will help us lead more incredible state Democrats to victories in special elections across the country. Chip in $7 now to support our movement >>

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We’re SO happy about tonight’s results, but we can’t lose focus: The Supreme Court just signaled they will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade! Safe and legal abortion access will now fall to the states.

State legislatures are the front lines of the fight to protect reproductive care – which means we need resources to pour in for our state Democratic candidates if we want to protect abortion.

We’ve got a tough fight ahead of us, but tonight’s STUNNING upset showed us what’s possible when our grassroots movement stands strong. Chip in $7 now to help us elect more state Democrats in upcoming elections across the country >>

Let’s keep this going,
DLCC Special Elections Team


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We wanted to make sure you saw what President Obama recently said about our fight for fair maps:

It's now unlikely that control of the U.S. House of Representatives will be determined strictly by the way maps are drawn -- Barack Obama

He’s absolutely right – thanks to the grassroots support of this team, our work has already made a big difference with respect to the upcoming midterm elections.

But that’s not all President Obama said. He also urged us to remember that “there’s so much left to do” when it comes to redistricting. And President Obama is absolutely right about that, too.

Now, we have less than six months before voters start casting ballots using new maps. Will you pitch in to support us in the final stretch before the midterms?


Our work is far from over because Republicans are still working furiously to skew both the midterm and future elections. They’ll try to manipulate the maps, restrict the freedom to vote, stack state supreme courts, and promote dangerous legal theories that say state legislatures should be the ONLY authority when it comes to congressional elections.

We must continue our work to secure fair maps and defend our democracy, but we can only do it with your support. Please, donate right now to help power our efforts.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Donate $10Donate $20
Donate $50Donate $100
Donate $150Another amount


A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

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