Saturday, February 10, 2024


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2023 is Brazil’s hottest Year on Record

The year 2023 was the hottest in the planet’s history and also the hottest on record for Brazil. The average temperature in the country was 24.92 degrees Celsius (°C), 0.69°C above the historical average for 1991–2020, 24.23°C.

According to a survey by the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) nine of the 12 months of 2023 had monthly temperature averages above the historical average for 1991–2020, with September standing out as showing the greatest difference between the recorded value and the historical average.

Throughout the year, Brazil faced nine heatwave episodes, reflecting the impacts of the El Niño phenomenon, which tends to favor rising temperatures across the planet.

In addition, the institute reported, other factors have contributed to the occurrence of increasingly extreme events, like the increase in the global temperature of the Earth’s surface and the oceans.

After analyzing the deviations in average annual temperatures in Brazil from 1961 to 2023, the authority found a statistically significant upward trend in temperatures over the years, which may be linked to climate change as a result of rising global temperatures and local environmental changes.

The trend continues into 2024
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Câncer Atinge Cada Vez Mais Jovens. Médicos Lutam Para Saber Por Quê

O câncer está atingindo mais jovens nos Estados Unidos e em todo o mundo, e deixando os médicos perplexos e alarmados. As taxas de diagnóstico nos EUA aumentaram em 2019 para 107,8 casos por 100 mil pessoas com menos de 50 anos, um aumento de 12,8% em relação aos 95,6 casos em 2000, mostram dados federais. Um estudo publicado no ano passado pelo BMJ Oncology relatou um aumento global acentuado de câncer em pessoas com menos de 50 anos, com as taxas mais elevadas na América do Norte, Austrália e Europa Ocidental.

Médicos estão correndo para descobrir o que está deixando essa geração doente e como identificar os jovens que correm mais risco. Eles suspeitam que as mudanças na forma como vivemos – menos atividade física, mais alimentos ultra processados, novas toxinas – aumentaram o risco para as gerações mais jovens.

A morte do actor Chadwick Boseman, aos 43 anos, vítima de câncer de cólon, em 2020, chamou a atenção do público para a crescente prevalência de câncer colorretal em pessoas com menos de 50 anos, uma tendência que alarmou os oncologistas. Eles percebem que a crise se estende a alguns outros tipos de cânceres, incluindo pâncreas, apêndice, estômago e útero.
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One Year After Brazil’s 1/8, Top Court Keeps 66 In Prison


One year after the invasion of the Brazilian government headquarters, National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court by vandals dissatisfied with the presidential election results, 66 of the more than 2 thousand people arrested during the attacks are still in prison for inciting, financing, and/or carrying out the invasion. The figures, compiled by the office of Justice Alexandre de Moraes, rapporteur of the investigations, were released by Agência Brasil.

The rest of those investigated were released and had their imprisonment replaced by precautionary measures, such as the use of electronic anklets, a ban on leaving the country, the suspension of gun permits and certificates, the surrender of passports, and weekly appearances before the courts.

Thus far, 25 people have been convicted by the Supreme Court. Sentences range from 10 to 17 years in prison in a closed regime.

They are guilty of five crimes: armed criminal association, abolition of the democratic rule of law, coup d’état, qualified damage, and depredation of protected federal property.

Around 1,100 of those being investigated will be entitled to a non-prosecution agreement and will not be indicted by the Office of the Attorney-General. The measure only applies to those who were arrested in front of army headquarters in Brasília on January 9, the day after the riots, and will not apply to those who took part in the storming and destruction of the headquarters.

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Tribunal De Haia: África Do Sul Acusa Israel De Genocídio


Uma audiência na sexta-feira (12) concluiu dois dias de exposição de argumentos num caso movido pela África do Sul, um crítico de longa data do tratamento dispensado por Israel aos palestinos, contra Israel pelo alegado crime de genocídio contra o povo palestino desde o início da guerra na Faixa de Gaza, após o ataque do Hamas a Israel, em 7 de outubro de 2023. O caso está sendo julgado perante o Tribunal Internacional de Justiça das Nações Unidas, em Haia, Holanda.

Que provas a África do Sul apresenta para apoiar a sua acusação de genocídio? 

Em quase três horas de depoimentos, advogados e especialistas representando a África do Sul apresentaram provas argumentando que a campanha militar de três meses de Israel em Gaza foi além de uma guerra contra o Hamas – o grupo militante palestino matou 1.200 pessoas e fez 240 reféns, segundo Israel. A equipa jurídica sul-africana argumentou que a ofensiva de Israel inclui todos os 2 milhões de palestinianos que residem em Gaza.

“Nenhum lugar é seguro em Gaza”, disse a advogada sul-africana Adila Hassim no tribunal. “No momento em que estou diante de vocês hoje, 23.210 palestinos foram mortos pelas forças israelenses durante os ataques contínuos dos últimos três meses”, continuou Hassim, “pelo menos 70% dos quais acredita-se serem mulheres e crianças”.

Hassim disse que os militares israelenses lançaram 6 mil bombas por semana em Gaza nas primeiras três semanas da campanha e lançaram bombas de 2.000 libras em áreas declaradas seguras por Israel, incluindo campos de refugiados.

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U.S. Issues Over 1.1 Million Visas To Brazilian In 2023


The Embassy and Consulates of the United States in Brazil announce on Friday (5) a significant milestone: 1.125 million visas were issued to Brazilians in 2023. According to the statement, this remarkable increase reflects the concerted efforts made by the U.S. consulates nationwide to reduce visa interview wait times and provide a streamlined application process.

See the number of visas approved at each consular section in Brazil:

Embassy in Brasilia: 173,000

• Consulate General in São Paulo: 517,000
• Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro: 230,000
• Consulate General in Recife: 87,000
• Consulate General in Porto Alegre: 118,000

“We are thrilled to witness such a substantial rise in visa issuances. This achievement not only highlights the strong ties between our two nations but also demonstrates the growing interest of Brazilians in exploring tourism and educational opportunities in the United States,”

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Por que cerca de 1.500 americanos ainda morrem de COVID toda semana?


Três anos após o início da pandemia, centenas de americanos ainda morrem de COVID-19 todas as semanas.

Na semana encerrada em 9 de dezembro, última semana com dados completos, ocorreram 1.614 mortes por COVID, de acordo com os Centros de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC). As últimas quatro semanas de dados completos mostram uma média de 1.488 mortes semanais.

Em comparação, ocorreram 163 mortes semanais por gripe na semana encerrada em 9 de dezembro, de acordo com dados do CDC.

Embora elevados, este número de mortes por COVID ainda é inferior ao máximo de 25.974 mortes registadas na semana que terminou em 9 de janeiro de 2021, bem como às mortes semanais observadas em invernos anteriores, mostram os dados do CDC.

Especialistas entrevistados pela ABC News disseram que há vários motivos pelos quais as pessoas ainda podem estar morrendo por causa do vírus que causa o Covid-19, incluindo número insuficiente de pessoas com acesso a tratamentos ou vacinação, bem como a diminuição da imunidade.

Poucas pessoas sendo vacinadas

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Visa Requirement For Americans Entering Brazil Extended To April


According to the Correio da Manhã newspaper, the Brazilian Federal Government has decided to postpone to April 10th the return of visa requirements for Americans, Canadians and Australians visiting Brazil for tourism or business. The return of the visa was scheduled to begin on next Wednesday, January 10th.

As published by the Brazilian newspaper, President Lula responded to a request from the tourism sector. The Ministers of Tourism, Celso Sabino, of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa, of Economic Development, Geraldo Alckmin and the president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, held a joint effort with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, to postpone the beginning of the new rule until after the summer season.

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Mais Pessoas Vivem Sozinhas Em Uma Nação Construída Para Famílias


De acordo com as últimas estatísticas do Censo dos Estados Unidos (2020), 27,6% de todos os lares americanos estão ocupados por apenas uma pessoa. Isto representa um aumento significativo em relação aos 7,7% registrados em 1940. A partir desta década, a percentagem de americanos que vivem sozinhos só vem crescendo. O maior salto aconteceu entre 1970 e 1980, quando passou de 17,6% para 22,7%. Entre 2010 e 2020, a parcela de quem mora sozinho cresceu de 26,7% para 27,6%.

Isso significa que menos pessoas estão casando. Um relatório de 2022 da Current Population Survey mostra que 49,3% dos americanos com 15 anos ou mais não eram casados em 2022.

No geral, a percentagem de lares familiares com pessoas casadas tem diminuído constantemente:

• 1990: 55%

• 2015: 50%

• 2019: 53%

• 2022: 45%

E os que casam estão adiando o casamento.

De 2015 a 2019, a idade média para as mulheres se casarem pela primeira vez foi de 28 anos. Statista relata que os dados do Census Bureau mostram que no ano passado, a idade média para o primeiro casamento para os homens aumentou para 30,2 anos e 28,4 anos para as mulheres. Na década de 1950, a idade do primeiro casamento era de 22,5 anos para os homens e 20,1 anos para as mulheres.

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Since securing a Democratic trifecta in the 2022 midterms, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been working alongside state Democrats to safeguard abortion rights and expand access to the ballot box. But now the Michigan House is TIED and our majority is at risk.

Quote: Gov Whitmer left, copy: I’ve seen firsthand just how much happens in our statehouses – and how important it is to elect strong Democratic leaders and expand our majorities...

In North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper is completely gridlocked – state Republicans are using their razor-thin supermajority to override Gov. Cooper’s veto, ban abortion, and limit voting rights…

Quote: Gov Cooper left, copy: “We need to do everything in our power to break up Republicans’ narrow supermajority – and we’re not too far out of reach

SO NOW → We’re working around the clock to power fundraise so we can expand Democratic power in state legislatures and break up Republican strongholds.

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Electing state Democrats who will work alongside Democratic governors to secure fundamental freedoms in their states is our best path forward.

We helped Democrats flip the Virginia House, expand our majorities in New Jersey, and secure huge wins for state Democrats nationwide. And now key states like Michigan and North Carolina need our help.

Will you donate $7 to elect Democrats that will work alongside Democratic Governors like Govs. Whitmer and Cooper? Help boost state Dems to victory →

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sáb., 13 de jan. às 14:57


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If you want to help The Collective PAC build Black political power up and down the ballot, and across the country, then you’re in the right place. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here.

Can you believe it?

The first primary of 2024 is in TWO DAYS.

This is just the beginning of what’s sure to be one of the most important election years of our lifetime, and we need to be prepared.

We need to raise $10,000 in the next 48 hours to make sure we’re ready to fight back against MAGA extremists across the country and up and down the ballot this year. Will you rush a donation of $10 right now to help us hit our major goal?

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There’s so much at stake in 2024.

And with dangerous Republican extremists like Trump and Ron DeSantis fighting for the Republican presidential nomination, either outcome is a threat to our democracy.

We know Republicans are ready to flood the 2024 elections with dark money, so we have to fight back now.

Can you rush a $10, $25, or even $50 donation in the next 48 hours to make sure we’re in a good place to defeat Republican extremists in this year?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately.

Thank you for all your hard work,

The Collective PAC

The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.

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