Saturday, April 13, 2024

Actress and fine art Regina Duarte on a guided tour reviewed her own journey at Galeria Camasmie in São Paulo.

Today (April 13th), renowned artist Regina Duarte welcomed visitors to her 2nd solo exhibition, entitled "New Faces of Nature", at Galeria Camasmie, located at Rua Bela Cintra, 1992, in Cerqueira César, São Paulo. The host and owner of the gallery, a renowned artist, was present to welcome the artist's fans, collectors and artists who make up the visual art scene.


Fans of the actress had the unique opportunity to get to know the artist up close, who impeccably shared the narrative behind each of her works on display. The guided tour provided an enriching experience, where participants were able to connect with the essence and inspiration behind Regina Duarte's works.


The "New Faces of Nature" exhibition uniquely portrayed the beauty and complexity of nature, exploring different facets and perspectives of the world around us. In addition to the foliage, vibrant colors and meticulous details present in the works enchanted spectators, providing a true dive into the artist's creative universe.


The presence of Regina Duarte as the exhibition guide brought a personal and intimate dimension to the event, allowing visitors to delve even deeper into the creative process and the artist's passion for art. It was an inspiring and interactive morning, where art lovers were able to experience up close all the magic and talent of one of the most talented artists of her generation.

 The end of the guided tour by actress Regina Duarte, included an autograph and photo session with fans and the local community.

Photo: Personal collection


Edition: Costa Consulting CO | Sula Costa MTB 0003600|GO


Source: Press office

sáb., 13 de abr. às 12:32

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