Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Hey, it’s David Hogg, gun safety advocate and co-founder of March For Our Lives.

Many of our elected officials can be described as one word: Cowards.

Our kids, our planet, our freedoms, our democracy — are all under attack by far-right extremists, from the State House to the U.S. Senate, who are willing to let children be slaughtered at school and watch our planet burn for their own personal gain.

We refuse to back down.

There were many who said after Parkland that we couldn’t change anything because we were just a “bunch of kids.” But we proved them wrong — we passed gun laws in a state owned by the NRA.

There were many who said young people would never vote. But we proved them wrong in 2018 — defeating more NRA backed politicians than ever before in U.S. history. Then, in 2020, we defeated NRA puppet Donald Trump. Both of these victories enabled us to pass the first federal gun law in 30 years.

There were many who said Maxwell Frost, March For Our Lives' first National Organizing Director, could never be the first Gen Z Member of Congress. But we proved them wrong, again.

Badass young people have a habit of being underestimated — and I have a habit of scaring the shit out of Republicans by proving that, while we might be young, we are powerful.

That is why today, myself and Kevin Lata, Maxwell Frost’s Campaign Manager and 2022 Campaign Manager of the Year, are launching Leaders We Deserve — a grassroots organization dedicated to electing young leaders to Congress, and especially our State Legislatures, across the country to help defeat the far-right’s agenda and advance a progressive vision for the future. Leaders We Deserve will work in partnership with a stacked Advisory Board, including Maxwell Frost, Justin Jones, and other influential leaders.

Are you in? Split a donation between Leaders We Deserve and The Collective PAC so we can win back our country and advance a progressive agenda.

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Why is this important?

Despite making up 45% of the electorate, Gen Z and Millennials only hold 21% of State Legislature seats.

Conversely, Republicans have made significant investments in down-ballot races, leading to the absolute assault on our rights and freedoms that we’re seeing happen across states — from abortion bans to taking away LGBTQ+ rights to repealing life-saving common sense gun laws put into place after the Parkland shooting.

Our political system is stacked against us, but incredible young leaders have fought back and beat the odds to get elected to office. It’s time to take more young people from movements like March For Our Lives and elect them to office to be the leaders we deserve. But grassroots support is what moves the needle, and it’s what we need from you today.

Join us by splitting a donation of any amount between Leaders We Deserve and The Collective PAC today.

So how are we going to fight back against the 50-year chess game conservative special interest groups have been manipulating?

Leaders We Deserve will invest in young people, knock down barriers, and elect more young people to office. We’re doing this by:

  1. Recruitment: Identifying candidates who will have the biggest impact on their states (that's where the real work is happening).

  2. Providing Day-to-Day Support: We’re helping campaigns build from the ground up and will work with them directly on fundraising, messaging, coalition building, voter contact, and volunteer recruitment.

  3. Volunteer Network: Our grassroots volunteer army (that’s you) will have person-to-person conversations with voters all across a candidate’s district, advocating on their behalf.

  4. Running Paid Media Campaigns: We’ll run well-funded independent expenditure programs.

But there’s a reason our political system favors those who are older, wealthier, and white — running for office takes serious resources.

Which is one of the reasons I’m reaching out today. Young candidates aren’t seen as viable and often struggle to raise money. They have lower personal wealth and smaller donor networks.

So I’m asking: Will you join our movement by splitting a donation between Leaders We Deserve and The Collective PAC today?

Donate >>

There’s so much more I could say, but I’ll end with this — we absolutely cannot do this work without you.

So I’m asking: Will you join our movement by splitting a donation between Leaders We Deserve and The Collective PAC today?

More soon,

David Hogg
Leaders We Deserve

Since securing a Democratic trifecta in the midterms, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been working alongside state Democrats to safeguard abortion rights and expand access to the ballot box.

Quote: Gov Whitmer left, copy: I’ve seen firsthand just how much happens in our statehouses – and how important it is to elect strong Democratic leaders and expand our majorities...

But in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper is gridlocked – state Republicans are using their razor-thin supermajority to override Gov. Cooper’s veto, ban abortion, and limit voting rights…

Quote: Gov Cooper left, copy: “We need to do everything in our power to break up Republicans’ narrow supermajority – and we’re not too far out of reach

SO NOW → We’re working around the clock to power fundraise so we can expand Democratic power in state legislatures and break up Republican strongholds.

Will you help elect state Dems and build strong state legislative majorities nationwide by rushing a $7 donation?

If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
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Electing state Democrats who will work alongside Democratic governors to secure fundamental freedoms in their states is our best path forward.

We gained trifectas in Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Maryland last cycle, but our work is far from over. We’re going to need a surge of grassroots support if we want to gain ground in Republican-led states. Can we count on you to own a piece of this fight?

Will you donate $7 to elect Democrats that will work alongside Democratic Governors like Govs. Whitmer and Cooper? Help boost state Dems to victory →

Thank you,



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