Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Os exemplos corrigem melhor do que as reprimendas." [ Voltaire ]


A.E. Jataiense x Anápolis F.C.


04/08/2010 - 20h30

Amistoso Internacional de Voleibol Infanto-Juvenil Masculino Brasil e Rússia

Dias - 11 e 12 de agosto

Horário – 19:00hs

Local – Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria

Entrada Franca

Chegada das Seleções Brasil e Rússia em Anápolis – dia 10 de agosto por volta das 17:30

Hospedagem – Naoum Express Hotel

A seleção brasileira infanto-juvenil masculina de vôlei, comandada pelo técnico Percy Oncken, jogará duas partidas amistosas contra o time Infanto Juvenil da Seleção Russa. Os confrontos serão realizados no Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria, na próxima quarta-feira (11.08), às 19h, e na quinta-feira (12.08), também às 19:00h no mesmo local.

Os confrontos fazem parte da preparação da equipe para a disputa do Campeonato Mundial da categoria, que será disputado no Peru. O Brasil é o país que mais vezes venceu a competição. Foi campeão seis vezes (89, 91, 93, 95, 2001 e 2003) e vice em uma oportunidade (2005). Na última edição, em 2007, a equipe terminou na sétima colocação.

WAYANS Jr. - August 2nd

On August 2nd, (last night) I was hanging out with "The Other Guys." I attended the worldwide premiere of the film with my good friend Damon Wayans Jr., star of the box office sensation "Dance Flick."

Damon joins an all-star cast which includes Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg as underdog NYC cops breaking out of the shadow of veteran boys-in-blue bad asses Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

This movie, brought to you by the Director of "Stepbrothers" and "Talladega Nights," is sure to bring the laughs. Escape the summer heat and catch "The Other Guys" on August 6th!

Later today, I will host a ceremony and reception at the White House to honor the recipients of the 2010 Citizens Medal, but I wanted you to be the first to know who will receive this prestigious award:

The Citizens Medal is the second highest civilian honor in our nation. For over 40 years, some of America's most respected heroes and public figures like Muhammad Ali, Colin Powell and Bob Dole, and everyday heroes like Oseola McCarty, a washerwoman who left her entire life savings to establish a scholarship for students in need, have received this award.

This year, we decided to try something a little bit different. We asked you, the American public, to tell us about the heroes in your community -- the folks who may not always get the recognition they deserve, but whose selfless work is making a real difference.

We received over 6,000 outstanding nominations from around the country. It was a tough choice, but we were able to narrow it down to 13 recipients of the 2010 Citizens Medal:

This year's Citizens Medal recipients should serve as an inspiration to all Americans: A widow who lost her husband on 9/11 and turned her grief into a message of hope for Afghani women whose husbands were lost to the Taliban; a school bus driver who delivers hot meals and coffee to New York City’s homeless and forgotten 365 nights a year; a North Chicago nurse and childcare professional who opened a live-in resource center that has given help and hope to hundreds of pregnant teenagers. They are all powerful reminders of the impact individuals can have on their community and on the world.

Congratulations to this year's Citizens Medal recipients, and thank you to the millions of Americans who strive to make their communities better every day.
(President Barack Obama)

"Tudo o que se escreve é bom, salvo aquilo que aborrece." [ Voltaire ]

Trabalhe como se fosse seu primeiro dia

Perdoe rapidamente

Beije demoradamente, ame verdadeiramente

Ria incontrolavelmente

e nunca deixe de sorrir

por mais estranho que seja o motivo.

A vida pode não ser a festa que esperamos...

mas enquanto estamos aqui, devemos sorrir e agradecer...

Friday, July 30, 2010

"O destino dos homens é a liberdade. " [Vinícius de Moraes]

A tão esperada vitória no Campeonato Goiano da Divisão de Acesso aconteceu, na noite desta quarta-feira (28). Jogando contra o Iporá, o Tricolor fez mais uma grande partida. Desde o primeiro minuto jogou de forma consciente, tocando bem a bola, envolvendo completamente a equipe visitante. Eduardo Santos marcou o primeiro gol, e Ludemar anotou o segundo do Galo no jogo, e o segundo dele no campeonato. Mesmo à frente do placar, o Anápolis continuou atacando, e quase chegou ao terceiro gol em boa jogada de Marcelinho. No início do segundo tempo o Iporá até que tentou esboçar uma reação, mas nas poucas vezes que chegou ao ataque o goleiro Lauro apareceu bem, fazendo grandes defesas. O Anápolis acertou a marcação e em rápidas jogadas de ataque levou perigo a meta do goleiro Igor, do Iporá. No segundo tempo o técnico Alfinete fez três substituições. Tirou Aldo para a entrada de Rafael Pedro, colocou Léo Mineiro em lugar de Ludemar e depois Henrique entrou para a saída de Juliano. Nos minutos finais o Anápolis tocava a bola à espera do apito final, mas aos 42 minutos o árbitro marcou um pênalti duvidoso, em favor do Iporá. Rodrigo Ayres cobrou e marcou. No final o placar acabou sendo justo, e o torcedor tricolor comemorou a boa vitória do Galo.(Natanael Navarro)

News - Obama - US

After we launched – the new one-stop-shop that helps you take control of your health care coverage – President Obama wanted to be sure you know about this great resource. Check out this video he made demonstrating the website and learn how you can benefit from the tools and resources on

The Affordable Care Act makes it possible for millions of families and small business to get affordable, quality care. And makes it easy to find out what options are available to you based on your location and circumstances.

The website is a great resource, and it’s only going to get better.

Throughout the site, there are little yellow boxes where you can give feedback and help the website be as informative, clear and complete as possible. And I know for a fact that the team at the Department of Health and Human Services meets every week to go over this feedback and has already made some improvements based on it.

More information for businesses and families is coming soon, including pricing data for insurance plans, additional ways to compare quality of health care services and providers, and new consumer protections that are ending the worst abuses of the insurance industry. Be sure to check back often as new materials are added.

As the President said, “no matter what your age or situation, there’s something for everyone at” You can help us spread the work about this great new resource by forwarding this email and video to your friends and family.


New York Red Bulls and Tottenham - Thierry Henry Debut Goal - 22/07/2010

O vídeo não está mais disponível...que pena!!!1
"Críticos são sujeitos que têm mau hálito no pensamento." [Vinícius de Moraes]