Monday, March 21, 2016

Digital Video Advertising Continues to Expand
The two core areas of digital video monetization, advertising and subscriptions, remain on aggressive growth trajectories. Revenue in the US is up across the board and forecasts call for continued increases. Read Article
Six customer journey mapping best practices you should be leveraging right now
Download this OpinionLab Strategy Guide to learn how to deliver a consistent and enriching CX throughout the customer journey.
Download now
Why College Students Prefer Mobile Payment Methods
College students use a variety of mobile payment methods, including PayPal and Apple Pay. According to December 2015 research, they use these methods because they are easy to set up and use. Read Article
Save the Date - eMarketer Attention! 2016
Prepare to think differently about capturing, keeping and maximizing consumer attention. eMarketer's second annual full-day event takes place October 25, 2016 in New York City.
Learn more and get notified when tickets go on sale.
In Japan, Demand for Tablets Stays Strong
Shipments of tablets in Japan continue to climb, with total shipments reaching 9.4 million units in 2015, an increase of 8.4% from the year prior. Android tablets are the most popular devices in the market, with the platform controlling more than 46% market share. Read Article
Exclusive for eMarketer Customers
The Weather Company: How It Adapts Data to Messaging
D.J. Reali, senior vice president of national advertising sales at The Weather Company, discusses the topic of applying data to ad creative. Read Interview
An interview with:
D.J. Reali
Senior Vice President, National Advertising Sales, The Weather Company
A Look at Instagram Usage Among US Teens
Social networking is a core activity of teens' mobile usage, and Instagram is one mobile social platform that has caught on with this group in a major way. Recent research shows that if a teenager in the US owns a smartphone or uses social networks, there's a high likelihood that he or she is on Instagram. Read Brief

The White House, Washington

¡Hola desde Cuba! Michelle, the girls, and I are here in Havana on our first full day in Cuba. Cubans have lined the streets to welcome us, and it’s humbling to be the first U.S. president in nearly 90 years to visit a country and a people just 90 miles from our shores.

President Obama and the First Family Take a Walk in Old Havana

Like so many Americans, I've only known the isolation that has existed between our two governments. I was born in 1961, the year of the Bay of Pigs invasion. A year later, a Cold War confrontation over Cuba pushed the world as close as it’s ever been to nuclear war. As the decades passed, the mistrust between our governments resulted in heartache for our two peoples, including Cuban Americans, many of whom have endured decades of separation from their homeland and relatives.
I’ve come to Havana to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people. I'm here to bury the last vestige of the Cold War in the Americas and to forge a new era of understanding to help improve the daily lives of the Cuban people.
There continue to be real and important differences between our governments, including profound differences on the way to promote safety, security, opportunity, and human rights. But there’s so much Americans and Cubans share -- our cultures and passions, our hopes for the future, not to mention a love of baseball.
I know one visit, and one president, cannot erase the decades of history that have left so many Cubans in poverty or exile. But sometimes the most important changes begin with the smallest step. I believe in the Cuban people and their desire to build a future of their own choosing. And I believe that changing the way we do things between our countries will, over time, help make that possible.
So I’m looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from Cubans from all walks of life. And I’m confident that, working together with the Cuban people, our two countries can begin a new journey together that delivers progress for both our peoples.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama

Brazil: Midyear Economic and
Political Outlook

Christopher Garman, Director, Latin

 America, Eurasia Grupo

Christopher Garman is a Director at Eurasia Group, the Head of its Latin America practice, and the Lead Analyst on Brazil.  From 2001 to 2005 Mr. Garman worked as a Senior Political Analyst at Tendencias Consultoria Integrada, Brazil´s largest economic and political consulting firm. Prior to that, he held fellowships at Instituto de Estudos Economicos, Sociais e Politicos de Sao Paulo (IDESP), where he researched central bank politics in the region, and Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporanea (CEDEC), where he conducted field research on Brazilian federalism. Mr. Garman earned an M.A. in political science from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).  He has conducted extensive field research in Brazil, and has published articles in World Politics, Latin America Research Review, and the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy.´

Maria Claudia Ribeiro de CastroGlobal Fixed Income 

Team, OppenheimerFunds

Maria Claudia Ribeiro de Castro is a senior analyst with the Global Fixed Income Team at OppenheimerFunds.  She is responsible for Latin America and Africa in the overall portfolio strategy.  Claudia has covered emerging markets for over a decade; she started her career in the global securities industry at Morgan Stanley, where she conducted macroeconomic research at the Global Economics group focusing on Latin America.  Previously, Claudia taught economics at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and was a research fellow at the Central Bank of Spain, Madrid.  She also held research positions at the IMF and the World Bank in Washington, DC.  Claudia received a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University and a Master's degree in Political Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Sua ajuda muda a vida da Carol!

Olá, Sula!

Há 70 anos a Fundação Dorina trabalha para que milhares de pessoas com deficiência visual possam alcançar uma vida mais independente, com acesso a cultura e informação.
A Carol é uma das centenas de crianças que fazem parte da nossa história. Ela passou por atendimentos especializados e teve apoio de diversos profissionais para que, hoje, possa viver uma vida mais independente e feliz.
Porém, para conseguirmos continuar atendendo outras crianças com deficiência visual, precisamos do seu apoio, Sula!
Contribuindo mensalmente para a Fundação Dorina, você nos permite ajudar milhares de pessoas cegas ou com baixa visão.
Faça uma doação!
Com apenas R$ 30 por mês (menos de R$ 1 por dia!) você permite que crianças cegas recebam atendimento adequado para um desenvolvimento saudável!
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Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos

Rua Doutor Diogo de Faria, 558 - Vila Clementino
04037-002 São Paulo/SP (como chegar)
Você está recebendo essa mensagem porque

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Bianca Chiavicatti , secretary advisor  from  Brazilian -American  Chamber of Commerce and Manoel Baião from Neolink International Company.

Participe do Sorteio da tela Castanheira
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Participe do Sorteio da tela Castanheira

Olá amigo, estou com campanha para arrecadar 4 mil reias para minha ida ao MARP, onde fui selecionado atravês do edital da Instituição, para participar da Temporada de Exposições do Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Manuel-Gismondi, por isso peço seu apoio.
Para minha participação na abertura dia 08/04 e no bate papo 09/04, terei um custo estimado de 4 mil reais entre passagens, hospedagem, translado e alimentação.
Esta Campanha  visa arrecadar esse valor.
Para participar faça um deposito de no minimo 50,00 reais e estará concorrendo a sorteio da tela Castanheira.
O sorteio será no dia 12/04/2016
Dados para doação
Agencia Banco do Brasil
favorecido Miguel Oswaldo Penha
Agencia: 2373-6
Conta 39342-8

Veja a lista dos artista Selecionados 
1ª Exposição do Programa Exposições 2016 do MARP
Adriel Visoto (Campinas-SP)
Carlos Medina (São Paulo-SP)
Célia Aloi (Ribeirão Preto-SP)
Élcio Miazaki (São Paulo-SP)
Felipe Góes (São Paulo-SP)
João Gonçalves (São Paulo-SP)
Miguel Penha (Chapada dos Guimarães-MT)
Mirian Alfonso (São Paulo-SP)
Noara Quintana (São Paulo-SP)
Norma Mobilon (São Paulo-SP)
Rafael Aguaio (São Paulo-SP)
Renata Pelegrini (São Paulo-SP)
Talita Hoffmann (São Paulo-SP)
Thomaz Meanda (São Paulo-SP)
Weimar (Ribeirão Preto-SP)
Sobre o Programa Exposições do MARP
O Programa Exposições é uma realização da Secretaria Municipal da Cultura de Ribeirão Preto, por meio da Coordenadoria de Artes Visuais e organizado pelo MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Pedro Manuel-Gismondi.

O Programa Exposições seleciona projetos, em âmbito nacional, para complementar o calendário anual de exposições do MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Pedro Manuel-Gismondi, MARP – Unidade Centro de Convenções Ribeirão Preto e Casa da Cultura de Ribeirão Preto.

Sua primeira edição foi realizada em 2003 e das Comissões de Seleção participaram os críticos de arte e artistas Albano Afonso, Carla Zaccagnini, Carmen Aranha, Cauê Alves, Felipe Chaimovich, Fernando Oliva, José Augusto Ribeiro, Leda Catunda, Lisette Lagnado, Mariana Trevas, Mário Ramiro, Nilton Campos, Samantha Moreira, Sergio Romagnolo, Sylvia Furegatti, Tatiana Ferraz e Thaís Rivitti.

As exposições realizadas no MARP e na Casa da Cultura contam com visitas orientadas para escolas, associações, grupos e público em geral, realizadas pela equipe de educadores do museu.
Acesse o Site -

The White House, Washington
Yesterday, President Obama fulfilled his constitutional duty and nominated Chief Judge Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.
So who is Merrick Garland? And what happens now?
The reporters I talk to every day, and Americans across the country, are asking a lot of good questions about Judge Garland and the next steps in the Supreme Court nomination process.
Got a few of your own? Ask away today using #AskPressSec on Twitter and I’ll answer from @PressSec at 5:30pm ET.
In the meantime, here are a few answers to questions about the President’s nominee that we’ve been getting here at the White House.
Q: Who is Chief Judge Merrick Garland and why did President Obama choose him?
Check out
Meet Merrick Garland, President Obama's Supreme Court Nominee
As Chief Judge of the most important federal appeals court in the nation, there is no question that Merrick Garland is eminently qualified to immediately serve on the Supreme Court. A meticulous jurist with a record of forging consensus among judges across the ideological spectrum, he was confirmed to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C. in 1997 in a strong bipartisan vote of 76 to 23. Today, as Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit, Judge Garland has more federal judicial experience than any Supreme Court nominee in history.
Born and raised in Illinois and a devoted family man, Judge Garland has dedicated his life to serving the American people, taking on some of the most difficult anti-terrorism cases in our nation's history. In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, he led the investigation and prosecution that ultimately brought Timothy McVeigh to justice. As a mentor to his law clerks and a tutor to elementary school children, he is a dedicated and compassionate public servant whom conservatives and progressives praise for his rigorous intellect, his respect for the role of the judiciary, and his mastery of the law.
And that's exactly why the President chose to nominate him.
Q: What happens after the President chooses a Supreme Court nominee?
The Constitution states that it is the President’s responsibility to nominate a person to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, a duty he fulfilled yesterday when he sent a letter notifying the Senate that he has selected Chief Judge Garland.
Meet Merrick Garland, President Obama's Supreme Court Nominee
Now, according to the Constitution, it is the Senate’s job to advise and provide consent on the President’s nominee. That means that Senate Judiciary Committee members should hold a hearing to vet Chief Judge Garland, provide their recommendation, and then the full Senate should debate and vote on whether or not to confirm Judge Garland to the Senate. Every nominee since 1875 has received a hearing and a vote.
When it comes to the Supreme Court, this would be an unprecedented level of obstruction. Every nominee who was not withdrawn has received a vote within 125 days of nomination. The Senate has almost a full year to consider and confirm a nominee. In fact, since 1975, the average time from nomination to confirmation is 67 days. The longest time before confirmation in the past three decades was 99 days, for Justice Thomas, and the last four Justices, spanning two Administrations, were confirmed in an average of 75 days.
Throughout history, members of both parties in Congress and in the White House have done their jobs so that the Judicial Branch can do its own. See what President Obama said yesterday:
President Obama signs the letter officially nominating Chief Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court
Q: Will the Senate ultimately confirm Chief Judge Garland?
Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution clearly spells out how the confirmation process is supposed to work. The President took that constitutional responsibility seriously and consulted with both Democratic and Republican Senators before choosing a nominee. He even invited them to put forward potential nominees for his consideration. The result of his consultations and rigorous process is the decision to nominate a thoughtful and meticulous judge for the Supreme Court with a keen ability for building consensus. That's why even Republicans have described Chief Judge Garland as a consensus nominee.
In 1997, the U.S. Senate confirmed Chief Judge Merrick Garland to the D.C. Circuit Court in a bipartisan vote of 76 to 23.
The President fully expects Congress to honor their constitutional responsibility and allow this nominee a hearing and a vote. Despite repeated declarations that they will ignore such a responsibility, the President believes there will be enough Republicans listening to Americans and editorial boards across the country to honor their oath of office and do their jobs regardless of their party’s political leadership.
Q: Does it matter that this year is a presidential election year?
No. For more than two centuries, it has been standard practice for Congress to confirm a president’s Supreme Court nominee, whether in a presidential election year or not. In fact, six Justices have been confirmed in a presidential election year since 1900. Of those six Justices, three have been Republicans. The most recent Justice to be confirmed in an election year was Justice Kennedy -- appointed by President Reagan -- who was confirmed by a Democratic-controlled Congress in February 1988.
Q: Where can I get the latest on what’s happening with Judge Garland and the nomination process?
Check out and follow @SCOTUSnom on Twitter to all the latest info on what's happening with the President's Supreme Court nominee. This is an important process that is meant to stay above politics. So make sure you stay up to date on what's happening.
See you online!