Saturday, November 23, 2013

A arbitrariedade enaltece à ignorância, lapida a jactância e solidifica a idiotia.( Rafael de Oliveira Leme)

Friday, November 22, 2013
A step towards a working Washington
On Tuesday we told you about a group of Senate Republicans who were holding up confirmations for important executive and judicial nominations. Since he took office, President Obama's executive nominees have faced more filibusters than in the previous 60 years combined -- an unacceptable standard of business.
So yesterday, a majority of senators took a step to overcome this obstruction and made a key change to the way Washington does business: They changed the rules so that nominees (except those to the Supreme Court) can no longer be blocked by a minority of Senators from receiving a simple yes-or-no vote. As a result, it will be much harder for partisan gridlock to prevent qualified nominees from serving their country.
As President Obama said in his statement:
All too often, we've seen a single senator or a handful of senators choose to abuse arcane procedural tactics to unilaterally block bipartisan compromises, or to prevent well-qualified, patriotic Americans from filling critical positions of public service in our system of government.
Load this image and watch President Obama speak about the Senate's action
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Last minute Keynote Addition!
In an effort to provide the most updated education on the Brazilian market. Latin Markets is excited to announce the addition of Henrique de Campos Meirelles the former President of the Central Bank of Brazil to the agenda for a candid interview with the Former US Ambassador to Brazil and current Managing Partner of Valor Capital, Clifford Sobel.

Henrique Meirelles is Chairman of J&F;, the holding company of JBS, Flora, Eldorado Brasil, among others. He is also the non-executive Chairman of Brazil´s Olympic Committee, which is overseeing the preparations for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Mr. Meirelles is also Chairman of Lazard Americas, Kohlberg Kravis and Robert´s Senior Advisor (KKR), Chairman of Advisory Board of Bedrock, member of the Council of Lloyd´s of London and member of The Board of Directors of Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras.
Henrique Meirelles was President of Central Bank of Brazil from 2003 to 2010.  In 2002 he was elected a Congressman in Brazil.
Advanced registration is required.  Confirm your participation right away for the largest private market investor meeting in Latin America as limited seats remain.  

Take advantage of our final price break until this Friday November 29th and save $400 and an additional 10% off by using the code BACC10.

Additional Investor Speakers Include Representatives From:
Previ, Petros, Funcef, Funacao Itaubanco, Valia, Teachers Retirement System of Texas, Oman Investment Fund, Lockheed Martin Investment Management, UTIMCO,Allstate Investments, Hartford HealthCare, Helmsley Trust, Julliard School, UNC Management Company, Fundacao CESP, Real Grandeza and Banesprev.

The White HouseWed., November 27, 2013

2nd ACS NY CM&E; Awards for Leadership

Huntsman - Odebrecht - DeLeeuw 
Keynote: Raj Gupta (New Mountain Capital)

Celebrating CM&E;'s 59 Years of Service
Yale Club Ballroom
50 Vanderbilt
New York, NY 10017
Driving Directions

Thursday December 6, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST
 Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor
Gold sponsor 

  NYC Medtech
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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On December 5, 2013, CM&E;, the business and technology group of ACS New York Section, will celebrate a most exciting days in its 59-year history by presenting its 2nd Annual Awards for Leadership at the New York Yale Club. The honorees are: 
Award for a Lifetime of Achievement: Jon Huntsman, Founder and Executive Chairman of Huntsman Corporation, a company with revenues of over $11 billion in 2012 and has in excess of 10,000 employees worldwide. He is also among the world's top philanthropists.
Award for Outstanding Global Growth: Marcelo Odebrecht, CEO of Odebrecht, Chairman of Braskem. Odebrecht is South America's premier builder. Braskem is the 6th largest petrochemical company and the world's leading bioplastics producer.
Award for Distinction in Private Equity: Peter and David DeLeeuw, Managing Directors at Lion Chemical Capital with a remarkable performance. 
The Keynote Speaker: Rajiv Gupta, Senior Advisor at New Mountain Capital and former Chairman and CEO of Rohm & Haas. His talk will be "Chemical Industry--Are we ready for the next 50 years?" offering a provocative perspective on the future of the industry. 
Last Year the Awards was oversubscribed with over 200 Registrants! Attendees included executives from BASF, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Ashland, Air Products, DSM, Evonik, Catalent, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Morgan Stanley, Rothschild, Citibank, Deloitte, Accenture and McKinsey, among others.
Don't miss this award-winning CM&E; event. Please click on the link below to get information and register.
Get more information
Register Now!
I can't make it
This is a STEM education fundraising event. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor the Awards or give a donation.
Mark your calendars and tell your friends! We look forward to seeing you on CM&E;'s historical day, 12-5-13.


Karin Bartels               George Rodriguez
Treasurer                     Chairman

Chemical Marketing & Economics Group - ACS NY Section  908-542-0251   
The 2012 Leadership Awards received the American Chemical Society's ChemLuminary Award for Global Engagement at the ACS Convention in Indianapolis on September 10, 2013.  

Mark Your Calendars - CM&E; Events

November 7, 2013 - "Chemical M&A; 2013: Innovation & Consolidation" Speaker: John Beagle, Managing Director, Chemicals at Grace Matthews.
What is the outlook for chemicals M&A; activity?
What are the key strategic drivers of deal flow?
How do both innovation and consolidation factor into the success of a transaction?
Is one more important than the other, and to what degree can both be simultaneous drivers of a deal?  
January 8, 2013 - "2014 Economic Outlook" Speaker: Kevin Swift, Managing Director and Chief Economist at the American Chemistry Council 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

As pessoas para as quais eu me explicaria nunca me fazem perguntas idiotas.


A group of extreme Republicans in Congress have opposed the President's legislative agenda at every turn. That's no secret.
But the 113th Congress' obstruction is reaching new levels.
Right now, our lawmakers are in a position to take action on multiple national measures that would help our economy and millions of Americans. That's not an exaggeration: They could vote tomorrow. And they should.
Consider this for a second. If our current Congress simply scheduled a vote on pressing national issues, we could:
Fix our broken immigration system. This past June, the Senate passed a bill to ensure everyone plays by the same rules and we grow our economy. Multiple reports confirm that there are enough votes in the House to get it done. And still: No vote.
End workplace discrimination for millions of LGBT Americans once and for all. This isn't difficult: Nobody should be discriminated against because of who they are or who they love. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act would make it illegal to fire someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and it passed the Senate earlier this year. Once again, no vote in the House.
Confirm a leader of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The housing market is coming back, but we can do more to help responsible homeowners. Congressman Mel Watt, the President's nominee, was endorsed by Senators on both sides of the aisle. And yet, at a critical time for the housing industry, when we’re working to implement the rules that will prevent another "too big to fail," Senate Republicans used the filibuster to block his nomination.
Confirm three well-qualified judges to fill long-standing vacancies on the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Cornelia Pillard, Robert Wilkins and Patricia Millett were all selected by the President as nominees for this critical court. Once again, one by one, Senate Republicans blocked each nomination.
And that's just to name a few.
In the 1940s, President Harry Truman notoriously dubbed the 80th Congress the "Do-Nothing Congress." And yet, even they managed to enact 906 laws, including the Marshall Plan, and the piece of legislation that created the Department of Defense and the National Security Council. It’s time for the current Congress to match up a little more favorably.
Remember: They can still allow these incredibly important measures to come to a vote.
It’s time for this obstruction to come to an end, and for Republicans in Congress to start doing their jobs:
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