Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Organizing for Action
Sula --

Last week, the Supreme Court reconvened -- and they're short-handed for the second term in a row. 

This year will mark the first time since 1864 that the Supreme Court has been without a full complement of justices on Election Day. And we have Senate leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley to thank for this unprecedented obstruction.

Their refusal to hold hearings and a vote for Judge Merrick Garland -- President Obama's extremely well qualified nominee -- has lasted for nearly seven months. 

That's nearly seven months of refusing to do their jobs and treating our judicial branch like a political football. That's nearly seven months of pure obstruction.

Speak out against the obstruction of our judicial system -- add your name now.

Starting a new term without a full bench means the court will likely hear fewer cases and fail to resolve ones that need deciding -- ones that affect many of the issues we work on every day: economic opportunity, immigration policy, criminal justice reform, and gender-based discrimination.

Senate leaders are sending a clear message that their political games are more important than a functioning court. They need to know that we hold our nation's institutions in higher regard, and that we'll continue to call them out as long as they ignore their duties.

Join the thousands calling for common decency and respect for the Supreme Court of the United States:



Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action
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The White House, Washington

One of my favorite things about launching our My Brother's Keeper initiative has been spending time with some outstanding young people from across the country. Whether it's shooting hoops with the young people in our White House Mentorship and Leadership program, or chatting over soul food with teens from New Orleans, I've gotten to know some great kids who are succeeding despite the odds.
Many of them are going through the same issues I faced growing up. I was angry about not having a dad in the house -- something I didn't realize at the time. I made dumb mistakes. I didn't always follow the straight path. But I was fortunate. I had people in my life who encouraged me -- my mom, my grandparents, my teachers. I had a support system of folks who pushed me to work hard and make the most of myself.
Every young person in America deserves the same opportunities I had: a world-class education, a pathway to apply for college or find a job, and a chance to lay a foundation for a career and a family.
But the fact is that in America, some groups have the odds stacked against them across multiple generations. And by so many measures, the group that is facing some of the most severe challenges in the 21st century are boys and young men of color.
That's why we started My Brother's Keeper: to bring together the private and public sector to ensure that all young people in America can reach their full potential.
In just two years, My Brother's Keeper has come a long way. Nearly 250 communities across 50 states, 19 tribal nations, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have committed to supporting our kids from cradle to college to career. We've implemented new federal programs that are breaking down barriers to opportunity. And foundations and companies have made more than $1 billion in commitments to strengthen communities and transform lives.
I'll be talking more about the progress that we've made with My Brother's Keepertonight in a conversation at North Carolina A&T State University. You can watch on ESPN's Facebook page at 10pm ET.
We'll also be celebrating several major new commitments supporting MBK's goals -- like nearly 50 companies signing on to our new #FirstJob Compact, committing to develop better practices to hire disconnected youth, and the Sprint Corporation's announcement that it will provide 1 million high-school students who don’t have the Internet at home with mobile devices.
If Michelle and I had a son, we’d want him to have the same thing we want for our daughters -- to grow up with a boundless sense of possibility. We'd want him to have respect for himself and for others, a commitment to hard work, and the opportunity to achieve his dreams. As Americans, that’s what we should all want for all children.
President Barack Obama

Friday, October 7, 2016

Share by using #1of1Million

Dear Friends of AmeriCorps,
Friday, October 7 will be a great day for the entire AmeriCorps community – and we need your participation.
The millionth AmeriCorps member celebration begins with an AmeriCorps swearing-in ceremony at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC and nationwide digital engagement. This event kicks-off at least two months of swearing-in ceremonies and#1of1Million member celebrations across the country.
So that all of you can enjoy and share the experience, here are some key pieces of information about October 7.
  • Join the AmeriCorps swearing-in at NASA by viewing it live on our website or on the AmeriCorps Facebook page at 10:30 a.m. ET on October 7.
  • Share your support for AmeriCorps on social media an tag it #ThanksAMillion.
  • Read about other members and alumni stories and add your #ThanksAMillion. 
  • Share our graphics available on AmeriCorps Facebook and Twitter accounts.

This is your last chance to give your input on where this movement should go next. Take the What's Next survey.

Time's running out. Complete the survey today to get 40 percent off your next order at the OFA Store.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductibl

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Organizing for Action
Sula --

This grassroots movement was built by people like you, from different places and with different stories, standing together to demand change.

And this movement has succeeded over the past eight years because of folks like you chipping in what you can, month by month, to keep us strong.

Your support matters, and it's helped shift the conversation on some of the biggest fights of our time: climate change, gun violence prevention, women's rights, immigration, and LGBT equality, to name a few. But our work isn't over -- we've got to continue pushing forward, and the country is counting on this movement to do it.

For the next 48 hours, get in on this special offer when you become an OFA Champion -- commit to a monthly recurring donation and we'll send you a free gift as a small token of thanks.

OFA Champions limited-edition poster.

OFA Champions limited-edition poster.
Every action makes a difference in keeping this movement fired up. Now is your chance to help make sure the momentum continues.

Commit to the long haul by becoming an OFA Champion in the next 48 hours:
