Friday, September 4, 2015

Creio que tenho prova suficiente de que falo a verdade: a pobreza. Sócrates

Para você que gosta de Arte
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Olá tudo bem?

mais um mês se inicia, que tal fazer aquela transformação e deixar sua casa e ou escritório com um super visual, estamos com novos trabalhos artísticos.
Conheça trabalhos e artistas de todo o Brasil, arte além de ser bela é um investimento 

Aprecie sem moderação, clique aqui e acesse nossa loja 

ou escolha por temas: Natureza/PaisagemGeométrico/Abstrato, Figura HumanaReligioso
artista: Pedro Galvão
nome; Carmem Tropicália
técnica; acrílica sobre tela
tamanho:  130x70cm
Preço: R$ 800,00

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artista: José Lisbran
nome; Chamego de onça
técnica; mista
tamanho: 90x70cm
Preço: R$ 1200,00
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artista: Vitor
nome: Sem tiutlo
tamanho: 80x80cm
Preço: R$ 500,00

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Artista: Elis Inácio
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
nome: Árvore xadrez II
técnica: Acrílica s tela s chassi
tamanho: 83x95 cm.
Preço: R$1.650,00
artista: Renato Araújo
nome: Chairs 
técnica: acrílica sobre papel
tamanho: 100x50cm
Preço: R$ 1200,00

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artista: Rodrigo Savio
nome; sem titulo
técnica; óleo sobre tela
tamanho:  62x92cm
Preço: R$ 1.500,00
para ver mais clique aqui
Artista: Osvaldo Oliveira
nome: Buganville em Flor
técnica: Aquarela 
tamanho: 32x24cm
Preço: R$ 350,00
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artista: Miguel Penha
Chapada dos Guimarães/MT
gavião tesoura
técnica: acrílica sobre tela
Preço: R$ 2000,00
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Artista: Dia Brasil
técnica: Acrílica s lona
190×80 cm.
Preço: R$4.500,00

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Artista: Rimaro
colheita do cacau
técnica: acrílica sobre tela
tamanho: 90x70cm
Preço: R$ 1500,00

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Exposição em Destaque
Elas de Dias Brasil de Fortaleza/CE

Quais são as essências de um pássaro? Voar e cantar; Quando você aprisiona um pássaro em uma gaiola você tirou a metade de sua essência; mas continua a cantar; Não, o seu canto é seu grito de socorro, me liberte por favor.

clique aqui
Aprecie nossas exposições online 

Comunion - coletiva
Caminhos- Renato Araújo/PR
Momentos - Osvaldo Oliveira/RN
Mundo Geométrico - Rodrigo Sávio/MT
Colheitas e Festa - Rimaro/MT
Dentro da Mata - Miguel Penha/MT
Participe de nossos cursos de pintura.

Professor: Miguel Penha

clique aqui

Oi Tudo bem? preços exclusivos para para você
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Miguel Penha, pintor, índio Xiquitano, retrata as belezas das matas e do cerrado.

Aproveite a oportunidade para adquirir uma obra
Tela gavião tesoura, inspirada no voo do gavião ao fundo o fecho do morro em Chapada dos Guimarães/MT
Tamanho: 50x100cm
preço: 1800,00
técnica acrílica sobre tela
Paredões, inspirada nos paredões do parque nacional de chapada dos Guimarães/MT
tamanho: 30x40cm
preço: 450,00
técnica: acrílica sobre tela
Veja mais trabalhos acesse
Orelha de Pau, inspirada no fungo Polyporus sanguineus, conhecida popularmente como orelha de pau, urupê ou pironga
tamanho: 40x50cm
preço: 1350,00
técnica óleo sobre tela
mais trabalhos
Copyright © Miguel Penha, All rights reserved.
New Education Center Launches For Small Business Owners
Today we are launching the Small Business Education Center - an unparalleled resource dedicated to the helping small business owners succeed.

The Small Business Education Center will cover a range of topics including startups, management, personnel, marketing and sales, accounting and finance, information technology, and ultimately, how to achieve extraordinary success.
Content will be distributed through our blog, email newsletters, as well as industry research, whitepapers and case studies, along with webcast training, industry events and conferences, including the Small Business Expo. Check out our latest blogs below:
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StrongView eBook
Contextual Marketing and the New Marketing Contract
The adage of "content is king" is now outdated. Created in conjunction with the Altimeter Group, this eBook shares how context is the new king. In today's world of the digitally savvy consumer, the connected generation is expecting more from their brands.
Learn why contextual marketing is key to engaging with customers, how to engage with the connected generation, and how leading companies are leveraging new technologies to nurture lasting customer relationships.

Download Now >>
Key Topics
  • Why today's connected consumers expect personalized brand engagements
  • How technology facilitates context, and empathy drives engagement
  • Step-by-step breakdown of real-world contextual brand engagements that work


Call (800) 971-0380 to speak with StrongView today.

For day two of our trip to Alaska, I hiked through Exit Glacier in the Kenai Fjords National Park . When the team handed over the camera, I did my best to do this place justice.

The White House, Washington

The President is touring through Alaska this week, meeting with residents of the state and seeing the effects of climate change on the ground. He's sharing what he sees along the way. Read his entry from yesterday below, and follow along with the trip here.

Hi, everyone — checking in on day two. Right off the bat, I’ll note that I’ve got to come back here once I’m done being President.
You just can’t see Alaska in three days.
I spent the day hiking through Exit Glacier in the Kenai Fjords National Park — where the mountains collide with the ocean and fields of ice. When the team handed over the camera, I did my best to do this place justice:
Watch the President's travelogue.Visitors from around the world come here to see its Harding Icefield — one of the largest ice fields in the United States — covering hundreds of square miles. As the climate warms, glaciers are shrinking more and more rapidly — and throughout the park, there are signs marking where the glacier line used to be.
This is as good of a signpost as any when it comes to the impacts of climate change.
Markers throughout Exit Glacier show how much it's receded over time.
I also had the chance to tour the area by boat and experience the beauty and wildlife of Resurrection Bay. It was spectacular to see the horizon of ice and snow, but it’s melting. And if we don’t act, this simply won’t be here for future generations to enjoy.
Resurrection Bay
Glaciers in Alaska, and the greater Arctic, are shrinking and it’s changing the way Alaskans live. And considering the Arctic’s unique role in influencing the global climate, it will accelerate changes to the way that we all live. Since 1979, the summer sea ice in the Arctic has decreased by more than 40%, a decrease that has dramatically accelerated over the past two decades.
One new study estimates that Alaska’s glaciers alone lose about 75 gigatons — that’s 75 billion tons — of ice each year. What does a gigaton look like? To put that in perspective, one scientist described a gigaton of ice as a block the size of the National Mall in Washington — from Congress all the way to the Lincoln Memorial, four times as tall as the Washington Monument. Now imagine 75 of those ice blocks. That’s what Alaska’s glaciers alone lose…each year.
And the pace of melting is only getting faster.
It’s now twice what it was between 1950 and 2000 — twice as fast as it was just a little over a decade ago. And it’s one of the reasons why sea levels rose by about eight inches over the last century, and why they’re projected to rise another one to four feet this century.
If we do nothing, temperatures in Alaska are projected to rise between six and 12 degrees by the end of the century, triggering more melting, more fires, more thawing of the permafrost, a negative feedback loop, a cycle — warming leading to more warming — that we do not want to be a part of.
The fact is that climate is changing faster than our efforts to address it. That must change — and we’re not acting fast enough.
We need to make sure our grandkids can see this.

Watch the President's travelogue.
President Barack Obama

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Seria uma atitude muito ingênua esperar que as classes dominantes desenvolvessem uma forma de educação que permitisse às classes dominadas perceberem as injustiças sociais de forma crítica. Paulo Freire Frases de Sociologia

Yesterday I touched down in Alaska for a three-day tour — a trip I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Not only because Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in our country  -- but because I’ll meet with everyday Alaskans about what’s going on in their lives, and I expect to learn a lot.

The White House, Washington
The President is touring through Alaska this week, meeting with residents of the state and seeing the effects of climate change on the ground. He's sharing what he sees along the way. Read his entry from yesterday below, and follow along with the trip here.

Yesterday I touched down in Alaska for a three-day tour -- a trip I've been looking forward to for a long time. Not only because Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in a country that's full of beautiful places -- but because I'll meet with everyday Alaskans about what's going on in their lives, and I expect to learn a lot.
Watch the President's travelogue.
Alaska is a region defined by its Native population tribes that make up a large portion of the state's population and have been here for thousands of years. People who, through their sheer ingenuity, found a way to wrangle the elements and stake out lives for themselves.
On the flight in, I had a great view of one of Alaska's most beautiful sights -- Denali.
It's a new and ancient name all at once. In fact, just today, we renamed Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America, by restoring its native name: Denali, which means "the high one."
Follow the President's trip.
Alaskans are already living with the effects of climate change.
More frequent and extensive wildfires. Bigger storm surges as sea ice melts faster. Some of the swiftest shoreline erosion in the world -- in some places, more than three feet a year. Alaska's glaciers are melting faster, too -- threatening coastal communities, tourism and adding to rising seas.
Climate change is already affecting the salmon stock that generations of Natives have relied on as an integral part of their lives. So my Administration is taking new action to make sure Alaska Natives have direct input into the management of Chinook salmon stocks. They've taken care of the salmon population for centuries and there's no reason they shouldn't now.
If we do nothing, Alaskan temperatures are projected to rise between six and twelve degrees by the end of the century -- changing all sorts of industries forever. This is all real. This is happening to our fellow Americans right now.
I'm looking forward to talking to Alaskans about how we can work together to make America the global leader on climate change around the globe.
And I'll be sharing my experiences with you along the way because I want to make sure you see what I'm seeing.
And when you do, I want you to think about the fact that this is the only planet that we've got -- and we've got to do everything we can to protect it.
Follow the President's trip.
President Barack Obama


in association with

Focus on Latin America: Opportunities, Challenges and
Cross-border Developments
Please join us for an afternoon discussion of
Latin American corporate insights and
developments from key thought leaders. 
September 24, 2015         Registration: 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Panel Discussion: 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.Cocktail Reception: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.  
Fontainebleau Miami Beach
4441 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach FL 33140

Discussion topics may include: Corporate/Commercial, Energy, Infrastructure & Project Finance
Speakers:Martin Lythgoe, Deputy General Counsel, Duke Energy Corporation
Francisco Hernandez-Castillo
, VP & General Counsel Growth Markets, Tyco International
Antonio Vazquez, VP & Chief Counsel - Latin America, Mondelez InternationalFlorencia De Freitas, Legal Director, Telefónica Global SolutionsMaurice Marchesini, Head of Latin America Investment Banking, Deutsche Bank 
Fernando C. Alonso, Chairman of the Latin American Practice GroupHunton & Williams


Join us for the 2015 September 11th Day of Service and Remembrance

September 11 Day of Service KaBoom! President with AmeriCorps members
Dear Community Volunteer, 
We wanted to get your attention before the Labor Day Weekend, especially because making a difference is important to you.
September 11, 2015 marks the annual National Day of Service and Remembrance, a day to honor the lives of those who were lost and commemorate the spirit of compassion and generosity that followed. 
On this anniversary, we will unite in service in the same remarkable way that so many have come together for the last 14 years. The photo in this message shows the President and First Lady last year volunteering alongside members of the military and AmeriCorps members to build a playground for a Washington, DC school that lacked an outdoor area for students to exercise.
You can join us in honoring this day in three ways: 
Also, you can visit for additional resources and ways to get involved.  Thank you for your upcoming September 11 efforts in honoring the victims and their families through service. 
In service,
 Ted Miller
Chief of External Affairs
Corporation for National and Community Service