Wednesday, May 20, 2020

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All On The Line
Expanding mail-in voting is important. But -- we must protect in-person voting too,. If we fail, we risk shutting out people who are historically least likely to vote by mail -- low-income and young voters with nonpermanent mailing addresses, people experiencing homelessness, voters who need language assistance to fill out their ballot, voters living with disabilities, and black voters.

Unfortunately, we expect to see these same communities disproportionately impacted by the economic hardships of the pandemic. AOTL has launched and supported advocacy tools across the country demanding fair, accessible elections. We must protect the right to vote. But -- we cannot do this work alone.

Without safe in-person voting options, many voters may be excluded from the political process. Will you pitch in to help us build a movement strong enough to provide safe, fair, and accessible elections for communities who need it the most?

A recent op-ed from the Boston Globe rolled out a roadmap to protecting in-person voting that should be the standard across the country. Solutions such as keeping neighborhood polling locations open, recruiting new poll workers, implementing safety protections, and expanding in-person early vote to weekends and evenings. Together, these reforms would help ease concerns of voting in-person amidst a pandemic.

Do we need to keep pushing for universal vote-by-mail? 100%. However, we have to make sure that we're protecting those who must vote at the ballot box.

We must protect in-person voting while also expanding vote-by-mail. President Obama has said supporting All On The Line is one of the best ways to get involved in the fight to protect our elections. Can we count on you to donate today?

Together we're going to protect our elections and return our government to people like you, Sula.

Thanks for being a part of this,
Brian Gabriel
AOTL States Press Secretary

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


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Monday, May 18, 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the economy in Brazil and the U.S., companies are forced to revise their business plans and take unprecedented measures in their operations. So far, these adjustments are of a short-term nature but at some point, will cede to more longer-term concerns. Our panel brings together a group of experts to discuss key strategic and legal issues involved in managing a business through the current pandemic and position for what comes next in both countries.
Glaucia LaulettaPartnerMattos Filho

Confirmed Speakers
Reinaldo FioriniBrazil Managing PartnerMcKinsey

Luiz Felipe FerrazPartnerMattos Filho

Cleber VendittiPartnerMattos Filho

Martin HamiltonPartnerProskauer

Guy BrennerPartnerProskauer

Registration Information
Free - Members
$15 - Non-members

Webinar information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691


All On The Line
In a democracy, no one should have to choose between their health and the right to vote.

But Wisconsin voters were forced to make that very choice when the Republican legislature refused to postpone last month's election. And then conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court reversed an order from the governor to extend the absentee ballot deadline.

I'm supporting All On The Line because of their work to defend the integrity of the 2020 election in the face of voter suppression and their commitment to ensuring fair redistricting in 2021.

Can you make a donation to help them raise $20,000 in the next 24 hours to keep their plans on track?

This election will be one of the most important ones in our lifetimes. That's why I've been working tirelessly with my colleagues in the Senate to fight for voting rights and am the lead sponsor of a bill that would require every state to allow its citizens to vote easily by mail.

Expanding access to vote-by-mail is critical, but we need to do even more to guarantee safe and accessible voting. We need additional funding to support online registration and the U.S. Postal Service, expanded early in-person voting, and protective measures for the health and safety of poll workers.

We can't do it all alone. With your help, All On The Line has already driven over 16,000 contacts to Congress to demonstrate how important it is to make sure all of America doesn't suffer what Wisconsin just did.

We need All On The Line's grassroots movement to help win this fight.

If you're able, please rush a donation to help All On The Line raise $20,000 and meet its 24-hour fundraising goal.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.


National Democratic Redistricting Committee

A lot has changed since the NDRC launched in 2017, but our core mission remains the same: Secure a level playing field so that everyone has an equal voice in our democracy.

This year has presented a number of unforeseen challenges on the path to achieving that mission, including a global public health emergency and higher levels of voter suppression attempts by Republicans. But thanks to supporters like you, we're able to meet the challenge of this unprecedented time.

We're expanding our work to ensure that voting is safe because we simply cannot achieve fair redistricting in 2021 if we don't have fair, inclusive elections this fall. This pandemic is testing our democracy and our governments, and we must do everything we can to safeguard our fundamental right to vote.

So we're placing emphasis on our call for expanded access to the ballot box in every election. Let's revamp our electoral system so that it becomes more inclusive -- permanently.

Will you pitch in to support our work? Our May mid-month deadline strikes at midnight.

We're not stopping there. The NDRC will do whatever it takes to achieve a fair system, whether that means responding to wrongheaded decisions from ideological Supreme Court justices, defending independent redistricting commissions from GOP attacks, or demanding a fair and accurate census. It's all core to our mission of securing a democracy that lives up to our ideals.

It certainly won't be easy, but with you on our side I'm confident we can get there. Will you make a donation to our mid-month goal and help us keep striving for fairness?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

All On The Line
The fight for fair maps is a fight for the future of our nation.

If we lose this fight, map manipulators across the country will become even more emboldened to trample on our country's core democratic principles. That's why we can't lose this fight.

We're committed to building a movement that's funded by supporters across the country. That's why we set a goal of 100 one-dollar donations from each state by Sunday at midnight. Can we count on you to be one of the 38 people we still need from New York?

Sula, the American people deserve to be represented by elected officials who acknowledge their constituents, listen to their concerns, and hold themselves accountable. Instead -- map manipulation allows our elected leaders to shut their constituents out of the political process without any accountability.

We cannot afford to be a country that cedes our collective power to a sliver of extreme, partisan legislators that treat our democracy as a game. Take a stand and donate just $1 by tomorrow at midnight to help us win this fight.

We couldn't ask for a better partner than you in the fight for fair maps. Thanks, Sula.

--The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.