Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Forest 11 - I.R.E.O - Movement for the Amazon.

"Nossos briguentos advogados... são tão litigiosos e ocupados aqui na terra,
que acho que eles advogarão para seus clientes só no futuro, alguns deles no
inferno. " [ Robert Burton ] 

As the President said last night, the most important contest we face as a nation is not between our political parties – it's a contest among our competitors across the globe for the jobs and industries of the future. It’s about winning the future.

To win that contest, we must out-innovate, out-educate and out-build the rest of the world. We must take responsibility for our deficit and reform the way government works, so that it’s leaner, smarter and better equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

But last night's speech was just the start of this conversation.

We want to hear directly from you, and President Obama himself will be answering some of your questions in a live interview tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. EST. And throughout the day tomorrow, policy experts from the White House and around the Administration will be available for in-depth discussions on some of the critical issues that affect you.

Learn more about these events and find out how you can submit your questions:

Here's the lineup for tomorrow on

•11:30 a.m. EST: Economy Roundtable with Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

•1:00 p.m. EST: Foreign Policy Roundtable with Denis McDonough, Deputy National Security Advisor

•2:30 p.m. EST: Live YouTube interview with President Barack Obama

•3:15 p.m. EST: Education Roundtable with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

•4:30 p.m. EST: Health Care Roundtable with Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius


David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President

Como o Presidente disse na noite passada, o concurso mais importante que enfrentamos como uma nação não está entre os nossos partidos políticos – ele é um concurso entre os nossos concorrentes através do globo dos empregos e as indústrias do futuro. É sobre a vitória do futuro.

Para ganhar aquele concurso, devemos inovar. Devemos tomar a responsabilidade pelo nosso déficit e reformar o caminho trabalhos do governo, para que ele seja leaner, mais inteligente e melhor equipado para encontrar os desafios do 21o século.

Mas o discurso de noite passada foi somente a partida desta conversação.

Queremos ouvir diretamente de você, e o próprio Presidente Obama estará respondendo a algumas das suas perguntas em uma entrevista viva amanhã às 14h30. EST. E em todas as partes do dia amanhã, os peritos de política da Casa Branca e em volta da Administração serão disponíveis para discussões detalhadas em algumas questões críticas que o afetam.

Aqui está a formação em linha para amanhã em

·11:30 da manhã. EST: Economia de Mesa Redonda com Austan Goolsbee, Presidente do Conselho de Aconselhadores Econômicos

·1:00 da tarde. EST: Política Estrangeira de Mesa Redonda com Denis McDonough, Deputado Aconselhador de Segurança Nacional

·2:30 da tarde. EST: YouTube Vivos entrevistam com Presidente Barack Obama

·3:15 da tarde. EST: Educação de Mesa Redonda com Secretário de Educação Arne Duncan

·4:30 da tarde. EST: Cuidado de Saúde de Mesa Redonda com Secretário de Saúde e Serviços Humanos Kathleen Sebelius


David Plouffe
Aconselhador Sênior ao Presidente


One  Last  Chance
…countdown to the inaugural Forest11 Concert for the Amazon – October 2011

Forest11 – Concert for the Amazon

Through the United Nations’ commitment for the
“2011 Year of the Forests”

IREO, Amazon Institute, Brazilian Foundation of America, IREO
Foundation and its partners are organizing “ Forest11” Live Aid Concert for the Amazon
 in the city of Manaus, Brazil.

For the first time, a Live Aid concert event is being organized to promote awareness and to
support sustainable programs for the reforestation and preservation for one of the last rain
forests in the world.

The ReasonDeforestation is responsible for almost 20% of the world’s carbon emissions – that’s
more than all of the cars,planes, ships, trucks and trains on earth put together.

Forests and other biological systems are the only viable way of removing the CO2 from our atmosphere.

The Reason

The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rain forest and comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world.
Yet, trees continue to fall, by some estimates at the rate of 10 million per day.

The Event
•   Inaugural Festival :      October 8 th  – 9 th , 2011                            
•   Location:                      Manaus, Brazil
•   Audience:                    400,000 tickets
•   Broadcast:                   150+ nations
•   International Talent:    7-10 major International stars
•   Domestic Talent:         7-10 major Brazilian music artists
•   Broadcast reach:        Over 1 billion viewers

A model  “Green” event  

-   All concert energy to originate from
renewable sources  
-  All event air travel offset through
carbon credits
-   Vendors to use recycled or
biodegradable products
-   Venue offices and walkways to be
energy optimized
-   All signage produced from recycled

Forest11 – in support of Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty"
Achieve Universal Primary Education"
Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women"
Reduce Child Mortality"
Improve Maternal Health"
Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases"
Ensure Environmental Sustainability!
Develop a Global Partnership for Development"

•   Protecting the environment is an essential part of promoting
sustainable development"
•   Improves health while increasing access to renewable resources"
•   Renewable energy provides solutions for local communities"
•   Provides access to technology and communications, offering new economic and social opportunities"
•   All components help lift people out of poverty and improve the human condition without sacrificing environment"

United Nations 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Forest11 Amazon Program
The Forest11 Amazon program is built around a platform embracing the nine countries across which the Amazon Forest exists: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana (France), Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.

These nations are being invited [BY WHO?] to come together to join Forest11 platform to create an ALLIANCE with various groups from governments, UN Agencies, IGO’s, NGO’s, and private sector to facilitate sustainable communities through educational and semi professional programs.

Forest11 Amazon Program

The Forest11 already has over 2,800 families accounted for, with over 140,000 hectares of land for the implementation of sustainable programs to reduce the deforestation with the creation of programs focused on reforestation, natural
fisheries and eco tourism.

The reforestation program consists of a four level program, which is based on plants that will bring sustainability in a period ranging from 2, 4 and 6 month periods and 3 year programs.
 The implementation will be thru cooperatives formed in alliance with various groups from governments, UN Agencies, NGO’s, IGO’s, faculties and private sector to facilitate through educational, and semi professional programs for sustainable communities.

                       Forest11 Amazon Program
Pilot projects are already on the way. The Amazon Institute and IREO are inviting the communities of the world to join us in this endeavor to bring sustainability thru education and the use of renewable energy technologies in the Amazon region.  

       Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization
                  in association with Amazon Institute
Forest11 – Concert for the Amazon

The Forest11 Committee proudly invites you to participate as a sponsor in this highly prestigious inaugural Forest11

Movement for the Amazon – Global Live Aid
Concert, Webcast & Telecast – October 2011

The Forest11 Movement for the Amazon is launching as an annual event in the international calendar where for the first time a Live Aid concert event is being organized to promote awareness and to support sustainable programs for the deforestation and preservation for one of the last rain forests in the world.
As a sponsor of the Forest11 Movement for the Amazon you will reach a highly desirable market: affluent and educated consumers with proven buying power and influence.

 By association, your company will enhance its reputation in
specific markets or globally by showcasing your brand and aligning yourself with their high sustainable achievement of Forest11.

The Forest11 Movement for the Amazon is destined to become recognized worldwide as the leading movement for sustainability in the Amazon basin.

The Opportunity
 We are seeking pioneering and caring companies and
individuals to support us in our mission.

Movement for the Amazon.

"Apenas desejo a tranquilidade e o descanso, que são os bens que os mais
poderosos reis da terra não podem conceder a quem os não pode tomar pelas
suas próprias mãos." [ René Descartes ]

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