Monday, June 13, 2011

"Quando eu crescer, ainda quero ser um diretor."

"O caráter de um homem é formado pelas pessoas que escolheu para
conviver." [ Sigmund Freud ] 

Did you know that the government spends millions to maintain buildings that have sat vacant for years? Or that your tax dollars pay to needlessly ship copies of the Federal Register to thousands of government offices across the country even though the same information is available online? 

And I bet you didn't know that your tax dollars pay for a website dedicated to the Desert Tortoise. I'm sure it's a wonderful species, but we can't afford to have a standalone site devoted to every member of the animal kingdom. It's just one of hundreds of government websites that should be consolidated or eliminated.

This kind of waste is just unacceptable. Particularly at a time when we’re facing tough decisions about reducing our deficit, it's a no-brainer to stop spending taxpayer dollars on things that benefit nobody. 

That’s why President Obama asked me to head up the Campaign to Cut Waste—a new effort to root out wasteful spending at every agency and department in the Federal Government

Like millions of American families, the Federal Government has to take a hard look at spending and live within its means. Most of these cuts we’re going to make are small. They won’t close our deficit or solve all of our fiscal problems. However, no amount of waste is acceptable, and these cuts will add up over time. This year alone we’ve found $33 billion in savings, but we know there’s a lot more work to be done. 

When we passed the Recovery Act back in 2009, President Obama insisted that we use that program to set a new standard in government transparency and accountability. And he appointed me as “Sheriff Joe” to make sure the job gets done. 

Now, there were a lot of naysayers back then who said that there was no way we could implement the Recovery Act without massive waste, fraud and abuse. 

You know what? They were wrong. Thanks to our diligence (and some help from advanced computer models and sophisticated data analysis), the Recovery Act has had an unprecedentedly low level of fraud, with less than 0.6% of all awards experiencing any waste or abuse. 

There’s absolutely no reason why we can’t apply these same principles and techniques to all government spending

And that’s exactly what I intend to do with the help of a new Government Accountability and Transparency Board, a group composed of independent inspectors general and high-level agency officials who will help me root out waste, fraud and abuse across the government. Helping me ensure that your tax dollars are being spent on things that matter, like investments in education, innovation and improving our infrastructure. 

So, folks, we’re changing the way your government does business (and spends your hard-earned tax dollars), and I think you’re going to like the results. 

Vice President Joe Biden 

New York City's Best Brazilian Steakhouse
Come Celebrate Fathers Day at Churrascaria Tribeca!
Sunday, June 19th

An array of Brazilian special cut meats grilled to perfection and carved sizzling hot right at your table.
Don't forget about our impressive Award winning wine list, gourmet salad bar,
fish dishes, poultry, lamb, pork and various tasty traditional side dishes

Learn Portuguese this summer with the
Portuguese Language Institute
Join us this July, August, and September for our intensive summer Portuguese language course!

Take Portuguese classes and enjoy the summer with our supplementary Brazilian cultural events in New York.

Classes will take place in our comfortable location on E 44 Street at Two United Nations Plaza, Room 2000

For further information visit or contact Rosely Saad at (212) 532-3994 or by email at

Anápolis Futsal Super Bolla joga amanhã 21/06 terça - feira - Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria - Entrada franca.

O Anápolis Futsal Super Bolla entra em quadra nesta terça-feira (21/6) para mais um jogo na de Liga Futsal 2011. O time Anapolino irá encarar o  Krona/Joinville/Dalponte de Joinville(SC), em confronto marcado para as 20h10. A partida, válida pela primeira fase do torneio nacional, será disputado no Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria e a entrada é franca.


A resistência fica complicada, o domínio próprio desaparece e a vontade de tentar de novo vem e com ela a duvida “será que dessa vez vai?”
Mas pra que sofrer antecipadamente com a duvida, viver cada dia de uma vez, sem planos e como se fosse o ultimo é o melhor a fazer. O tempo passa voando as oportunidades com ele. E jogamos a culpa 
no medo..
Medo? Com medo de se encarar no espelho e perceber as próprias deficiências! Com medo de encarar a vida e suas lutas. Ai arrumamos alguém fechamos os olhos para a realidade e começamos a viver um sonho, trancados em nos mesmo. E acabamos transferindo toda a nossa carência para o parceiro, passamos a responsabilidade de ser feliz para uma pessoa. Vamos tentar ser feliz fazendo a nossa parte. Vamos aprender, machucar, realizar, amar, sentir, rir, chorar, cair e levantar!
E quando as coisas difíceis passarem você olha pra trás e diz: tudo isso me fez crescer !

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