Never in our history has a president blatantly abused power to bully and oppress American citizens.  I've been watching the fervor over impeachment reach a fever pitch.
Between that abuse of power, the high crimes, corruption and lies, America is hanging by a thread. Think about it: Benghazi—before, during and after, ObamaCare, gun-grabbing, data mining, drones, supporting Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, invasions of privacy, wiretapping the press, poison pen executive orders, de-facto amnesty for illegals, power grabs by DHS, IRS and Justice Department.

Obama has not hesitated to go beyond democratic, legal and constitutional means to advance his radical agenda. Here is some censured information:
The National Liberty Federation we're rallying hard for the restoration of a Constitutional Republic. Our troops are flooding the halls of Congress pressuring for impeachment proceedings, defunding Obamacare and defending your inalienable rights.   Please click here to volunteer.
In Liberty,

Everett "Dirksen" Wilkinson

Join us for a special breakfast presentation by 

Norman Gall
Executive Director
Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics in São Paulo
2014: We Are Entering a New Age -
Brazil Needs a New Strategy
Opening Remarks
Paulo Vieira da Cunha
Partner & Head of Research
EMVal Partners LLC
 Chairman, Banking & Capital Markets Committee
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Norman Gall has been engaged in reporting and research on Latin America since 1961, residing in Puerto Rico (1961-67), Venezuela (1968-74) and Brazil (1977 to present). Mr. Gall has been Executive Director of the Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics in São Paulo since 1987 and Editor of Braudel Papers, its newspaper of research and opinion, published in English and Portuguese. In 2010, he was awarded the Maria Moors Cabot Prize by Columbia University School Journalism for his 50 years of work in Latin America. He was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1968 and was twice a visiting fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. As Contributing Editor for Forbes magazine based in São Paulo, he reported on developments in the world economy from Brazil, Japan, Europe, United States, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina and Chile. He has served as a consultant to Exxon Corporation, World Bank and the United Nations. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Economist, The Baltimore Sun, Newsday, The Philadelphia Bulletin, The New York Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement (London), Commentary, The New Republic, The Nation, The New Leader, The National Catholic Reporter, The Observer, The New Statesman, Le Monde, Esprit(Paris), Die Zeit (Hamburg), O Estado de S. PauloJornal do Brasiland other European and Latin American periodicals.

Paulo Vieira da Cunha is a Partner and Head of Research at EMVal Partners LLC. Mr. Vieira da Cunha completed a two-year appointment as Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Brazil, where he was also a member of the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). For nearly a decade, he produced and managed research on Latin America for the global securities industry, first at Lehman Brothers and later at HSBC. Mr. Vieira da Cunha holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.
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 Hosted by
452 Fifth Avenue
(Between 5th and 6th Avenues on 40th Street)
New York City
September 4, 2013

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Michelle and I know exactly how tough it can be to pay for higher education. By the time we finished paying back the loans we took out to go to college and grad school, I was on my way to being a U.S. Senator.
I believe that anyone who works hard should have the same opportunities that our educations gave us. That's why, as President, I've made it a personal mission to make higher education more affordable -- and why I'm going to be visiting school campuses later this week.
The facts are clear. Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has more than tripled. At the same time, many state governments are actually reducing their support for education, and many middle-class students are getting stuck with the tab. Today, the average student taking out loans to pay for education graduates with more than $26,000 in debt.
Just tinkering around the edges won't be enough: To create a better bargain for the middle class, we have to fundamentally rethink about how higher education is paid for in this country. We've got to shake up the current system.
That's why, starting Thursday, I will be embarking on a bus tour to offer my plan to make college more affordable, tackle rising costs, and improve value for students and their families. My plan includes real reforms that would bring lasting change. They won't all be popular with everyone --including some who've made higher education their business -- but it's past time that more of our colleges work better for the students they exist to serve.
Over the past four and a half years, we've worked to put college in reach for more students and their families through tax credits, improving access to financial aid, and new options that make it easier to repay those loans.
But if we're going to keep the doors of higher education open to everyone who works for it, we need to do more -- much more. And that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about this week.
So learn more here, then help to spread the word: