Friday, October 3, 2014

Eu já fui mais sociável, mas hoje, quanto mais distante eu fico de algumas pessoas, melhor eu me sinto.

Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a report called the "Employment Situation." It's what tells us how many jobs were created in the past month, and what the unemployment rate is.
This month's report is in, and the numbers are strong:
The economy created 248,000 jobs in September. And the unemployment rate dropped to 5.9 percent, the lowest rate since July 2008.
And while we don't put too much stock in any one report, there's a clear trend here.
Check out this month's economic progress.
This month's report was a clear indication of how far we’ve come since the recession, but we've still got more to do. We know that many Americans aren't feeling enough of the benefits of this recovery. That's something President Obama addressed yesterday, when he laid out his plan for a new foundation for America's 21st century economy.
Thanks to the determination of the American people and the decisions of President Obama's administration, our economy is stronger than it's been in years: Businesses have added 10.3 million jobs over 55 straight months, the longest streak on record.
The unemployment rate has fallen to 5.9 percent. That's a number many economists didn't think we'd see for years.
We've still got more to do, but this is news worth sharing: new jobs, a lower unemployment rate, and historic progress.
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October 3, 2014
Being Digital Can't Save Every Ad
Not all digital ads are created equal, and according to internet users, some may not even exist in the next 10 years—for example, pop-up ads and banners. Meanwhile, the future looks bright for mobile and video, with most consumers expecting these to stick around. Of course, advertising will continue to change, and web users believe advertisers will have more consumer data and improve ad targeting efforts in the next 10 years. Full Article

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7 Email & Cross-Channel Tactics That Work

Digital marketing is evolving faster than most companies can keep up with. Your competitors are already using most, if not all, of these tactics to meet increasing consumer demands. Are you keeping up? Download this Success Guide now to see how today's best marketers are driving results. Download Now!

How One Tweet Raised Arby's Social Media Cred—and Its Budget
Arby 's tweet at last year's Grammy's, "Hey @Pharrell, can we have our hat back? #GRAMMYs," won the chain recognition across the media world, retweets from other brands and a bigger budget to do it again. In an interview with eMarketer, Josh Martin, director of digital and social media at Arby's Restaurant Group, describes how it's going. Full Article

Josh Martin
Director, Digital and Social Media
Arby's Restaurant Group

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The 2014 Global Media Intelligence Report is Here

This is eMarketer's largest, most comprehensive snapshot of the state of media consumption and expenditure worldwide, covering six major regions—Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, North America, and Western Europe—and 48 countries. Download the free executive summary today.
Sweden's Grocery Shoppers Still Stock Up In-Store
Digital grocery shopping isn't too popular in Sweden, accounting for just 1% of grocery sales last year. However, interest is picking up, and 22% of internet users in the country have bought groceries online. Comfort, selection and saving time are the top reasons for doing so. Full Article

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October 8, 2014, Chicago, IL
15 Things to Know for 2015
October 16, 2014, New York, NY
Geoff Ramsey presents: The Rise of Programmatic and other disruptive trends in the world of media.
October 21-22, 2014, London, United Kingdom
eMarketer is a research partner of ad:tech London.

I watched the President speak about the economy earlier today -- maybe you did, too.
He talked about how, even though we've rebounded from recession faster than almost every other advanced nation, we've still got a lot of work to do when it comes to rebuilding the middle class.
It's easy to hear that and ask yourself, "What does the President mean when he talks about 'rebuilding the middle class?' Who are those workers? What kind of jobs do they have?"
Well, I'm one of them.
Two years ago, I was a U.S. Army veteran who had been working in the telecommunication industry for 14 years. Then, in August of 2012, I got laid off -- and my family's future suddenly became uncertain. It was a terrifying feeling.
I knew I'd need to adapt. So, with the help of the Veteran Rehabilitation Assistance Program, I enrolled as a full-time student at Anne Arundel Community College. I got my Associate’s Degree in Business Administration, and enrolled in a special Cyber Technology program. That program allowed me to learn a new set of skills that's positioned me at the forefront of the cyber technology field that is under high demand.
Why am I sharing all of this?
Because behind every speech, every chart, and every statistic you hear when the President speaks, there are real people. People like me who are getting back to work, people who are picking up new skills, people who are doing a little bit better than they were a couple years ago.
And even though we've still got a ways to go, I'm confident in the new foundation I've been able to build for myself. And I'm hopeful for the future.
That's just one American's perspective.


Have this in front of you when you watch the President today:
Today at 2:15 p.m. Eastern, President Obama will speak to entrepreneurs at Northwestern University about the future of America's 21st century economy.
We wanted to share a first look at what he'll be saying.
Our economy is stronger now than when the President took office during the Great Recession. Businesses are creating more jobs, our manufacturing sector is booming, and our nation is more energy independent than ever before.
But we're not there yet, and to build an economy that works for every American -- not just the privileged few -- we must invest in key economic cornerstones that will create security and opportunity for America’s middle class.
Take a look at where we stand on these essential parts of our economic foundation -- then have these charts on hand when you tune in to the President’s speech at 2:15 p.m. ET to hear how we can continue this progress and ensure a future of growth and prosperity for every American.
Click to see how our country has continued to make progress

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