Wednesday, September 16, 2015

"Alguns são feitos de carne e osso, outros de bobos."

Commander Kelly is nearing the halfway point of his historic mission. Send him your well-wishes here – and we’ll work with NASA to make sure he gets them.

The White House, Washington
Hi, everyone --
In January, President Obama wished NASA astronaut Scott Kelly good luck as Commander Kelly prepared to leave the Earth in March on the first one-year mission on the International Space Station (ISS).
Now, it's your turn: Commander Kelly is nearing the halfway point of this historic mission. Kelly and his one-year crewmate, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, will spend 342 total days in space. Send your well-wishes here -- and we'll work with NASA to deliver the message.
Here's why this is such a big deal:
Most expeditions on the ISS last four to six months. By embarking on a longer journey, Kelly and Kornienko are providing researchers an unprecedented opportunity to better understand how the human body reacts and adapts to long-duration spaceflight.
Scott's identical twin, retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly, is also participating in a series of comparative studies here on Earth. This knowledge is critical as NASA looks toward human journeys deeper into the solar system -- including to and from Mars-that could last 500 days or longer. Researchers may also be able to apply this knowledge to help humans who stay here on Earth, from helping patients recover from long periods of bed rest to improving monitoring for people whose bodies are unable to fight infections.
Send your best wishes to Scott and Mikhail for their next six months in space, and join us in supporting this journey 250 miles above the Earth to inspire and benefit those who remain on it!
We'll be in touch with updates --
Dr. John P. Holdren
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
The White House

Good News !
Per Newark City Hall's request, the "Brazilian Heritage Exhibition" presently on display at Newark City Hall has been extended to Sept. Friday 25th, 2015. Don't miss it.

Boa Noticia !
Por solicitação de Newark City Hall, a "Exposição Herança Brasileira" actualmente em exposição no Newark City Hall foi prorrogado até sexta-feira 25 setembro de 2015. Não perca.

Brazil Week 2015 - Brazilian Heritage Exhibition
The theme "Brazilian Heritage" introduces the rich culture of Brazil to the Newark New Jersey community and City Hall of Newark through network, dialogue, music and dance.
The exposition also sheds light on the merging of three cultures, the Indigenous, European and African. It is a display that shows the diverse culture and traditions of Brazil through Culinary, Photography and Paintings.
Promotional CDs of Brazilian famous Artists, flyers, pamphlets of educational nature, brochures on travel will be available at no cost to the public.
A rich gallery of Brazilian traditional costumes will also be on display.

This exposition is educational and for all ages.
August 25th to September 25th, 2015 / 9am to 4pm"Brazilian Heritage" was made possible through an invitation from the Mayor's office at the City Hall of New Jersey and the Brazusa Cultural Center


Confira a agenda do 11º Seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado
Norte-Americano" em Miami, e
inscreva-se já! 

A 11ª edição do seminário "Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano", organizado pela Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida (BACCF), que será realizado nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de Setembro em Miami, no Hotel Westin Colonnade Coral Gables, está se aproximando.  O seminário é destinado a executivos, empresários, e empreendedores brasileiros que tem o interesse de expandir os negócios de suas empresas, desejo de iniciar um novo projeto, ou o intuito imigratório profissional nos EUA. Sendo completamente em Português, este é um evento de três dias, onde os primeiros dois são compostos por palestras informativas por profissionais experientes em diversas áreas de negócios e apresentações de "Case Studies" de empresas brasileiras que se internacionalizaram e profissionais brasileiros que desenvolveram seus projetos nos EUA, e mais um dia de visitas técnicas a empresas localizadas no Sul da Flórida.
Palestras, Eventos e Visitas Técnicas: 

Segunda-Feira (28/09)
  • Como internacionalizar uma empresa Brasileira (Ubirajara Marques Curto - Sócio Diretor, Center Group Brasil)
  • Investimentos por pessoas físicas e jurídicas no exterior (Roberto Justo - Sócio, Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados)
  • "How-To" importar para os EUA (Christian Luque - CEO, Luque Trading)
  • As facilidades que o Banco do Brasil Américas oferece aos Brasileiros nos EUA (Cassio Segura - CEO, Banco do Brasil Américas; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Como operacionalizar uma empresa e fazer negócios nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Vantagens e Desvantagens do Programa EB-5 (Jackson Hwu, Sócio, Private Advising Group, P.A.)
  • Evento - Happy Hour/Business Card Exchange - Networking com empresários da Flórida (Hotel Westin Colonnade Coral Gables) 
Terça-Feira (29/09)
  • Estruturas Corporativas nos EUA (Alexandre Piquet - Fundador e Sócio-Gerente, Piquet Law Firm; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Case - Processo de exportação de perecíveis aos EUA (Frederico Tavares - Gerente de Comércio Internacional, UGBP: Union of Growers of Brazilian Papaya)
  • Case - Processo de internacionalização do Giraffas (João Barbosa, CEO, Giraffas Brazilian Kitchen & Grill)
  • Os prós e contras de adquirir uma franquia nos EUA (John Canaday, Sócio Diretor, Americas Franchise Group)
  • Case - Processo de internacionalização de uma empresa de móveis brasileira com abertura de loja nos EUA (Claudio Faria - Diretor, Ornare Miami)
  • Contratação de pessoas e mercado de trabalho nos EUA (Jonathan Hall - Sócio, PrideStaff)
  • Case - Desenvolvimento da AB Catering nos EUA (Deborah Rosalem - Fundadora, AB Catering Inc.) 
Quarta-Feira (30/09)
  • Visita Técnica - FedEx
  • Visita Técnica - Escritório de Advocacia Akerman LLP, Miami (Felipe Berer - Advogado responsável pelo "Brazil Desk", Akerman LLP; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
  • Entrada no mercado e Empreendendo nos EUA (Carlos Mariaca - Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA; Membro do Conselho da BACCF)
Programação Opcional 
(*Agenda sujeita a alterações - custo adicional - para grupos acima de 10 pessoas)
Quinta-feira (01/10)
  • Visita ao Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
  • Apresentação pelo The Beacon Council
  • Apresentação pelo Port Miami
  • Apresentação pelo Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
  • Apresentação pela Enterprise Florida
  • Almoço - Perguntas & Respostas
  • Visita ao Porto de Miami
Para mais informações clique aqui
Ou entre em contato via 
Data limite para inscrição no seminário: 21 de setembro de 2015
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Here's my advice for students who are looking into college, but think they can't afford it.

The White House, Washington
All week long, real Americans who have written the President are sharing where they are in their education journeys -- and offering their advice to their fellow Americans. If you want to write the President yourself, you can do so here.
I was a senior at Jefferson Forest High School when I sent my first letter to President Obama.
Jefferson Forest is a small high school in Forest, Virginia -- a small town that no one really knows about. My mother is divorced and single. I am the youngest of four; my three older siblings were all in college. My mother has sacrificed everything to put us through college. Working part time jobs, late nights, even moving from California to Virginia for a better job where the standard of living seemed much more affordable.
You see, it has been my dream since I could remember to become an equine veterinarian. My mother wants more than anything to see my dream become a reality, because she wants me to succeed without the struggles that she's experienced; to have a better place in the world than she's ever had.
I realize that wanting to specialize in equine dentistry (yes, dentistry -- many people laugh when I say this but I just smile) means I will probably be in college for ten years. I have always wondered, WHY? If critics say America needs more jobs, then why is getting a college education so expensive that starting down many career paths seems impossible?
My mother always tells me "the sky is not the limit, for there is the moon and there are the stars beyond it." So I kept up my grades and relentlessly applied to as many scholarships as I could. The reason I felt compelled to write to President Obama was to say: I want to be one less child, one less financial burden, my mother needs to worry about affording a college education for.
One morning I was talking to a chemistry teacher about my frustrations -- the National Decision Deadline was fast approaching, and I had not committed to any of my four choices because I could not afford tuition. She mentioned that Randolph College in Lynchburg, Virginia was offering a grant called LEAP (Local Educational Access Program) for Region 2000 students from the Commonwealth of Virginia -- where tuition is guaranteed to be no more than $10,000, and that is before financial aid through the FAFSA, which I completed back in January.
(By the way, you can learn how much aid you’re eligible for right now.)
Immediately, I knew this was the answer to my worries. I called the Office of Admissions to ask if they were still accepting applications and the admissions counselor personally worked with me to submit my application as fast as possible. I hand-delivered my transcripts and letters of recommendation the next day to Randolph College. I then sat and watched as my application was reviewed. In less than two minutes I was accepted into Randolph College. Instantly, I felt a giant weight lift off my shoulders. That Saturday, my mother and I attended the open house to tour the campus and assess my financial aid package. We finalized my slot as a freshman in the fall by paying the deposit. Out of nowhere, the President of Randolph College, Mr. Bradley Bateman, appeared to shake my hand, saying he "…wanted to be the first to shake a new Wildcat’s hand in congratulations."
I am so relieved that I know where I belong now. I plan to major in biology as part of the pre-veterinary medicine track and possibly double minor in equine studies and chemistry. Classes started August 31st and I already have a busy schedule. This week I attended my calculus, French, movie science, chemistry lecture and lab, and equine studies classes. I will always be searching and applying for scholarships because I still have to pay for next semester and some of my outside scholarships only cover first semester costs. I also have to worry about paying for the next three years of my education myself. Once I graduate, I will have to start worrying about paying off my unsubsidized and subsidized loans, as well.
This is my advice for students who are looking into college, but think they can't afford it:
Don't just fill out the FAFSA -- research local colleges to see if they have any grant programs that can help you cover costs. Call the college to explain your financial situation. Search for scholarships. High schools' guidance offices should have information on many scholarships and there are a plethora of websites where it pools together scholarships that match your criteria. The best way to receive scholarships is to keep up with your academics and be involved in the community; it will benefit you as an individual and as a scholar in the long run.
As my mother always says: "Make good decisions."
Marie Abowd
Forest, Virginia


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