Tuesday, March 15, 2016

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Latin America Forecast 2016:
Focus on Argentina and Venezuela

May 18, 2016
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Latin America Forecast 2016:
Focus on Argentina and Venezuela

Please join us for our annual event where we bring together influential thought leaders and key practitioners for a dynamic discussion about two of the most newsworthy countries in Latin America.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016Registration:
4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Panel Discussion - Argentina:
5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Panel Discussion - Venezuela:
5:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Hunton & Williams LLP200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166 
Register Now

Complimentary program.
Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres to follow.

Who Should Attend 
In-house counsel and executives at multinational corporations who are already doing business in Latin America and/or are interested in becoming more involved in emerging markets; in-house counsel and executives at corporations looking into opportunities in Latin America.

Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends whom you feel would be interested in the event.
Should you have any questions, please contact Michelle Martinez Reyes at mmartinezreyes@hunton.com.  
Atlanta | Austin | Bangkok | Beijing | Brussels | Charlotte | Dallas | Houston | London | Los Angeles
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NYC Events  -  March 2016.
Mar 13

Mar 16
Fashion Career ExpoNew York, USA

Mar 17

Mar 18
Postcard ExpoNew York, USA

Mar 18

Mar 18

Mar 18

Mar 18
Whole Bead Show New YorkNew York, USA

Mar 18
Iowa Flower Lawn & Garden ShowDes Moines, United States Of America

Mar 20

Mar 20

Mar 21

Mar 23
Lung Force ExpoNew York, USA

Mar 25
Startup Career FairNew York, USA

Mar 28
Nyc Mac ShowNew York, USA

Mar 29
LeducationNew York, USA

Mar 31

Mar 31
Come to participe with us!
Costa Consulting Co | 316 W 14 Street, Suíte 14. | New York | NY | 10014 | http://sulacosta.com

The White House, Washington

Today, I will announce the person whom I believe is eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.
As President, it is both my constitutional duty to nominate a Justice and one of the most important decisions that I -- or any president -- will make.
I've devoted a considerable amount of time and deliberation to this decision. I've consulted with legal experts and people across the political spectrum, both inside and outside government. And we’ve reached out to every member of the Senate, who each have a responsibility to do their job and take this nomination just as seriously.
Please join me in the Rose Garden at 11:00am Eastern for my announcement.
This is a responsibility I do not take lightly. In considering several candidates, I held each to three principles that reflect the role the Supreme Court plays in our democracy.
First, a Justice should possess an independent mind, unimpeachable credentials, and an unquestionable mastery of law. There is no doubt this person will face complex legal questions, so it is imperative that he or she possess a rigorous intellect that will help provide clear answers.
Second, a Justice should recognize the limits of the judiciary’s role. With a commitment to impartial justice rather than any particular ideology, the next Supreme Court Justice will understand that the job is to interpret the law, not make law.
However, I know there will be cases before the Supreme Court in which the law is not clear. In those cases, a Justice’s analysis will necessarily be shaped by his or her own perspective, ethics, and judgment.
Therefore, the third quality I looked for in a judge is a keen understanding that justice is not about abstract legal theory, nor some footnote in a dusty casebook. It’s the kind of life experience earned outside the classroom and the courtroom; experience that suggests he or she views the law not only as an intellectual exercise, but also grasps the way it affects the daily reality of people’s lives in a big, complicated democracy, and in rapidly-changing times. In my view, that’s an essential element for arriving at just decisions and fair outcomes.
Today at 11:00am Eastern, I’ll introduce you to the judge I believe meets all three of these standards.
I’m confident you’ll share my conviction that this American is not only eminently qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice, but deserves a fair hearing, and an up-or-down vote.
In putting forward a nominee today, I am fulfilling my constitutional duty. I’m doing my job. I hope that our Senators will do their jobs, and move quickly to consider my nominee. That is what the Constitution dictates, and that’s what the American people expect and deserve from their leaders.
President Barack Obama
P.S. If you’re looking for the latest on my Supreme Court nominee and the confirmation process in the Senate, check out @SCOTUSnom on Twitter. You’ll find all the facts and up-to-date information there.

Antonio Oliveira Filho/Photographer
Espirito das Americas/ Art Exhibition
June 17,2015
Brazilian Consulate - New York - USA
More information: www.antonio-oliveirafilho.com
Photos Copyright © 2015 Costa Consulting Co. All rights reserved.

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March 16 - 27, 2016
NYC locations
See the work of emerging or not-yet-established international filmmakers at New Directors/New Films at Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art.
American modern dance
March 16 - April 3, 2016
1 mile NW
Paul Taylor’s American Modern Dance features a live orchestra, with 2 premieres and 14 classics on different days at Lincoln Center. Discount tickets $20 to $62.
Orchid Show - daytime
March 16 - April 17, 2016
12 miles north
The Orchid Show fills the conservatory at the New York Botanical Garden with thousands of orchids in an amazing array of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures. Closed Mondays except March 28. Discount weekday tickets $15.
Star Wars exhibition
March 16 - May 30, 2016
0.5 miles SW
See 77 costumes worn in all seven films at Star Wars and the Power of Costume at Discovery Times Square.
Creative percussion show
March 16 - June 26, 2016
0.5 miles SW
STOMP has high-energy dance, acrobatics, comedy, and nonstop rhythym from unusual instruments at the Orpheum Theatre. Discount tickets at Goldstar and Groupon.
Popular musical: Fantasticks
March 16, 2016 - July 3, 2016
0.2 miles west
The Fantasticks is a funny and romantic musical entertaining audiences since 1960, at intimate Snapple Theater in Times Square. Discount tickets $39 at Goldstar and Groupon.

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