Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Organizing for Action

Next Tuesday's elections are more important than any I can remember in my lifetime -- and that includes when I was on the ballot. That's saying something.

Now I know politicians say all the time, "This is the most important election." But this one really is that important. The stakes really are that high.

The consequences of you not voting -- or not doing everything in your power to ensure your friends, family, and neighbors vote -- could be monumental.

America is at a crossroads, and control of Congress may be decided by a handful of razor-thin House and Senate races. Dozens of governorships and thousands of state legislative seats are up for grabs, with major implications on whether we can draw fairer maps for the next decade.

Make no mistake: The direction of the country will come down to who turns out and who stays home. And the greatest threat to our democracy is indifference.

Indifference is exactly what cynical politicians want from you. They're counting on it. Their success depends on convincing you that your vote doesn't matter. They know their agenda is unpopular, so the only way to keep power is by shrinking the electorate.

Don't let them.

If you're mad at politicians trying to take us back to the days of health insurers denying people with pre-existing conditions of care ... Vote.

If you're sick of politicians giving huge tax cuts to billionaires, only to tell you we have no choice but to slash Medicare and Social Security ... Vote.

If you're upset with politicians denying basic climate science as our communities continue to pay a steeper and steeper price ... Vote.

If you're outraged by politicians refusing to pass common-sense gun laws in the face of a tragic epidemic ... Vote.

If you're frustrated with politicians failing to adequately stand up for the rights of immigrants, or women, or LGBTQ Americans ... Vote. Vote. Vote.

Vote like our democracy depends on it, Sula. Make a commitment right now to get to the polls -- and get involved in these final 8 days.

I'm in

Barack Obama

Fine Art  Celau receives honors at Legislative Assembly of Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Fine Art from Ipiaui -BA,  Marcelo  Leal Tavares, the  popular @celau_art, receive in the night of friday (26) 
Communication and Featured Award granted by the Legislative Assembly of the state of São Paulo in recognition of his work, in the category of Fine Art.
Son of Hilduardo Tavares and Leila Leal Tavares, Celau commented of his satisfaction in receive the prize affirming that, besides all the obtained conquests, it still bears in mind a simple wish: to carry out an exhibition of his work in the birth-place, Ipiaú.
Organizing for Action

Election Day is exactly ONE WEEK away.

In just 7 days, we'll decide what kind of state -- and country -- we want to be:

Will we elect New York representatives who listen to us, instead of lobbyists and special interests? Will we pass ballot measures that improve lives?

And will we, in the words of President Obama, “restore some sanity to our politics” -- and stop going down this path of divisiveness and fear?

Sula, that depends on you. Whether you get out and VOTE, and whether you get your friends and neighbors here in New York to do the same.Here are 3 things you can do today:

  1. See if you can vote now! Early voting and absentee ballot requests are already happening in many states nationwide. See if you're eligible.

  2. Make your plan to get to the polls. Even if you can’t vote just yet, lock down a date and location that work for you. Our tool will help you make your plan -- and will text (or email) you reminders before the big day. And be sure to look at exactly what forms of ID in New York you need to bring to vote.

  3. Review your sample ballot. Click here to see what you’ll be voting on and compare candidates and positions. You can even print tihs out (or sent to your phone) so you have it in the voting booth.
7 days,  Let’s give them everything we have.


The OFA New York Vote Team 


Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology

  •  15-17 Nov 2018 
  •  Riocentro: Exhibition & Convention Center, Rio de JaneiroBrazil
  • The Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology is organized by SBOT - Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. It is recognized nationally and internationally for its greatness and for the possibility of gathering, the main leaders of Brazilian Orthopedics, in addition to all our specialists.
  • More information: https://10times.com/bcot?utm_source=newsletter1_more&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2018-10-19_day07&utm_term=event_name_list

  • The way and seriousness with that Vinicius takes care his art is admirable. Yours inquiries, investigations, autocriticism, in this vast universe of means of the artistic demonstration.
    It is worthwhile to stand out, in this artist, to the incessant search of theoretical heap in the great artists, I eat also a sensibility perfected in the reading of works of art, contributing so, in his universe of inquiries / searches, in the formation of heap that will be consolidated along the years and that will multiply in new means, not thinking in building a new tree of the history of the art, but the bud what it will be able to put in her.

  • The artist like humanize what is,  subject to all the implications inherent in the being, it assumes with his art a position of visual speech before the world, but this politics / speech is only the art of the possible one, and the art in his essence, it is the possibility of the impossible one.
  • Native from Maringá - Parana, he lived at Goiânia from 10 years, it was already exposing his works in Goiânia where it studied drawing and knew the artistic way in Brasilia. The portraits did and they make part of the life of the artist who had perfected his technique in order to paint with more freedom. Acrylic it is on fabric on what really he likes doing, with precise aspects the painting is clear, clear, qualities what I find important besides the synthesis and congruence with his time.

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