Wednesday, April 8, 2020


What happened in Wisconsin yesterday was a travesty. Our fellow citizens were forced to make an impossible choice that no one should ever have to make in a democracy: Put your health and your family’s health at risk by casting a ballot or stay home and have your voice silenced.

Let me be clear: Wisconsin’s gerrymandered legislature and the state Supreme Court put Wisconsinites in this unconscionable position. They abdicated their sworn duty to keep citizens of the state safe and to ensure fair elections, all so conservatives could win a state Supreme Court seat that was on the ballot yesterday.

But Wisconsin won’t be the last state where gerrymandered legislatures elevate their political interests above the health and safety of their constituents.

Democracy itself is at stake in 2020. Can you make a donation to help the NDRC end gerrymandering and restore fairness to our democracy?

The problem is much bigger than Wisconsin, Sula. It extends to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to push back Wisconsin’s absentee ballot deadline. As Justice Ginsberg wrote in her dissent, “the court’s order, I fear, will result in massive disenfranchisement.”

The fact is, Wisconsin is a microcosm of the nation. Politicians in a number of other gerrymandered states are working to limit safe voting options like vote-at-home and extended early voting.

We’re fighting back, Sula. This moment is a test for our democracy and we can’t let politicians who are bound and determined to silence the will of the people hold on to power. But I need your help. Can you make a donation to protect our elections in 2020 and ensure an end to gerrymandering in 2021?
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Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
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Webinar: Coronavirus Credit Scenarios - Baseline and Downside Cases 
Thursday, 9 April 2020 | 9:30 AM (EDT) | 2:30 PM (BST) 
Fitch has published a common set of baseline and downside-scenario parameters against which all ratings groups globally are evaluating the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. As part of our portfolio review, rating actions will be taken in line with expected trajectories under the baseline scenario.

Core assumptions for our baseline case include a two- to three-month lockdown in key economies with a five- to six-week period of peak movement restrictions. Fitch's downside scenario differs from its baseline case with a hypothetical re-emergence of infection in major economies, prolonging the health crisis and confidence shock.
Following prepared comments we will open for Q&A. Please submit your questions via the ‘Q&A’ box within the webinar console or to Questions will be addressed during the webinar.
Key Speakers:
  • Jeremy Carter, Chief Credit Officer
  • Katie Falconi, Regional Credit Officer
  • Aymeric Poizot, Global Head, Investor Development (moderator)
Related Research:
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