Monday, June 15, 2020

All On The Line
Wisconsin. Ohio. Georgia.

As Hillary Clinton said, "the ongoing effort to undermine the integrity of our elections and silence the voices of millions of voters is a threat to our country."

The best way to end the voter suppression tactics we have seen this year in Wisconsin, Ohio, and now Georgia is to fight for real, meaningful election reform.

We've been tracking good bills and bad that aim to reform electoral processes. Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia are states where we've put advocacy tools into the hands of voters to hold their elected officials accountable -- but this work takes resources. We need 22 people from New York to help us hit our goal of raising $25,000 by Monday at midnight. Can we count on you to be one of them?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

Conservatives, this year, have been relentless in their pursuit to suppress the vote. It's no surprise considering that next year's redistricting could catapult them into another decade of illegitimate power.

If we lose the fight to end voter suppression tactics, map manipulators across the country will become even more emboldened to trample on our country's core democratic principles by gerrymandering to their hearts' content. That's why we can't lose this fight. That's what Hillary Clinton was talking about when she said we needed to "break the cycle" of conservative manipulation. This is our best chance to do just that.

We're committed to building a movement that's driven by supporters across the country. But -- that's only possible with the help of people like you, Sula. Choose to get involved and either make the call, or pitch in to help fund our advocacy efforts.

We cannot afford to allow map manipulators to undermine voters' voices by making it harder to cast a ballot. Take action! Contact Congress and demand action on election reform or chip in to our mid-month goal.

This fight is only getting harder but we're rolling up our sleeves and getting to work.

Thanks for standing with us,
-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

A new scheme to suppress votes seems to surface every other day now. President Obama knows the danger these voter suppression tactics pose to the future of our democracy. He's reached out asking you to get involved because indifference in the face of those that want to suppress votes and manipulate maps is one of the biggest threats to democracy.

Make your voice heard! Right now, the Senate is sitting on a bill that would provide direct aid to election protection efforts. We were hoping to drive 5,000 contacts to Congress asking Senators to support the HEROES Act. Thanks to folks like you, we know we can do even more now. Let's make it 10,000. Click here to be connected to your senators!

It's not enough to just stop schemes to suppress the vote. It's vital that we also fight for ways to make it easier to vote. We must go on offense if we want to secure our elections and make voting safe, fair, and accessible.

That's why we set a new goal of driving 10,000 contacts to Congress and raising $25,000 by midnight on the 15th. We need your help if we're going to be successful in our mission to fight for fair representation and just elections. Donate now to help us hit our mid-month goal. We have just over 24 hours to raise the last $8,575 to get us over the finish line.

-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the achievement of the TRI 1970

World Football Championship On June 21, 2020, Brazil will celebrate 50 years of the conquest of the 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, a historic moment for world football that also marked politics, economics and was also a milestone to open democratic concepts, capitalism, very modern social, together with technological development in all areas of communication.

Learn more:

10x10 Challenge

Can you imagine  what would happen if millions of  brazilians unite in a national gymkhana to feed those in need?
Well, you can imagine, THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING.
It is the 10x10 Challenge, a national contest with the objective of feeding 10 million families for 3 months! The idea is to call different audiences, fans, influencers, artists, sportsmen ... to participate in a digital cooperative contest to challenge all Brazilian people and to be able to feed millions of families across the country.
CUFA, Gerando Falcões, UNIÃO BR and ONU have already entered history to support the distribution and dissemination of this incredible contest proposed by Edgar Gouveia Jr.
The goal is to challenge the youth to unite Brazil in this moment of hopelessness and pandemic around a cause, above all! This whole mobilization will start on 06/22!

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